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Basic Installation

  1. Make sure you meet the prerequisites
  2. Add the Nautobot Helm Repo:
helm repo add nautobot
  1. Install the Nautobot Chart from the Nautobot repo


The following command with install the chart with the release name nautobot (the release name is a label completely up to the user) DB and Redis passwords are required:

helm install nautobot nautobot/nautobot --set postgresql.auth.password="change-me" --set redis.auth.password="change-me"

This command deploys Nautobot, on the Kubernetes cluster, in the default configuration. The Reference section lists the parameters that can be customized during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Accessing Nautobot

Immediately after install Helm will present the user with help text similar to the following:

*** PLEASE BE PATIENT: Nautobot may take a few minutes to install ***

1. Get the Nautobot URL:

  echo "Nautobot URL:"
  kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/nautobot 8080:80

2. Get your Nautobot login admin credentials by running:

  echo Username: admin
  echo Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default nautobot-env -o jsonpath="{.data.NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode)
  echo api-token: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default nautobot-env -o jsonpath="{.data.NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_API_TOKEN}" | base64 --decode)

This message should include basic information about connecting to Nautobot as well as accessing the superuser credentials if they were created. Nautobot can take several minutes to deploy, you will need to wait until that is complete before accessing Nautobot.

After several minutes, by default, a Nautobot super user will be created and you will be able to log in to Nautobot. The default username is admin and the default password was randomly generated by helm, you can find the password by running the following command:

kubectl get secret nautobot-env -o jsonpath="{.data.NAUTOBOT_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode

Configure Nautobot Deployment Parameters

When deploying a helm chart there are several different methods to apply alternate configuration values. One option is via the command line using the --set argument, however, changing multiple variables becomes tedious, a better approach to changing multiple values is to create a YAML file and add the --values custom_values.yaml argument. Other examples/recommendations on this site demonstrate the usage of a custom YAML file to apply these values. All of the available options are documented in the reference section. For additional examples be sure to check the advanced features page.

Required Settings

The following settings are the bare minimum required values to deploy this chart:

    password: "change-me"
    password: "change-me"

This will deploy a PostgreSQL database and a Redis instance for Nautobot in the same namespace.