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Local Development

This page describes deploying the Nautobot Helm Chart locally on a MacOS (amd64) system running in minikube and is intended only for testing and development purposes.

Install and Configure minikube

Install minikube

brew install minikube

Configure minikube

minikube config set driver hyperkit
minikube config set container-runtime containerd

Start minikube

These settings are here simply to demonstrate how to change them, they are not requirements.

minikube start --memory=6G --cpus=4 --disk-size 10000mb --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=80-32767

Running minikube Config

  1. NTP Tends to be an issue with minikube and hyperkit the easiest solution is to provide hosts entries for time[1-4] be sure to replace the IP with a valid NTP server
minikube ssh -- "echo {IP of a valid NTP server} | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts"
minikube ssh sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd

Configure Minikube DNS

This will configure your MacOS DNS resolver to point minikube.local to the minikube VM for DNS resolution.

minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dns
sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
sudo tee /etc/resolver/minikube > /dev/null <<EOT
domain minikube.local
nameserver $(minikube ip)
search_order 1
timeout 5

Install Nautobot

Checkout the contrib folder for several example values.yaml files for deployment, this basic one deploys a single Nautobot pod with a single worker with DEBUG enabled. After several minutes once all pods are running, you should be able to open a browser to http://nautobot.minikube.local/ or https://nautobot.minikube.local/ (invalid certificate) and log in with the username admin and password admin.

helm install nautobot charts/nautobot -f contrib/minikube.yaml

Optional Dependencies

Prometheus Operator

This will install the kube-prometheus-stack chart with default values.


The kube-prometheus-stack requires a fair amount of resources to run locally

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -f contrib/kube-stack-prometheus.yaml
helm upgrade nautobot charts/nautobot --reuse-values -f contrib/minikube-with-metrics.yaml

Using the predefined values file the following endpoints will be available:

  • http://grafana.minikube.local (username: admin password: admin)
  • http://prometheus.minikube.local
  • http://alertmanager.minikube.local


The following will install cert-manager, configure a CA, issue certificates, and trust the CA locally on your system

helm repo add jetstack
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --set installCRDs=true
kubectl apply -f contrib/cert-manager-config.yaml
helm upgrade nautobot charts/nautobot --reuse-values -f contrib/cert-manager-delta-values.yaml

If you want your local Mac OS (for Windows trust the generated temp-ca.cert by hand) to trust the CA use:

kubectl get secret internal-k8s-ca-tls -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d  > temp-ca.cert
security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db ./temp-ca.cert

Remember to "un-trust" the CA when you tare the environment down with security remove-trusted-cert -d ./temp-ca.cert

Metrics Server

minikube addons enable metrics-server

Stop/Destroy Minikube Environment

When you are finished with your minikube environment run the following commands:

minikube stop
minikube delete
# if you setup cert-manager
security remove-trusted-cert -d ./temp-ca.cert