A Controller in Nautobot is an abstraction meant to represent network or SDN (Software-Defined Networking) controllers. These may include, but are not limited to, wireless controllers, cloud-based network management systems, and other forms of central network control mechanisms.
For more details, refer to the user guide for a Controller
model or a ControllerManagedDeviceGroup
Entity Relationship Diagram¶
This schema illustrates the connections between related models.
title: Controllers Entity Relationship Diagram
Platform {
string name UK
Manufacturer manufacturer FK
string network_driver
string napalm_driver
json napalm_args
string description
SoftwareVersion {
Platform platform FK
string version
string alias
date release_date
date end_of_support_date
url documentation_url
boolean long_term_support
boolean pre_release
Status status FK
Device {
DeviceType device_type FK
ControllerManagedDeviceGroup controller_managed_device_group FK
DeviceRedundancyGroup device_redundancy_group FK
string name UK
Status status FK
Role role FK
Tenant tenant FK
Platform platform FK
SoftwareVersion software_version FK
string serial
string asset_tag UK
Location location FK
IPAddress primary_ip4 FK
IPAddress primary_ip6 FK
int device_redundancy_group_priority
SecretsGroup secrets_group FK
DeviceRedundancyGroup {
string name UK
Status status FK
string description
string failover_strategy
SecretsGroup secrets_group FK
Controller {
Device controller_device FK "Nullable"
DeviceRedundancyGroup controller_device_redundancy_group FK "Nullable"
string name UK
Status status FK
Role role FK
Tenant tenant FK
string description
Platform platform FK
ExternalIntegration external_integration FK
Location location FK
string capabilities
ControllerManagedDeviceGroup {
ControllerManagedDeviceGroup parent FK "Nullable"
Controller controller FK
string name UK
int weight
string capabilities
ControllerManagedDeviceGroup ||--o{ ControllerManagedDeviceGroup : "contains children"
Controller }o--|| ControllerManagedDeviceGroup : "controls Devices in"
Controller }o--|| DeviceRedundancyGroup : "can be deployed to"
Device }o--|| SoftwareVersion : "runs"
Controller }o--|| Platform : "runs"
Controller }o--|| Device : "can be deployed to"
Device }o--|| ControllerManagedDeviceGroup : "can be member of"
Device }o--|| DeviceRedundancyGroup : "can be member of"
Platform ||--o{ SoftwareVersion : "has"