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Wireless Networks and Controllers

This guide demonstrates how to set up Wireless Networks and Controllers to manage Wireless Access Points via a Controller in a Data Center. While Nautobot supports Wireless Networks managed in various modes, in this example we use Central Mode, where traffic from the Access Points is tunneled through the Controller.

Central Mode Diagram

Optional Preparation

Before configuring Wireless Networks, you can optionally set up the following features to enrich the data:

Wireless Networks

To create a Wireless Network:

  1. Click on Wireless in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Wireless Networks under the Wireless group.
  3. Click the blue + Add Wireless Network button.

Add Wireless Network

Fill in the required fields for the Wireless Network:

  1. Enter the Wireless Network name.
  2. Enter the Wireless Network SSID.
  3. Select a Mode from the dropdown (Central in this example).
  4. Choose the Authentication type.
  5. Click Create or Create and Add Another to save.

Create Wireless Network Form


To create a Wireless Controller:

  1. Click on Wireless in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Wireless Controllers under the Wireless group.
  3. Click the blue + Add Controller button.

Add Wireless Controller

Fill in the required fields for the Wireless Controller:

  1. Enter the Controller name.
  2. Select the Controller status.
  3. Choose a Location for the Controller.
  4. Select Wireless from the Capabilities dropdown.
  5. (Optional) Click the Controller Device tab to assign a Device that hosts the Controller.
  6. Click Create or Create and Add Another to save.

Create Wireless Controller Form Create Wireless Controller Optional Device

Device Groups

To create a Device Group:

  1. Navigate to Wireless in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Device Groups under the Wireless group.
  3. Click the blue + Add Controller Managed Device Group button.

Add Device Group

Fill in the required fields for the Device Group:

  1. Select the Controller created above.
  2. Enter the name of the Device Group.
  3. Choose the devices to include in the group.
  4. Select Wireless from the Capabilities dropdown.
  5. Select the Wireless Network.
  6. (Optional) Filter VLANs by Location or VLAN Group, then select a VLAN.
  7. Click Create or Create and Add Another to save.

Create Device Group Form Create Device Group Form Add Networks

Supported Data Rates (Optional)

This part is optional, Supported Data Rates supports tracking wireless speed and the MCS Index.

  1. Click on Wireless in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Supported Data Rates under the Wireless group.
  3. Click the blue + Add Supported Data Rate.

Add Supported Data Rate

Fill in the required fields for Supported Data Rates:

  1. Select a Wireless Standard.
  2. Enter a rate in Kbps.
  3. Enter the MCS Index.

Create Supported Data Rate

Radio Profiles (Optional)

This part is optional, Radio Profiles provide context to the Wireless Radios of a Device (through the Device Group).

  1. Click on Wireless in the navigation menu.
  2. Select Radio Profiles under the Wireless group.
  3. Click the blue + Add Radio Profile.

Add Radio Profile

Fill in the required fields for Radio Profiles:

  1. Enter a name for the Radio Profile.
  2. Set the regulatory domain. We can also fill out any other data that you have.
  3. Click Create or Create and Add Another to save.

Radio Profile Create