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Event Notifications

Added in version 2.4.0

Nautobot provides and uses an system capable of publishing event notifications on a variety of "topics" (sometimes known as "channels") to a variety of other systems ("brokers", "consumers", or "subscribers"), such as Redis publish/subscribe (Pub/Sub) and similar.


In the future, Nautobot webhooks and job hooks will likely be reimplemented as consumers of the event notification system.

Subscribing to Event Notifications

Any subclass of the abstract base class can be instantiated and then registered as a subscriber to event notifications. Typically you will do this in your or equivalent configuration file:
import logging
from import register_event_broker, SyslogEventBroker, RedisEventBroker

# Send event notifications to the syslog with a severity of INFO
# Also send event notifications to the identified Redis instance

At present, the following event broker classes are built in to Nautobot; additional classes can be defined by an App, by a Python package, or even inline in your as desired.

Syslog Event Broker

This event broker sends messages to the syslog, using Python logger<topic> and formatting the event payload as a JSON string.

Redis Event Broker

This event broker sends messages to Redis Pub/Sub.

Event Topics

Currently the following topics are documented as published by Nautobot core, but Apps can make use of this system to publish other topics as well.

Record Change Events

  • nautobot.create.<app>.<model> (such as nautobot.create.dcim.device) - a new record was created
  • nautobot.update.<app>.<model> (such as nautobot.update.ipam.ipaddress) - an existing record was saved
  • nautobot.delete.<app>.<model> (such as nautobot.delete.extras.tag) - an existing record was deleted.

The data payload associated with events of any of the above topics has the following keys:

  • context - a dictionary providing context about the event, including:
    • user_name - The name of the user account associated with the change
    • timestamp - The date and time at which the event occurred
    • request_id - A UUID that can be used to correlate multiple changes associated with a single request or action.
    • change_context - One of Web, Job, Job hook, ORM, or Unknown, indicating what type of action caused the event
    • change_context_detail - A string optionally providing more information about the change context. For example, for a Web change context, this might indicate which URL pattern or view was involved in the event.
  • prechange - a dictionary of record attributes and their values before the event occurred (or null, in the case of a nautobot.create event)
  • postchange - a dictionary of record attributes and their values after the event occurred (or null, in the case of a nautobot.delete event)
  • differences - a dictionary with keys added and removed, each of which is a dictionary of record attributes that changed in the event, providing a convenient alternative to manually comparing the prechange and postchange data.

User Events

  • nautobot.users.user.login - a user has logged in.
  • nautobot.users.user.logout - a user has logged out.
  • nautobot.users.user.change_password - a user has changed their password
  • nautobot.admin.user.change_password - an admin changed a user password

The data payload associated with events of any of the above topics has the following keys:

  • data - A dictionary of the affected user record attributes and their value.

    Example payload:

            "data": {
                "id": "9747d106-02f2-40e4-bef6-2ffd88c559d6",
                "object_type": "users.user",
                "display": "admin",
                "url": "/api/users/users/9747d106-02f2-40e4-bef6-2ffd88c559d6/",
                "natural_slug": "admin_9747",
                "last_login": "2024-10-22T08:46:08.194925Z",
                "is_superuser": true,
                "username": "admin",
                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "email": "",
                "is_staff": true,
                "is_active": true,
                "date_joined": "2024-10-22T04:35:28.886682Z",
                "groups": []

Job Events

  • - A job has started.
  • - A job has completed (successfully or not).

The data payload associated with events of any of the above topics has the following keys:

  • job_result_id - The id of the Job Result.
  • job_name - The name of the job.
  • user_name - The name of the user account associated with the job.
  • job_kwargs - The job data (only if job has_sensitive_variables attribute is False).
  • job_output - The output of the completed job (only in case of
  • einfo - The stacktrace of job failure (only in the case of and null if job competed without a failure).

Scheduled Job Approval Events

  • - A scheduled job that requires approval has been approved.
  • - A scheduled job that requires approval has been denied.

The data payload associated with events of any of the above topics has the following keys:

  • data - A dictionary of the scheduled job record attributes and their values.

    Example payload:

           "data": {
               "id": "5c09a476-8c15-428c-a94c-41e0ffc76564",
               "object_type": "extras.scheduledjob",
               "display": "test1: immediately",
               "url": "/api/extras/scheduled-jobs/5c09a476-8c15-428c-a94c-41e0ffc76564/",
               "natural_slug": "test1_5c09",
               "queue": "",
               "time_zone": "UTC",
               "name": "test1",
               "task": "dry_run.TestDryRun",
               "interval": "immediately",
               "args": [],
               "kwargs": {},
               "celery_kwargs": {},
               "one_off": false,
               "start_time": "2024-10-28T08:25:32.637433Z",
               "enabled": true,
               "last_run_at": null,
               "total_run_count": 0,
               "date_changed": "2024-10-28T08:25:32.640275Z",
               "description": "",
               "approval_required": true,
               "approved_at": null,
               "crontab": "",
               "job_model": {
                   "id": "d56857d7-d0b5-42e2-8bc5-b93c3cee4da9",
                   "object_type": "extras.job",
                   "display": "TestDryRun",
                   "url": "/api/extras/jobs/d56857d7-d0b5-42e2-8bc5-b93c3cee4da9/",
                   "natural_slug": "dry-run_testdryrun_d568",
                   "task_queues": [
                       "celery Job Queue - 10",
                       "celery Job Queue - 18",
                       "celery Job Queue - 2",
                       "celery Job Queue - 22",
                       "celery Job Queue - 8",
                       "kubernetes Job Queue - 13",
                       "kubernetes Job Queue - 25"
                   "task_queues_override": true,
                   "module_name": "dry_run",
                   "job_class_name": "TestDryRun",
                   "grouping": "dry_run",
                   "name": "TestDryRun",
                   "description": "",
                   "installed": true,
                   "enabled": false,
                   "is_job_hook_receiver": false,
                   "is_job_button_receiver": false,
                   "has_sensitive_variables": true,
                   "approval_required": false,
                   "hidden": false,
                   "dryrun_default": false,
                   "read_only": false,
                   "soft_time_limit": 0.0,
                   "time_limit": 0.0,
                   "supports_dryrun": true,
                   "grouping_override": false,
                   "name_override": false,
                   "description_override": false,
                   "approval_required_override": false,
                   "dryrun_default_override": false,
                   "hidden_override": false,
                   "soft_time_limit_override": false,
                   "time_limit_override": false,
                   "has_sensitive_variables_override": false,
                   "job_queues_override": true,
                   "default_job_queue_override": false,
                   "default_job_queue": {
                       "id": "788a60f8-42bb-4a5d-a8f4-4a93916115fd",
                       "object_type": "extras.jobqueue",
                       "url": "/api/extras/job-queues/788a60f8-42bb-4a5d-a8f4-4a93916115fd/"
                   "created": "2024-10-20T14:07:11.628000Z",
                   "last_updated": "2024-10-20T14:08:07.305000Z",
                   "notes_url": "/api/extras/jobs/d56857d7-d0b5-42e2-8bc5-b93c3cee4da9/notes/",
                   "custom_fields": {}
               "job_queue": null,
               "user": {
                   "id": "4bbdbb24-93b9-4fdd-a9dc-8faed9d1ae50",
                   "object_type": "users.user",
                   "display": "nautobotuser",
                   "url": "/api/users/users/4bbdbb24-93b9-4fdd-a9dc-8faed9d1ae50/",
                   "natural_slug": "nautobotuser_4bbd",
                   "last_login": "2024-10-28T08:25:32.633690Z",
                   "is_superuser": false,
                   "username": "nautobotuser",
                   "first_name": "",
                   "last_name": "",
                   "email": "",
                   "is_staff": false,
                   "is_active": true,
                   "date_joined": "2024-10-28T08:25:32.617444Z",
                   "config_data": {}
               "approved_by_user": null