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Nautobot Docker Images

Nautobot is packaged as a Docker image for use in a production environment; developer images are also provided for those working on App development and testing. The Docker image and deployment strategies are being actively developed, check back here or join the #nautobot channel on Network to Code's Slack community for the most up to date information.

Python Versions

Docker images are published for multiple supported Python versions. The default image, recommended for most users, is based on the python:3.12-slim image.

Changed in version 1.6.1

The Python version for the image tags that do not explicitly state a Python version changed to 3.11 for Nautobot 1.6.1. From now on, these tagged images will always contain the latest supported Python version (e.g., when Python 3.12 support is added, these tags will change to contain Python 3.12). This is a change from Nautobot 1.6.0 and earlier, where tags that did not state a Python version would contain the earliest supported Python version.

Currently images are pushed for the following python versions:

  • 3.9
  • 3.10
  • 3.11
  • 3.12
Added in version 1.6.0 — Added Python 3.11

Python 3.11 was added to the set of published images.

Removed in version 1.6.0 — Removed Python 3.7

Python 3.7 was removed from the set of published images as Python 3.7 is now end-of-life.

Added in version 2.3.0 — Added Python 3.12

Python 3.12 was added to the set of published images and is now the default version.

Removed in version 2.4.0 — Removed Python 3.8

Python 3.8 was removed from the set of published images as Python 3.8 is now end-of-life.


Nautobot docker images are currently provided for both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures. Please note ARM64 support is untested by our automated tests and should be considered in an alpha state.


Production Tags

A set of production-ready Docker images are built for each Nautobot release and published to both Docker Hub and the GitHub Container Registry.

To get a specific tagged image from Docker Hub or the GitHub Container Registry run:

docker image pull networktocode/nautobot:${TAG}


docker pull${TAG}

The following tags are available on both Docker Hub and the GitHub Container Registry:

Tag Nautobot Version Python Version Example
latest Latest stable release 3.12 latest
latest-py${PYTHON_VER} Latest stable release As specified latest-py3.10
${NAUTOBOT_VER} As specified 3.12 2.3.0
${NAUTOBOT_VER}-py${PYTHON_VER} As specified As specified 2.3.0-py3.10
${NAUTOBOT_MAJOR_VER}.${NAUTOBOT_MINOR_VER}-py${PYTHON_VER} As specified As specified 2.3-py3.10
stable Latest stable release 3.12 stable
stable-py${PYTHON_VER} Latest stable release As specified stable-py3.10

Developer Tags

Additionally, GitHub Actions are used to automatically build "developer" images corresponding to each commit to the ltm-1.6, develop, and next branches. These images are named networktocode/nautobot-dev:${TAG} and${TAG}, and provide the development dependencies needed to build Nautobot; they can be used as a base for development to develop your own Nautobot apps but should NOT be used in production.

In addition to all tags described in the previous section, the following additional tags are available from the GitHub Container Registry, only for the images:

Tag Nautobot Branch Python Version
develop develop, the latest commit 3.12
develop-py${PYTHON_VER} develop, the latest commit As specified
ltm-1.6 ltm-1.6, the latest commit 3.11
ltm-1.6-py${PYTHON_VER} ltm-1.6, the latest commit As specified
next next, the latest commit 3.12
next-py${PYTHON_VER} next, the latest commit As specified

Getting Started

Nautobot requires a MySQL or PostgreSQL database and Redis instance before it will start. Because of this the quickest and easiest way to get Nautobot running is with Docker Compose, which will install and configure PostgreSQL and Redis containers for you automatically.


Whether you're using the Docker CLI, Docker Compose, or Kubernetes, in any case you'll want to set up appropriate health checks for your containers.


Most configuration parameters are available via environment variables which can be passed to the container. If you desire you can inject your own by overriding /opt/nautobot/ using docker volumes by adding -v /local/path/to/custom/ to your docker run command, for example:

docker run \
    -v /local/path/to/custom/ \
    --name nautobot networktocode/nautobot

Or if you are using docker compose:

    image: "networktocode/nautobot"
      - /local/path/to/custom/

Docker only configuration

The entry point for the Docker container has some additional features that can be configured via additional environment variables. The following are all optional variables:


Default: unset



Default: unset

When starting, the container attempts to connect to the database and run database migrations and upgrade steps necessary when upgrading versions. In normal operation this is harmless to run on every startup and validates the database is operating correctly. However, in certain circumstances such as database maintenance when the database is in a read-only mode it may make sense to start Nautobot but skip these steps. Setting this variable to true will start Nautobot without running these initial steps.


Setting this value to anything other than "false" (case-insensitive) will prevent migrations from occurring.


Default: unset

If NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true, NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_API_TOKEN specifies the API token of the super user to be created; alternatively the /run/secrets/superuser_api_token file contents are read for the token. Either the variable or the file is required if NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true.



If NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true, NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_EMAIL specifies the email address of the super user to be created.


Default: admin

If NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true, NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_NAME specifies the username of the super user to be created.


Default: unset

If NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true, NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD specifies the password of the super user to be created; alternatively the /run/secrets/superuser_password file contents are read for the password. Either the variable or the file is required if NAUTOBOT_CREATE_SUPERUSER is true.


The docker container uses uWSGI to serve Nautobot. A default configuration is provided, and can be overridden by injecting a new uwsgi.ini file at /opt/nautobot/uwsgi.ini. There are a couple of environment variables provided to override some uWSGI defaults:


Added in version 1.3.9

Default: 4096

Max: 65535

The max size of non-body request payload, roughly the size of request headers for uWSGI. Request headers that might contain lengthy query parameters, for example GraphQL or Relationship filtered lookups, might go well over the default limit. Increasing this limit will have an impact on running memory usage. Please see the uWSGI documentation for more information.

This can also be overridden by appending -b DESIRED_BUFFER_SIZE, ex: -b 8192, to the entry command in all Nautobot containers running uWSGI if you are on a release before 1.3.9.


Default: 128

The socket listen queue size of uWSGI. In production environments it is recommended to increase this value to 1024 or higher, however depending on your platform, this may require additional kernel parameter settings, please see the uWSGI documentation for more information.

Please see the official uWSGI documentation on listen for more information.


Default: 3

The number of worker processes uWSGI will spawn.

Please see the official uWSGI documentation on processes for more information.


Self signed SSL certificates are included by default with the container. For a production deployment you should utilize your own signed certificates, these can be injected into the container at runtime using docker volumes. The public certificate should be placed at /opt/nautobot/nautobot.crt and the private key should be at /opt/nautobot/nautobot.key. Using a docker run these can be injected using the -v parameter:

docker run \
    -v /local/path/to/custom/nautobot.crt:/opt/nautobot/nautobot.crt \
    -v /local/path/to/custom/nautobot.key:/opt/nautobot/nautobot.key \
    --name nautobot networktocode/nautobot

Or if you are using docker-compose:

    image: "networktocode/nautobot"
      - /local/path/to/custom/nautobot.crt:/opt/nautobot/nautobot.crt:ro
      - /local/path/to/custom/nautobot.key:/opt/nautobot/nautobot.key:ro

Nautobot Apps

At this time adding Nautobot Apps to the existing Docker image is not supported, however, you can use the Nautobot image as the base within your Dockerfile to install your own Apps, here is an example dockerfile:

FROM networktocode/nautobot

RUN pip install nautobot-chatops

COPY /opt/nautobot/

Building the Image

If you have a development environment you can use invoke to build the Docker image. By default invoke build will build the dev image:

invoke build

After some output and a prompt is returned:

docker images

Example output:

REPOSITORY                                       TAG                              IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
local/nautobot-dev                               local-py3.10                     0d93eec7dfea   5 minutes ago    1.31GB

If you need to build or test the final image, you must set your invoke.yml to use in place of

    - "docker-compose.yml"
    - "docker-compose.postgres.yml"
    - ""

Then you can re-run the invoke build command:

invoke build

Example output:

docker images

Example output:

REPOSITORY                                       TAG                              IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
local/nautobot-final                             local-py3.10                     e03e752fcc6b   27 minutes ago   629MB

Similarly, you can use if you wish to build and test the final-dev image.

Docker Compose

An example library for using Docker Compose to build out all of the components for Nautobot can be found within the Nautobot community. Please see for examples on the base application, LDAP integration, and using Apps.