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Navigating Compliance Using XML

XML based compliance provides a mechanism to compliance check device configurations stored in XML format.

Defining Compliance Rules

Compliance rules are defined as XML config-type.

The config to match field is used to specify an XPath query. This query is used to select specific nodes in the XML configurations for comparison. If the config to match field is left blank, all nodes in the configurations will be compared.

XPath in Config to Match

XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. In our application, XPath is used in the config to match field to specify which parts of the device configurations should be compared.

Basic XPath Syntax

Here is a quick reference for basic XPath syntax:

Expression Description
nodename Selects all nodes with the name "nodename"
/ Selects from the root node
// Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are

For more detailed information on XPath syntax, you can refer to the Supported XPath syntax.

This NTC blog also covers XPath in more details.

Here are some examples of XPath queries that can be used in the config to match field:

Example XML Compliance Rules

Device Config Compliance View

Config Compliance Device View

Interpreting Diff Output

The diff output shows the differences between the device configurations. Each line in the diff output represents a node in the XML configurations. The node is identified by its XPath, and the value of the node is shown after the comma.

Here's a sample 'missing' output:

/config/system/aaa/user[1]/password[1], foo
/config/system/aaa/user[1]/role[1], admin
/config/system/aaa/radius/server[1]/secret[1], foopass
/config/system/aaa/radius/server[2]/secret[1], bazpass

This diff output represents the 'missing' portion when comparing the actual configuration to the intended configuration. Each line represents a node in the XML configuration that is presented in the intended configuration but is missing in the actual configuration.

For example, the line /config/system/aaa/user[1]/password[1], foo indicates that the password node of the first user node under /config/system/aaa is expected to have a value of foo in the actual configuration. If this line appears in the diff output, it means this value is missing in the actual configuration.