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Celery Queues

Nautobot supports multiple celery task queues besides the default queue. In order to take advantage of those you will want to deploy celery workers for each queue. This can easily be accomplished with the workers key. For example to deploy workers to specifically listen on the cisco queue you would use the following values:

    enabled: true
    taskQueues: "cisco"

This will create a separate deployment for the celery workers listening to the cisco queue. Additionally if you wanted to further tweak this specific deployment you can use any of the keys from celery which are the default values used by this cisco worker deployment and override them. For example, if you knew you had a LOT of cisco tasks we could scale out to 5 workers specifically for this queue:

    enabled: true
    taskQueues: "cisco"
    replicaCount: 5

This is completely dynamic you can create workers for any number of queues.