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Job Queues

Added in version 2.4.0

JobQueue instances represent the queues that nautobot jobs can be run on. It is introduced as an alternative to task_queues attribute on the Job model to define the eligible queues for this job.

The JobQueue model has name and queue_type as required attributes. The name attribute has to be unique on each Job Queue and there are currently two supported queue types: "celery" and "kubernetes". The user can optionally assign a tenant instance to a Job Queue.

You can access the Job instances that the Job Queue is assigned to through the jobs attribute from the Job Queue side.

>>> JobQueue.objects.first()
<JobQueue: celery: celery Job Queue - 2>
>>> job_queue = JobQueue.objects.first()
<JobQuerySet [<Job: Export Object List>, <Job: Git Repository: Dry-Run>, <Job: Git Repository: Sync>, <Job: Import Objects>, <Job: Logs Cleanup>, <Job: Refresh Dynamic Group Caches>]>

Conversely, you can access the Job Queues that a Job instance is assigned to through the job_queues attribute.

>>> Job.objects.first()
<Job: Custom form.>
>>> job = Job.objects.first()
>>> job.job_queues.all()
<RestrictedQuerySet [<JobQueue: celery: celery Job Queue - 2>, <JobQueue: celery: celery Job Queue - 6>, <JobQueue: celery: default>]>

Job Queue Assignments represent the many-to-many relationships between Jobs and Job Queues. It has job and job_queue as required attributes and each Job Queue Assignment must have a unique combination of job and job_queue.