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Frequently Asked Questions

Why doesn't the compliance behavior work the way I expected it to?

There are many ways to consider golden configs as shown in this blog. We cannot provide accommodations for all versions as it will both bloat the system, create a more complex system, and ultimately run into conflicting interpretations. Keeping the process focused but allowing anyone to override their interpretation of how compliance should work is both a powerful (via sane defaults) and complete (via custom compliance) solution.

Any other interpretations of how compliance should be viewed are encouraged to use custom compliance option.

Why don't the configurations match like the vendor cli?

A vendor processes configuration understanding constructs such as knowing that int g0/0 and interface GigabitEthernet0/0 are the same. Each one of these rules a subject to a given vendor's OS implementation. The ability to track these changes for all vendors/OS/versions is nearly impossible. Additionally, this practice would be error prone and not follow the principal of least astonishment. Notwithstanding a major change in the network industry, adjusting this strategy is outside the scope of the app.

Instead, the operator is required to ensure their configurations match exactly as the configurations show in the running configuration. This includes all spacing, special characters, or literally anything that result in a string comparison not returning true.

Any other interpretations of how compliance should be viewed are encouraged to use custom compliance option.

Why doesn't the config overview page reflect the inclusion changes immediately?

On a technical level, those changes enable the model GoldenConfig to not filter out the newly included devices, but this does not add to the model. In order to be included, a new job needs to be ran which will create an entry within GoldenConfig, any of the 3 jobs that successfully run will create such an entry.

Why aren't configurations generated or compliance generated real time?

The app make no assumptions about your intention and expects the operator to manage the configurations as they see fit. As as example, in preparation for a change, one may update data to reflect these changes, but not want to generate or run compliance against these configurations.

Additionally, configurations generated would have to either update the Git Repo immediately or generate locally only and not update the Git Repo, both of which may not be as the user expected.

The current design allows for the maximum amount of use cases and make little assumptions how the user wants to manage their configurations. That being said, education about how the process works is important as inevitably any design choice will not be line with another person's pre-conceived notions. There are a myriad of technical issues to be considered before any change can be made to this process.

Why not predefine a list of remove and substitute lines within backup configurations?

Backup configurations solutions are simple to start with and grow to hundreds or thousands of requests. That added complexity is not something that is in scope for the project.

Many people will have different opinions about what should or should not be filtered or substituted. Providing the flexibility allows the user to have it operate as they intend it, without burdening the apps goals.

Why not predefine the configuration feature map?

The process is based on an opinion on what defines a feature, for one organization BGP may include the prefix configuration and another it would not.

Understanding that there will never be consensus on what should go into a feature it becomes obvious why the users must maintain such configuration.

What are the supported platforms for Compliance jobs? How do I configure a device with a specific OS?

The current supported platform and the associated default platform network_driver names are the following for:

  • arista_eos
  • aruba_aoscx
  • bigip_f5
  • cisco_aireos
  • cisco_asa
  • cisco_ios
  • cisco_ios_xr
  • citrix_netscaler
  • cisco_nxos
  • extreme_netiron
  • fortinet_fortios
  • juniper_junos
  • linux
  • mikrotik_routeros
  • mrv_optiswitch
  • nokia_sros
  • paloalto_panos

The expected "network_os" parameter must be set using the platform network_driver, which then in turn provides you the network_driver_mappings to map out the framework, such as netmiko and napalm. This should solve most use cases, but occasionally you may want to extend this mapping, for further understand see the docs and simply update the NETWORK_DRIVER configuration.

Here is an example Device object representation, e.g. device.platform.network_driver_mappings to help provide some context.

    "ansible": "cisco.nxos.nxos",
    "hier_config": "nxos",
    "napalm": "nxos",
    "netmiko": "cisco_nxos",
    "netutils_parser": "cisco_nxos",
    "ntc_templates": "cisco_nxos",
    "pyats": "nxos",
    "pyntc": "cisco_nxos_nxapi",
    "scrapli": "cisco_nxos",

What are the supported platforms for Backup and Intended Configuration jobs? How do I configure a device with a specific OS?

The current supported platform and the associated default platform network_driver names are the following for:

  • arista_eos
  • cisco_asa
  • cisco_ios
  • cisco_ios_xr
  • cisco_nxos
  • juniper_junos
  • mikrotik_routeros
  • mikrotik_routeros_api
  • ruckus_fastiron
  • ruckus_smartzone_api

In many use cases, this can be extended with a custom dispatcher for nornir tasks, which is controlled in the nornir-nautobot repository. Additionally you can "roll your own" dispatcher with the custom_dispatcher configuration parameter to map and/or extend for your environment. Please see the instructions there for further details.

Why not provide the corrective configurations?

Configuration enforcement is a difficult problem to attack. While potentially could integrate with a system to provide the enforcement, this is currently out-of-scope for the app.

Why does the compliance section scroll so much?

The real estate optimizations is not the best for the configuration compliance overview right now. Users are suggested to review the best practices described in the configuration compliance section. Over time, the hope is to optimize this.

Why can't I get access to the name key when generating configuration?

All data created by GraphQL is unpacked with the **data operator. There is a namespace issue with Nornir using name as a keyword as well. The recommended approach is to use GraphQL aliasing. An example would be hostname: name or inventory_hostname: name to workaround this issue.

It seems that Golden Config has caused an issue with migrations

With the original Git Data Source implementation, passwords were stored in the database, encrypted with your SECRET_KEY. If you change your secret key, often the first migration that may cause an issue will be Golden Config, as shown here:

  Applying ipam.0006_ipaddress_nat_outside_list... OK
  Applying ipam.0007_add_natural_indexing... OK
  Applying nautobot_golden_config.0006_multi_repo_support_temp_field...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/", line 173, in __get__
    rel_obj = self.field.get_cached_value(instance)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/", line 15, in get_cached_value
    return instance._state.fields_cache[cache_name]
KeyError: 'backup_repository'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/", line 85, in verify
    raise InvalidSignature("Signature did not match digest.")
cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature: Signature did not match digest.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django_cryptography/core/", line 239, in unsign
    raise BadSignature(
django.core.signing.BadSignature: Signature "b'A9QMEEeCk2+tAc6naf2KDiZBvACNWGNHGMPJ/SHOYY8=\n'" does not match

If you receive this error, the issue is the secret key has been changed, and does not have anything to do with the Golden Config app. You can either delete the entries from your data source and the reference to those in the Golden Config settings or revert the secret key back so it matches the original deployment. Any issues opened will be closed and this faq referred to. If you still need help, feel free to join the Slack community.

I got a preemptively failed error, but I know my system is setup correctly?

These errors have been accurate so far, that is not to say that there is no way they could be a bug, but most commonly they have worked as expected thus far. Common issues include.

  • Incorrectly configured Secrets
  • Filtering to nothing when presumption is the filter works a certain way
  • Referencing an OS that is not recognized

There is an ongoing effort to better document each troubleshooting case.

Why is the _isnull on DateTime filters considered experimental?

There are various ways we can create a programmatic interface, which may change the behavior or name, for now it should be considered experimental as we may update this strategy.