Forms and fields for apps to use.
Bases: SelectWithDisabled
A select widget populated via an API call
Name | Type | Description | Default |
api_url |
API endpoint URL. Required if not set automatically by the parent field. |
api_version |
API version. |
add_query_param(name, value)
Add details for an additional query param in the form of a data-* JSON-encoded list attribute.
:param name: The name of the query param :param value: The value of the query param
Bases: ModelForm
ModelForm mixin for IPAddress based models.
Bases: BaseForm
Add the base Bootstrap CSS classes to form elements.
Note that this only applies to form fields that are:
- statically defined on the form class at declaration time, or
- dynamically added to the form at init time by a class later in the MRO than this mixin.
If a class earlier in the MRO adds its own fields, it will have to ensure that the widgets are correctly configured.
Bases: Form
Base form for editing multiple objects in bulk.
Note that for models supporting custom fields and relationships, nautobot.extras.forms.NautobotBulkEditForm is a more powerful subclass and should be used instead of directly inheriting from this class.
Post save action
Bases: NullBooleanSelect
A Select widget for NullBooleanFields
Bases: Form
An extendable form to be used for renaming objects in bulk.
Bases: ChoiceField
Invert the provided set of choices to take the human-friendly label as input, and return the database value.
Despite the name, this is no longer used in CSV imports since 2.0, but is used in JSON/YAML import of DeviceTypes.
Bases: CSVModelChoiceField
Reference a ContentType in the form {app_label}.{model}
Note: class name is misleading; this field is also used in numerous FilterSets where it has nothing to do with CSV.
Allow this field to support {app_label}.{model}
style, null values, or PK-based lookups
depending on how the field is used.
Bases: CharField
A CharField (rendered as a Textarea) which expects CSV-formatted data.
Initial value is a list of headers corresponding to the required fields for the given serializer class.
This no longer actually does any CSV parsing or validation on its own, as that is now handled by the NautobotCSVParser class and the REST API serializers.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
required_field_names |
List of field names representing required fields for this import. |
Bases: FileField
A FileField (rendered as a ClearableFileInput) which expects a file containing CSV-formatted data.
This no longer actually does any CSV parsing or validation on its own, as that is now handled by the NautobotCSVParser class and the REST API serializers.
For parity with CSVDataField, this returns the CSV text rather than an UploadedFile object.
Bases: ModelChoiceField
Provides additional validation for model choices entered as CSV data.
Note: class name is misleading; the subclass CSVContentTypeField (below) is also used in FilterSets, where it has nothing to do with CSV data.
Bases: ModelForm
ModelForm used for the import of objects.
Note: the name is misleading as since 2.0 this is no longer used for CSV imports; however it is still used for JSON/YAML imports of DeviceTypes and their component templates.
Bases: CSVChoiceField
A version of CSVChoiceField that supports and emits a list of choice values.
As with CSVChoiceField, the name is misleading, as this is no longer used for CSV imports, but is used for JSON/YAML import of DeviceTypes still.
Bases: MultipleContentTypeField
Reference a list of ContentType
objects in the form `{app_label}.{model}'.
Note: This is unused in Nautobot core at this time, but some apps (data-validation-engine) use this for non-CSV purposes, similar to CSVContentTypeField above.
Parse a comma-separated string of model names into a list of PKs.
Bases: Select
Extends the built-in Select widget to colorize each
Bases: CharField
A textarea with support for Markdown rendering. Exists mostly just to add a standard help_text.
Bases: BootstrapMixin
, ReturnURLForm
A generic confirmation form. The form is not valid unless the confirm field is checked.
Bases: Form
Adds the contacts
and teams
form fields to a filter form.
Bases: StaticSelect2
Appends an api-value
attribute equal to the slugified model name for each ContentType. For example:
This attribute can be used to reference the relevant API endpoint for a particular ContentType.
Bases: CSVModelForm
, CustomFieldModelFormMixin
Base class for CSV/JSON/YAML import of models that support custom fields.
TODO: The class name is a misnomer; as of 2.0 this class is not used for any CSV imports, as that's now handled by the REST API. However it is still used when importing component-templates as part of a JSON/YAML DeviceType import.
Bases: ModelForm
Bases: TextInput
Date picker using Flatpickr.
Bases: TextInput
DateTime picker using Flatpickr.
Bases: ModelForm
Mixin to add dynamic_groups
field to model create/edit forms where applicable.
Bases: DynamicModelChoiceMixin
, ModelChoiceField
Override get_bound_field() to avoid pre-populating field choices with a SQL query. The field will be rendered only with choices set via bound data. Choices are populated on-demand via the APISelect widget.
When null option is enabled and "None" is sent as part of a form to be submitted, it is sent as the string 'null'. This will check for that condition and gracefully handle the conversion to a NoneType.
:param display_field: The name of the attribute of an API response object to display in the selection list
:param query_params: A dictionary of additional key/value pairs to attach to the API request
:param initial_params: A dictionary of child field references to use for selecting a parent field's initial value
:param null_option: The string used to represent a null selection (if any)
:param disabled_indicator: The name of the field which, if populated, will disable selection of the
choice (optional)
:param depth: Nested serialization depth when making API requests (default: 0
or a flat representation)
Augment the behavior of forms.ModelChoiceField.prepare_value().
Specifically, if value
is a PK, but we have to_field_name
set, we need to look up the model instance
from the given PK, so that the base class will get the appropriate field value rather than just keeping the PK,
because the rendered form field needs this in order to correctly prepopulate a default selection.
Bases: DynamicModelChoiceMixin
, ModelMultipleChoiceField
A multiple-choice version of DynamicModelChoiceField.
Bases: CharField
A field which allows for expansion of IP address ranges Example: '192.0.2.[1-254]/24' => ['', '', '' ... '']
Bases: CharField
A field which allows for numeric range expansion Example: 'Gi0/[1-3]' => ['Gi0/1', 'Gi0/2', 'Gi0/3']
Bases: JSONField
A FormField counterpart to JSONArrayField.
Replicates ArrayFormField's base field validation: Field values are validated as JSON Arrays,
and each Array element is validated by base_field
Validate value
and return its "cleaned" value as an appropriate
Python object. Raise ValidationError for any errors.
has_changed(initial, data)
Return True if data
differs from initial
Return a string of this value.
Runs all validators against value
and raise ValidationError if necessary.
Some validators can't be created at field initialization time.
Convert value
into JSON, raising django.core.exceptions.ValidationError
if the data can't be converted. Return the converted value.
Check to see if the provided value is a valid choice.
Validate value
and raise ValidationError if necessary.
Bases: JSONField
Custom wrapper around Django's built-in JSONField to avoid presenting "null" as the default text.
Bases: URLField
Modifies Django's built-in URLField to remove the requirement for fully-qualified domain names (e.g. http://myserver/ is valid)
Bases: DynamicModelChoiceMixin
, ModelMultipleChoiceField
Filter field to support matching on the PK or to_field_name
fields (defaulting to slug
if not specified).
Raises ValidationError if none of the fields match the requested value.
Bases: CharField
CharField that takes multiple user character inputs and render them as tags in the form field. Press enter to complete an input.
Bases: StaticSelect2Multiple
Manual text input with tagging enabled. Press enter to create a new entry.
Bases: ModelMultipleChoiceField
Field for choosing any number of ContentType
Optionally can restrict the available ContentTypes to those supporting a particular feature only.
Optionally can pass the selection through as a list of {app_label}.{model}
strings instead of PK values.
__init__(*args, feature=None, choices_as_strings=False, **kwargs)
Construct a MultipleContentTypeField.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
feature |
Feature name to use in constructing a FeatureQuery to restrict the available ContentTypes. |
choices_as_strings |
If True, render selection as a list of |
Bases: BootstrapMixin
, CustomFieldModelBulkEditFormMixin
, NoteModelBulkEditFormMixin
, RelationshipModelBulkEditFormMixin
Base class for bulk-edit forms for models that support relationships, custom fields and notes.
Bases: BootstrapMixin
, ContactTeamModelFilterFormMixin
, CustomFieldModelFilterFormMixin
, RelationshipModelFilterFormMixin
This class exists to combine common functionality and is used to inherit from throughout the codebase where all of ContactTeamModelFilterFormMixin, CustomFieldModelFilterFormMixin, and RelationshipModelFilterFormMixin are needed.
Bases: BootstrapMixin
, CustomFieldModelFormMixin
, DynamicGroupModelFormMixin
, NoteModelFormMixin
, RelationshipModelFormMixin
This class exists to combine common functionality and is used to inherit from throughout the codebase where all of BootstrapMixin, CustomFieldModelFormMixin, RelationshipModelFormMixin, and NoteModelFormMixin are needed.
Bases: Form
Base for the NoteModelFormMixin and NoteModelBulkEditFormMixin.
Bases: SimpleArrayField
Basic array field that takes comma-separated or hyphenated ranges.
Bases: ModelForm
ModelForm mixin for IPNetwork based models.
Bases: BulkEditForm
Bulk-edit form mixin for models that support Relationships.
save_relationships(*, instance, nullified_fields)
Helper method to be called from
Bases: Form
Bases: ModelForm
First check for any required relationships errors and if there are any, add them via form field errors. Then verify that any requested RelationshipAssociations do not violate relationship cardinality restrictions.
- For TYPE_ONE_TO_MANY and TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE relations, if the form's object is on the "source" side of the relationship, verify that the requested "destination" object(s) do not already have any existing RelationshipAssociation to a different source object.
- For TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE relations, if the form's object is on the "destination" side of the relationship, verify that the requested "source" object does not have an existing RelationshipAssociation to a different destination object.
Bases: Form
Provides a hidden return URL field to control where the user is directed after the form is submitted.
Bases: Form
Mixin to add non-required role
choice field to forms.
Bases: Form
Mixin to add non-required role
multiple-choice field to filter forms.
Bases: Select
Modified the stock Select widget to accept choices using a dict() for a label. The dict for each option must include 'label' (string) and 'disabled' (boolean).
Bases: StaticSelect2
Include the primary key of each option in the option label (e.g. "Router7 (4721)").
Bases: SlugField
Extend the built-in SlugField to automatically populate from a field called name
unless otherwise specified.
__init__(slug_source='name', *args, **kwargs)
Instantiate a SlugField.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
slug_source |
(str, tuple)
Name of the field (or a list of field names) that will be used to suggest a slug. |
Bases: TextInput
Subclass TextInput and add a slug regeneration button next to the form field.
Bases: Textarea
Subclass used for rendering a smaller textarea element.
Bases: Form
Mixin to add non-required status
choice field to forms.
Bases: Form
Mixin to add non-required status
multiple-choice field to filter forms.
Bases: DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField
A filter field for the tags of a model. Only the tags used by a model are displayed.
:param model: The model of the filter
Bases: TextInput
Time picker using Flatpickr.
Add a blank choice to the beginning of a choices list.
nautobot.apps.forms.add_field_to_filter_form_class(form_class, field_name, field_obj)
Attach a field to an existing filter form class.
Expand an alphabetic pattern into a list of strings.
nautobot.apps.forms.expand_ipaddress_pattern(string, ip_version)
Expand an IP address pattern into a list of strings. Examples: '192.0.2.[1,2,100-250]/24' => ['', '', '' ... ''] '2001:db8:0:[0,fd-ff]::/64' => ['2001:db8:0:0::/64', '2001:db8:0:fd::/64', ... '2001:db8:0:ff::/64']
nautobot.apps.forms.form_from_model(model, fields)
Return a Form class with the specified fields derived from a model. This is useful when we need a form to be used for creating objects, but want to avoid the model's validation (e.g. for bulk create/edit functions). All fields are marked as not required.
Expand an alphanumeric range (continuous or not) into a list. 'a-d,f' => [a, b, c, d, f] '0-3,a-d' => [0, 1, 2, 3, a, b, c, d]
nautobot.apps.forms.parse_numeric_range(input_string, base=10)
Expand a numeric range (continuous or not) into a sorted decimal or hexadecimal list, as specified by the base parameter '0-3,5' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 5] '2,8-b,d,f' => [2, 8, 9, a, b, d, f]
nautobot.apps.forms.restrict_form_fields(form, user, action='view')
Restrict all form fields which reference a RestrictedQuerySet. This ensures that users see only permitted objects as available choices.