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v1.6 Release Notes

  • Add ability to generate ConfigPlans for configurations that need to be deployed, based on multiple plan types.
  • Add a job that can deploy config_set based on a generated ConfigPlan object.
  • Add functionality to compliance result to provide a Remediation plan.
  • Supports Nautobot >=1.6.1,<2.0.0.

v1.6.3 - 2023-10


  • #668 - Removed unneeded lookup for GoldenConfigSetting

v1.6.2 - 2023-09


  • #621 - Moved jinja to be locally scoped, this was causing issues with Jinja filters based on import order.

v1.6.1 - 2023-09


  • #600 - Updated readme to include the additional use cases covered.


  • #603 - Fix missing fields from the "AllDevicesGoldenConfig" Job.
  • #609 - Fixed issue where not all jinja filers, specifically netutils were being loaded into Jinja environment.
  • #609 - Fixed issues if a Job was never created since the feature was disabled, it would cause a stacktrace.
  • #609 - Fixed issue where in GoldenConfigSetting page, dynamic group selection would not show all of the eligible options.
  • #609 - Fixed issue where you could not fill in jinja_env['undefined'] vars as a string, only a complex class.
  • #609 - Added the ability to generate remediation configurations and store in ConfigRemediation model

v1.6.0 - 2023-09


  • #573 - Added the ability to generate remediation configurations and store in ConfigRemediation model
  • #573 - Added the ability to generate configurations that you plan to deploy from a variety of methods, such as Remediation, intended, manual, etc. via the ConfigPlan model.
  • #573 - Added the ability to Deploy configurations from the ConfigPlan configurations to your network devices.
  • #578 - Updated ComplianceRule and ComplianceRule forms to include tags.


  • #585 - Remove Jquery dependency from Google APIs, inherit from Nautobot core instead.
  • #577 - Fixed various forms fields and filters fields.
  • #577 - Updated default has_sensitive_data boolean to False.
  • #577 - Added warning message on views when required jobs are not enabled.