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Migrating to v2

While not a replacement of the Nautobot Migration guide these migration steps specifically for Golden Config are pretty straight forward, here is a quick overview with details information below.

  1. Ensure Platform.network_driver is set on every Platform object you have, in most circumstances running nautobot-server populate_platform_network_driver will take care of it.
  2. Remove any reference to slug as well as to the models Region, Site, DeviceRole, or RackRole in your Dynamic Group definition, in most circumstances running nautobot-server audit_dynamic_groups will guide you to what needs to change.
  3. Remove any reference to slug (or change to network_driver) as well as to the models Region, Site, DeviceRole, or RackRole in your GraphQL definition and reflect those changes in your Jinja files.
  4. Remove any reference to slug as well as to the models Region, Site, DeviceRole, or RackRole in your Golden Config Setting definition in all of Backup Path, Intended Path, and Template Path.
  5. Remove any dispatcher_mapping settings you have in your settings, see Golden Config for alternative options.
  6. Update your Git Repositories to use Nautobot Secrets.


Before you start, please note the nautobot-server populate_platform_network_driver command must be ran in Nautobot 1.6.2 -> 1.6.X as it will not work once on Nautobot 2.0.

These steps may range from no change (though unlikely) to large amount of change with your environment in order to successfully upgrade Golden Config. To help guide you, there is a detailed explanation and question to ask yourself if these changes will effect you or not.

Providing Context

There are 3 primary pieces of information that will effect most of the changes that will need to be made, here is a recap of them.

  • In Nautobot 2.0.0, all the Region and Site related data models are being migrated to use Location.
  • The ipam.Role, dcim.RackRole, and dcim.DeviceRole models have been removed and replaced by a single extras.Role model. This means that any references to the removed models in the code now use the extras.Role model instead.
  • Slugs were used to identify unique objects in the database for various models in Nautobot v1.x and they are now replaced by Natural Keys or can often get the same effect adding the |slugify filter to your data.

Platform Network Driver


You can safely skip this section if you already have your Platform.network_driver set and were not using either platform_slug_map nor dispatcher_mapping settings.

The Platform.slug has been replace by Nautobot's Platform.network_driver. The nice thing about this feature is it provides mappings to all of the major network library (or frameworks) such as Netmiko and NAPALM to properly map between the slightly different names each library provides, such as cisco_ios vs ios. However, that means that you must now provide the network_driver on the the Platform object.

While still on the a Nautobot 1.6 instance, run the command nautobot-server populate_platform_network_driver, this will help map all of your Platform.slug's to Platform.network_driver. If there are any Platform's missed, you must update the Platform definitions that will be used by Golden Config.

If previously you have leveraged the platform_slug_map you likely only have to assign the network_driver to your multiple current platforms. In the unlikely chance that you have a requirement to override the default network_driver_mappings, you can do so with the NETWORK_DRIVERS settings via UI with the constance settings.

If previously you have leveraged the dispatcher_mapping to use your preferred network library or framework such as Netmiko or NAPALM, you can how use the constance settings via the UI.


If you were using the dispatcher_mapping for other reasons, see the section below for Custom Dispatcher.

Dynamic Group


You can safely skip this section if your Dynamic Groups was not using slugs/Site/Region/DeviceRole or your Dynamic Groups are currently in the required state.

In an effort to guide you along, you are highly encouraged to leverage the nautobot-server audit_dynamic_groups as documented. You will know you have completed this step, when the scope of devices in your Dynamic Group match your expectations.



You can safely skip this section if your GraphQL Query was not using slugs/Site/Region/DeviceRole or your saved GraphQL Query currently renders to the appropriate state.

As mentioned, any reference to slug or to one of the removed models will need to be updated to reflect Nautobot 2.0 standards, in this example we will review what would need to change.

query ($device_id: ID!) {
  device(id: $device_id) {
    hostname: name
    tenant {
      slug          <----- Remove slug
    tags {
      slug          <----- Remove slug
    device_role {   <----- Change to role vs device_role
    platform {
      slug          <----- change to network_driver and potentially add network_driver_mappings
    site {
      slug          <----- Remove slug

The new query would end up being:

query ($device_id: ID!) {
  device(id: $device_id) {
    hostname: name
    tenant {
    tags {
    role {
    platform {
    site {

Additionally, your Jinja 2 templates will need to be updated to reflect the new updates to the data. Fortunately, if you have accepted the default that SlugField returns, this may be as simple as adding as the | slugify Jinja filter to the name equivalent. Let's take a quick look at a few examples of Jinja file change you may need to make:

Using slugify

snmp-server location {{ site.slug }}             <---- old way of doing it
snmp-server location {{ | slugify }}   <---- new way of doing it
Update model

{% if == 'spine' %}             <---- old way of doing it
{% if == 'spine' %}                    <---- new way of doing it

Use network_driver

{% if platform.slug == 'cisco_ios' %}            <---- old way of doing it
{% if platform.network_driver == 'cisco_ios' %}  <---- new way of doing it

Golden Config Settings


You can safely skip this section if you are not using slug or one of the Models in your Backup Path, Intended Path, and Template Path settings.

Similar to the the jinja examples above, you must ensure that the slug and legacy models are not referenced, using the previous recommendations and comparing to the current recommendations we can see how to make these changes.

Path for backup and intended

{{}}/{{}}                   <---- old way of doing it
{{|slugify}}/{{}}       <---- new way of doing it

Path for templates

{{obj.platform.slug}}.j2                         <---- old way of doing it
{{obj.platform.network_driver}}.j2               <---- new way of doing it

Custom Dispatcher


You can safely skip this section if you have not been using dispatcher_mapping settings.

If you have previously used the dispatcher_mapping settings to prefer the framework (such as netmiko or napalm), please see the Platform Network Driver section above. If you were truly "rolling your own dispatcher", then it is simply a matter of updating your settings.

The custom_dispatcher settings are Golden Config settings (and NOT Nautobot Plugin Nornir settings), and the key name is custom_dispatcher. For your protection, the application will not start if you have either dispatcher_mapping or custom_dispatcher in Nautobot Plugin Nornir.

Previous relevant Settings:

    "nautobot_plugin_nornir": {
        "dispatcher_mapping": {
            "arista_eos": "my_custom.dispatcher.NornirDriver",
            "arbitrary_platform_name": "my_custom.dispatcher.OtherNornirDriver",
    "nautobot_golden_config": {

Current relevant Settings:

    "nautobot_plugin_nornir": {
    "nautobot_golden_config": {
        "custom_dispatcher": {            # <---- Nested under nautobot_golden_config
            "arista_eos": "my_custom.dispatcher.NornirDriver",
            "arbitrary_platform_name": "my_custom.dispatcher.OtherNornirDriver",


The custom dispatcher docs will provide further clarification if needed.



You can safely skip this section if you have already been using Nautobot Secrets and not Git Repository Token.

Nautobot initially had the ability to store some secrets, this was deprecated when Secrets framework was added in Nautobot 1.2. The feature to directly store Secrets in the database has been removed in 2.0.

The documentation has been updated in docs covering secret groups.