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Utilities for apps to integrate with and extend the existing Nautobot UI.


Class that may be returned by a registered plugin_banners function.


Bases: ChoiceSet

Styling choices for custom banners.


Bases: Panel

A panel that renders a single value as text, Markdown, JSON, or YAML.


Bases: Enum

Options available for text panels for different type of rendering a given input.


Name Type Description

Plain text format (value: "plaintext").

JSON str

Dict will be dumped into JSON and pretty-formatted (value: "json").

YAML str

Dict will be displayed as pretty-formatted yaml (value: "yaml")


Markdown format (value: "markdown").

CODE str

Code format. Just wraps content within

 tags (value: "code").

__init__(*, render_as=RenderOptions.MARKDOWN, body_content_template_path='components/panel/body_content_text.html', render_placeholder=True, **kwargs)

Instantiate BaseTextPanel.


Name Type Description Default
render_as RenderOptions

One of BaseTextPanel.RenderOptions to define rendering function.

render_placeholder bool

Whether to render placeholder text if given value is "falsy".

body_content_template_path str

The path of the template to use for the body content. Can be overridden for custom use cases.

kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments passed to Panel.__init__.



Bases: Component

Base class for UI framework definition of a single button within an Object Detail (Object Retrieve) page.

__init__(*, label, color=ButtonColorChoices.DEFAULT, link_name=None, icon=None, template_path='components/button/default.html', required_permissions=None, javascript_template_path=None, attributes=None, **kwargs)

Initialize a Button component.


Name Type Description Default
label str

The text of this button, not including any icon.

color ButtonColorChoices

The color (class) of this button.

link_name str

View name to link to, for example "dcim:locationtype_retrieve". This link will be reversed and will automatically include the current object's PK as a parameter to the reverse() call when the button is rendered. For more complex link construction, you can subclass this and override the get_link() method.

icon str

Material Design Icons icon, to include on the button, for example "mdi-plus-bold".

template_path str

Template to render for this button.

required_permissions list

Permissions such as ["dcim.add_consoleport"]. The button will only be rendered if the user has these permissions.

javascript_template_path str

JavaScript template to render and include with this button. Does not need to include the wrapping <script>...</script> tags as those will be added automatically.

attributes dict

Additional HTML attributes and their values to attach to the button.



Add the relevant attributes of this Button to the context.

Get the hyperlink URL (if any) for this button.

Defaults to reversing self.link_name with pk: as a kwarg, but subclasses may override this for more advanced link construction.


Render this button to HTML, possibly including any associated JavaScript.


Render if and only if the requesting user has appropriate permissions (if any).


Bases: ChoiceSet

Map standard button color choices to Bootstrap color classes


Common base class for renderable components (tabs, panels, etc.).

__init__(*, weight)

Initialize common Component properties.


Name Type Description Default
weight int

A relative weighting of this Component relative to its peers. Typically lower weights will be rendered "first", usually towards the top left of the page.



Provide additional data to include in the rendering context, based on the configuration of this component.


Type Description

Additional context data.


Render this component to HTML.

Note that not all Components are fully or solely rendered by their render() method alone, for example, a Tab has a separate "label" that must be rendered by calling its render_label_wrapper() API instead.


Type Description

HTML fragment, normally generated by a call(s) to format_html() or format_html_join().


Check whether this component should be rendered at all.

This API is designed to provide "short-circuit" logic for skipping what otherwise might be expensive rendering. In general most Components may also return an empty string when actually rendered, which is typically also a means to specify that they do not need to be rendered, but may be more expensive to derive.


Type Description

True (default) if this component should be rendered.


Bases: Panel

A panel that renders a table generated directly from a list of dicts, without using a django_tables2 Table class.

__init__(*, context_data_key, columns=None, context_columns_key=None, column_headers=None, context_column_headers_key=None, body_wrapper_template_path='components/panel/body_wrapper_table.html', body_content_template_path='components/panel/body_content_data_table.html', **kwargs)

Instantiate a DataDictTablePanel.


Name Type Description Default
context_data_key str

The key in the render context that stores the data used to populate the table.

columns list

Ordered list of data keys used to order the columns of the rendered table. Mutually exclusive with context_columns_key. If neither are specified, the keys of the first dict in the data will be used.

context_columns_key str

The key in the render context that stores the columns list, if any. Mutually exclusive with columns. If neither are specified, the keys of the first dict in the data will be used.

column_headers list

List of column header labels, in the same order as columns data. Mutually exclusive with context_column_headers_key.

context_column_headers_key str

The key in the render context that stores the column headers. Mutually exclusive with column_headers.



Bases: Tab

A Tab that doesn't render inline on the same page, but instead links to a distinct view of its own when clicked.


Bases: Button

A Button that has one or more other buttons as children, which it renders into a dropdown menu.

__init__(children, template_path='components/button/dropdown.html', **kwargs)

Initialize a DropdownButton component.


Name Type Description Default
children list[Button]

Elements of the dropdown menu associated to this DropdownButton.

template_path str

Dropdown-specific template file.



Add the children of this DropdownButton to the other Button context.


Bases: KeyValueTablePanel

A KeyValueTablePanel that displays its data within collapsible accordion groupings, such as object custom fields.

Expects data in the form {grouping1: {key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}, grouping2: {...}, ...}.

The special grouping "" may be used to indicate top-level key/value pairs that don't belong to a group.


Render groups of key-value pairs to HTML.


Add a "Collapse All" button to the header.


Bases: ABC

Base class for homepage layout classes.


Bases: HomePageBase, PermissionsMixin

Defines properties that can be used for a panel group.

__init__(name, permissions=None, items=None, weight=1000)

Ensure group properties.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the group.

permissions list

The permissions required to view this group.

items list

List of items to be rendered in this group.

weight int

The weight of this group.



Bases: HomePageBase, PermissionsMixin

Defines properties that can be used for a panel item.

__init__(name, link=None, model=None, custom_template=None, custom_data=None, description=None, permissions=None, weight=1000)

Ensure item properties.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the item.

link str

The link to be used for this item.

model str

The model to being used for this item to calculate the total count of objects.

custom_template str

Name of custom template.

custom_data dict

Custom data to be passed to the custom template.



Bases: HomePageBase, PermissionsMixin

Defines properties that can be used for a panel.

__init__(name, permissions=None, custom_data=None, custom_template=None, items=None, weight=1000)

Ensure panel properties.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the panel.

permissions list

The permissions required to view this panel.

custom_data dict

Custom data to be passed to the custom template.

custom_template str

Name of custom template.

items list

List of items to be rendered in this panel.

weight int

The weight of this panel.



Bases: Panel

A panel that displays a two-column table of keys and values, as seen in most object detail views.

__init__(*, data=None, context_data_key=None, hide_if_unset=(), value_transforms=None, body_wrapper_template_path='components/panel/body_wrapper_key_value_table.html', **kwargs)

Instantiate a KeyValueTablePanel.


Name Type Description Default
data dict

The dictionary of key/value data to display in this panel. May be None if it will be derived dynamically by get_data() or from context_data_key instead.

context_data_key str

The render context key that will contain the data, if data wasn't provided.

hide_if_unset list

Keys that should be omitted from the display entirely if they have a falsey value, instead of displaying the usual em-dash placeholder text.

value_transforms dict

Dictionary of {key: [list of transform functions]}, used to specify custom rendering of specific key values without needing to implement a new subclass for this purpose. Many of the templatetags.helpers functions are suitable for this purpose; examples:

  • [render_markdown, placeholder] - render the given text as Markdown, or render a placeholder if blank
  • [humanize_speed, placeholder] - convert the given kbps value to Mbps or Gbps for display


Get the data for this panel, by default from or the key "data" in the provided context.

Subclasses may need to override this method if the derivation of the data is more involved.


Type Description

Key/value dictionary to be rendered in this panel.

queryset_list_url_filter(key, value, context)

Get a filter parameter to use when hyperlinking queryset data to an object list URL to provide filtering.


Type Description

A URL parameter string of the form "filter=value", or "" if none is known.

The default implementation returns "", which means "no appropriate filter parameter is known, do not hyperlink the queryset text." Subclasses may wish to override this to provide appropriate intelligence.


  • For a queryset of VRFs in a Location detail view for instance aaf814ef-2ef6-463e-9440-54f6514afe0e, this might return the string "locations=aaf814ef-2ef6-463e-9440-54f6514afe0e", resulting in the hyperlinked URL /ipam/vrfs/?locations=aaf814ef-2ef6-463e-9440-54f6514afe0e
  • For a queryset of Devices associated to Circuit Termination 4182ce87-0f90-450e-a682-9af5992b4bb7 by a Relationship with key termination_to_devices, this might return the string "cr_termination_to_devices__source=4182ce87-0f90-450e-a682-9af5992b4bb7", resulting in the hyperlinked URL /dcim/devices/?cr_termination_to_device__source=4182ce87-0f90-450e-a682-9af5992b4bb7


Render key-value pairs as table rows, using render_key() and render_value() methods as applicable.

render_key(key, value, context)

Render the provided key in human-readable form.

The default implementation simply replaces underscores with spaces and title-cases it with bettertitle().

render_value(key, value, context)

Render the provided value in human-readable form.


Type Description

String or HTML representation of the given value. May return "" to indicate that this value should be skipped entirely, i.e. not displayed in the table at all. May return placeholder(value) to display a consistent placeholder representation of any unset value.

Behavior is influenced by:

  • self.value_transforms - if it has an entry for the given key, then the given functions provided there will be used to render the value, in place of any default processing and rendering for this data type.
  • self.hide_if_unset - any key in this list, if having a corresponding value of None, will be omitted from the display (returning "" instead of a placeholder).

There is a lot of "intelligence" built in to this method to handle various data types, including:

  • Instances of Status, Role and similar models will be represented as an appropriately-colored hyperlinked badge (using hyperlinked_object_with_color())
  • Instances of Tenant will be hyperlinked and will also display their hyperlinked TenantGroup if any
  • Instances of other models will be hyperlinked (using hyperlinked_object())
  • Model QuerySets will render the first several objects in the QuerySet (as above), and if more objects are present, and self.queryset_list_url_filter() returns an appropriate filter string, will render the link to the filtered list view of that model.
  • Etc.


Bases: ChoiceSet

Page (or more properly tab) column layout choices.


Name Type Description

Half-width panels will be above full-width panels (value: 2-over-1)


Full-width panels will be above half-width panels (value: 1-over-2)


Two columns of half-width panels on top; full-width panels below. (value of TWO_OVER_ONE)


Bases: NavMenuButton

Add button subclass.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Ensure button properties.


Bases: ABC

Base class for navigation classes.

fixed_fields: tuple abstractmethod property

Tuple of (name, attribute) entries describing fields that may not be altered after declaration.

initial_dict: dict abstractmethod property

Attributes to be stored when adding this item to the nav menu data for the first time.


Bases: NavMenuBase, PermissionsMixin

This class represents a button within a NavMenuItem.

fixed_fields: tuple property

Tuple of (name, attribute) entries describing fields that may not be altered after declaration.

initial_dict: dict property

Attributes to be stored when adding this item to the nav menu data for the first time.

__init__(link, title, icon_class, button_class=ButtonActionColorChoices.DEFAULT, permissions=None, weight=1000, query_params=None)

Ensure button properties.


Name Type Description Default
link str

The link to be used for this button.

title str

The title of the button.

icon_class str

The icon class to be used as the icon for the start of the button.

button_class str

The button class defines to be used to define the style of the button.

permissions list

The permissions required to view this button.

weight int

The weight of this button.

query_params dict

Query parameters to be appended to the URL.



Bases: NavMenuBase, PermissionsMixin

Ths class represents a navigation menu group. This is built up from a name and a weight value. The name is the display text and the weight defines its position in the navbar.

Items are each specified as a list of NavMenuItem instances.

fixed_fields: tuple property

Tuple of (name, attribute) entries describing fields that may not be altered after declaration.

initial_dict: dict property

Attributes to be stored when adding this item to the nav menu data for the first time.

__init__(name, items=None, weight=1000)

Ensure group properties.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the group.

items list

List of items to be rendered in this group.

weight int

The weight of this group.



Bases: NavMenuButton

Import button subclass.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Ensure button properties.


Bases: NavMenuBase, PermissionsMixin

This class represents a navigation menu item. This constitutes primary link and its text, but also allows for specifying additional link buttons that appear to the right of the item in the nav menu.

Links are specified as Django reverse URL strings. Buttons are each specified as a list of NavMenuButton instances.

fixed_fields: tuple property

Tuple of (name, attribute) entries describing fields that may not be altered after declaration.

initial_dict: dict property

Attributes to be stored when adding this item to the nav menu data for the first time.

__init__(link, name, args=None, kwargs=None, query_params=None, permissions=None, buttons=(), weight=1000)

Ensure item properties.


Name Type Description Default
link str

The link to be used for this item.

name str

The name of the item.

args list

Arguments that are being passed to the url with reverse() method

kwargs dict

Keyword arguments are are being passed to the url with reverse() method

query_params dict

Query parameters to be appended to the URL.

permissions list

The permissions required to view this item.

buttons list

List of buttons to be rendered in this item.

weight int

The weight of this item.



Bases: NavMenuBase, PermissionsMixin

Ths class represents a navigation menu tab. This is built up from a name and a weight value. The name is the display text and the weight defines its position in the navbar.

Groups are each specified as a list of NavMenuGroup instances.

fixed_fields: tuple property

Tuple of (name, attribute) entries describing fields that may not be altered after declaration.

initial_dict: dict property

Attributes to be stored when adding this item to the nav menu data for the first time.

__init__(name, permissions=None, groups=None, weight=1000)

Ensure tab properties.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the tab.

permissions list

The permissions required to view this tab.

groups list

List of groups to be rendered in this tab.

weight int

The weight of this tab.



Base class for UI framework definition of the contents of an Object Detail (Object Retrieve) page.

This currently defines the tabs and their panel contents, but does NOT describe the page title, breadcrumbs, etc.

Basic usage for a NautobotUIViewSet looks like:

from nautobot.apps.ui import ObjectDetailContent, ObjectFieldsPanel, SectionChoices

class MyModelUIViewSet(NautobotUIViewSet):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    object_detail_content = ObjectDetailContent(
        panels=[ObjectFieldsPanel(section=SectionChoices.LEFT_HALF, weight=100, fields="__all__")],

A legacy ObjectView can similarly define its own object_detail_content attribute as well.

extra_buttons property writable

The extra buttons defined for this detail view, ordered by their weight.

tabs property writable

The tabs defined for this detail view, ordered by their weight.

__init__(*, panels=(), layout=LayoutChoices.DEFAULT, extra_buttons=None, extra_tabs=None)

Create an ObjectDetailContent with a "main" tab and all standard "extras" tabs (advanced, contacts, etc.).


Name Type Description Default
panels list

List of Panel instances to include in this layout by default. Standard extras Panels (custom fields, relationships, etc.) do not need to be specified as they will be automatically included.

layout str

One of the LayoutChoices values, indicating the layout of the "main" tab for this view.

extra_buttons list

Optional list of Button instances. Standard detail-view "actions" dropdown (clone, edit, delete) does not need to be specified as it will be automatically included.

extra_tabs list

Optional list of Tab instances. Standard extras Tabs (advanced, contacts, dynamic-groups, metadata, etc.) do not need to be specified as they will be automatically included.



Bases: KeyValueTablePanel

A panel that renders a table of object instance attributes and their values.

__init__(*, fields='__all__', exclude_fields=(), context_object_key=None, ignore_nonexistent_fields=False, label=None, **kwargs)

Instantiate an ObjectFieldsPanel.


Name Type Description Default
fields (str, list)

The ordered list of fields to display, or "__all__" to display fields automatically. Note that ManyToMany fields and reverse relations are not included in "__all__" at this time, nor are any hidden fields, nor the specially handled id, created, last_updated fields on most models.

exclude_fields list

Only relevant if fields == "__all__", in which case it excludes the given fields.

context_object_key str

The key in the render context that will contain the object to derive fields from.

ignore_nonexistent_fields bool

If True, fields is permitted to include field names that don't actually exist on the provided object; otherwise an exception will be raised at render time.

label str

If omitted, the provided object's verbose_name will be rendered as the label (see render_label()).



Load data from the object provided in the render context based on the given set of fields.


Type Description

Key-value pairs corresponding to the object's fields, or {} if no object is present.

render_key(key, value, context)

Render the verbose_name of the model field whose name corresponds to the given key, if applicable.


Default to rendering the provided object's verbose_name if no more specific label was defined.


Bases: BaseTextPanel

Panel that renders text, Markdown, JSON or YAML from the given field on the given object in the context.


Name Type Description Default
object_field str

The name of the object field to be rendered. None by default.

kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments passed to BaseTextPanel.__init__.



Bases: Panel

A panel that renders a Table of objects (typically related objects, rather than the "main" object of a view). Has built-in pagination support and "Add" button at bottom of the Table.

It renders the django-tables2 classes with Nautobot additions. You can pass the instance of Table Class already configured in context and set the context_table_key or pass a Table Class to __init__ via table_class.

When table_class is set, you need to pass table_filter or table_attribute for fetching data purpose.

Data fetching can be optimized by using select_related_fields, prefetch_related_fields.

How Table is displayed can be changed by using include_columns, exclude_columns, table_title, hide_hierarchy_ui, related_field_name or enable_bulk_actions.

Please check the Args list for further details.

__init__(*, context_table_key=None, table_class=None, table_filter=None, table_attribute=None, select_related_fields=None, prefetch_related_fields=None, order_by_fields=None, table_title=None, max_display_count=None, include_columns=None, exclude_columns=None, add_button_route='default', add_permissions=None, hide_hierarchy_ui=False, related_field_name=None, enable_bulk_actions=False, body_wrapper_template_path='components/panel/body_wrapper_table.html', body_content_template_path='components/panel/body_content_objects_table.html', header_extra_content_template_path='components/panel/header_extra_content_table.html', footer_content_template_path='components/panel/footer_content_table.html', **kwargs)

Instantiate an ObjectsTable panel.


Name Type Description Default
context_table_key str

The key in the render context that will contain an already-populated-and-configured Table (BaseTable) instance. Mutually exclusive with table_class, table_filter, table_attribute.

table_class obj

The table class that will be instantiated and rendered e.g. CircuitTable, DeviceTable. Mutually exclusive with context_table_key.

table_filter str

The name of the filter to apply to the queryset to initialize the table class. For example, in a LocationType detail view, for an ObjectsTablePanel of related Locations, this would be location_type, because Location.objects.filter(location_type=obj) gives the desired queryset. Mutually exclusive with table_attribute.

table_attribute str

The attribute of the detail view instance that contains the queryset to initialize the table class. e.g. dynamic_groups. Mutually exclusive with table_filter.

select_related_fields list

list of fields to pass to table queryset's select_related method.

prefetch_related_fields list

list of fields to pass to table queryset's prefetch_related method.

order_by_fields list

list of fields to order the table queryset by.

max_display_count int

Maximum number of items to display in the table. If None, defaults to the get_paginate_count() (which is user's preference or a global setting).

table_title str

The title to display in the panel heading for the table. If None, defaults to the plural verbose name of the table model.

include_columns list

A list of field names to include in the table display. If provided, only these fields will be displayed in the table.

exclude_columns list

A list of field names to exclude from the table display. Mutually exclusive with include_columns.

add_button_route str

The route used to generate the "add" button URL. Defaults to "default", which uses the default table's model add route.

add_permissions list

A list of permissions required for the "add" button to be displayed. If not provided, permissions are determined by default based on the model.

hide_hierarchy_ui bool

Don't display hierarchy-based indentation of tree models in this table

related_field_name str

The name of the filter/form field for the related model that links back to the base model. Defaults to the same as table_filter if unset. Used to populate URLs.

enable_bulk_actions bool

Show the pk toggle columns on the table if the user has the appropriate permissions.



Add additional context for rendering the table panel.

This method processes the table data, configures pagination, and generates URLs for listing and adding objects. It also handles field inclusion/exclusion and displays the appropriate table title if provided.


Bases: Component

Base class for defining an individual display panel within a Layout within a Tab.

__init__(*, label='', section=SectionChoices.FULL_WIDTH, body_id=None, body_content_template_path=None, header_extra_content_template_path=None, footer_content_template_path=None, template_path='components/panel/panel.html', body_wrapper_template_path='components/panel/body_wrapper_generic.html', **kwargs)

Initialize a Panel component that can be rendered as a self-contained HTML fragment.


Name Type Description Default
label str

Label to display for this panel. Optional; if an empty string, the panel will have no label.

section str

One of the SectionChoices values, indicating the layout section this Panel belongs to.

body_id str

HTML element id to attach to the rendered body wrapper of the panel.

body_content_template_path str

Template path to render the content contained within the panel body.

header_extra_content_template_path str

Template path to render extra content into the panel header, if any, not including its label if any.

footer_content_template_path str

Template path to render content into the panel footer, if any.

template_path str

Template path to render the Panel as a whole. Generally you won't override this.

body_wrapper_template_path str

Template path to render the panel body, including both its "wrapper" (a div or table) as well as its contents. Generally you won't override this as a user.



Render the panel as a whole.

Default implementation calls render_label(), render_header_extra_content(), render_body(), and render_footer_extra_content(), then wraps them all into the templated defined by self.template_path.

Typically you'll override one or more of the aforementioned methods in a subclass, rather than replacing this entire method as a whole.


Render the panel body including its HTML wrapper element(s).

Default implementation calls render_body_content() and wraps that in the template defined at self.body_wrapper_template_path.

Normally you won't want to override this method in a subclass, instead overriding render_body_content().


Render the content to include in this panel's body.

Default implementation renders the template from self.body_content_template_path if any.

Render any non-default content to include in this panel's footer.

Default implementation renders the template from self.footer_content_template_path if any.


Render any additional (non-label) content to include in this panel's header.

Default implementation renders the template from self.header_extra_content_template_path if any.


Render the label of this panel, if any.


Ensure permissions through init.


Ensure permissions.


Bases: ChoiceSet

Sections of a Layout to assign panels to. Placement of panels is determined by LayoutChoices set on Tab.layout


Name Type Description

Left side, half-width (value: left-half)


Right side, half-width (value: right-half)


Full width (value: full-width)


Bases: Panel

__init__(*, filter_name, related_models=None, body_content_template_path='components/panel/stats_panel_body.html', **kwargs)

Instantiate a StatsPanel. filter_name (str) is a valid query filter append to the anchor tag for each stat button. e.g. the tenant query parameter in the url /circuits/circuits/?tenant=f4b48e9d-56fc-4090-afa5-dcbe69775b13. related_models is a list of model classes and/or tuples of (model_class, query_string). e.g. [Device, Prefix, (Circuit, "circuit_terminations__location__in"), (VirtualMachine, "cluster__location__in")]


Transform self.related_models to a dictionary with key, value pairs as follows: { : [related_object_model_class_list_url_1, related_object_count_1, related_object_title_1], : [related_object_model_class_list_url_2, related_object_count_2, related_object_title_2], : [related_object_model_class_list_url_3, related_object_count_3, related_object_title_3], ... }


Always should render this panel as the permission is reinforced in python with .restrict(request.user, "view")


Bases: Component

Base class for UI framework definition of a single tabbed pane within an Object Detail (Object Retrieve) page.

__init__(*, tab_id, label, panels=(), layout=LayoutChoices.DEFAULT, label_wrapper_template_path='components/tab/label_wrapper.html', content_wrapper_template_path='components/tab/content_wrapper.html', **kwargs)

Initialize a Tab component.


Name Type Description Default
tab_id str

HTML ID for the tab content element, used to link the tab label and its content together.

label str

User-facing label to display for this tab.

panels tuple

Set of Panel components to potentially display within this tab.

layout str

One of the LayoutChoices values, describing the layout of panels within this tab.

label_wrapper_template_path str

Template path to use for rendering the tab label to HTML.

content_wrapper_template_path str

Template path to use for rendering the tab contents to HTML.



Get the subset of this tab's panels that apply to the given layout section, ordered by their weight.


Name Type Description Default
section str

One of SectionChoices.



Type Description

Sorted list of Panel instances.


Render the tab's contents (layout and panels) to HTML.


Render the tab's label text in a form suitable for display to the user.

Defaults to just returning self.label, but may be overridden if context-specific formatting is needed.


Render the tab's label (as opposed to its contents) and wrapping HTML elements.

In most cases you should not need to override this method; override render_label() instead.


This class is used to register App content to be injected into core Nautobot templates.

It contains methods and attributes that may be overridden by App authors to return template content.

The model attribute on the class defines the which model detail/list pages this class renders content for. It should be set as a string in the form <app_label>.<model_name>.

model: str = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The model (as a string in the form <app_label>.<model>) that this TemplateExtension subclass applies to.

object_detail_buttons = None class-attribute instance-attribute

List of Button instances to add to the specified model's detail view.

object_detail_panels = None class-attribute instance-attribute

List of Panel instances to add to the specified model's detail view.

object_detail_tabs = None class-attribute instance-attribute

List of Tab instances to add to the specified model's detail view.


Called automatically to instantiate a TemplateExtension with render context before calling left_page(), etc.

The provided context typically includes the following keys:

  • object - The object being viewed
  • request - The current request
  • settings - Global Nautobot settings
  • config - App-specific configuration parameters


(Deprecated) Provide content that will be added to the existing list of buttons on the detail page view.

In Nautobot v2.4.0 and later, Apps can (should) instead register Button instances in object_detail_buttons, instead of implementing a .buttons() method.

Content should be returned as an HTML string. Note that content does not need to be marked as safe because this is automatically handled.


(Deprecated) Provide a dict of tabs and associated views that will be added to the detail page view.

In Nautobot v2.4.0 and later, Apps can (should) instead implement the object_detail_tabs attribute instead.

Tabs will be ordered by their position in the list.

Content should be returned as a list of dicts in the following format:

        "title": "<title>",
        "url": "<url for the tab link>",
        "title": "<title>",
        "url": "<url for the tab link>",


(Deprecated) Provide content that will be rendered within the full width of the detail page view.

In Nautobot v2.4.0 and later, Apps can (should) instead register Panel instances in object_detail_panels, instead of implementing a .full_width_page() method.

Content should be returned as an HTML string. Note that content does not need to be marked as safe because this is automatically handled.


(Deprecated) Provide content that will be rendered on the left of the detail page view.

In Nautobot v2.4.0 and later, Apps can (should) instead register Panel instances in object_detail_panels, instead of implementing a .left_page() method.

Content should be returned as an HTML string. Note that content does not need to be marked as safe because this is automatically handled.


Buttons that will be rendered and added to the existing list of buttons on the list page view. Content should be returned as an HTML string. Note that content does not need to be marked as safe because this is automatically handled.

render(template_name, extra_context=None)

Convenience method for rendering the specified Django template using the default context data. An additional context dictionary may be passed as extra_context.


(Deprecated) Provide content that will be rendered on the right of the detail page view.

In Nautobot v2.4.0 and later, Apps can (should) instead register Panel instances in object_detail_panels, instead of implementing a .right_page() method.

Content should be returned as an HTML string. Note that content does not need to be marked as safe because this is automatically handled.


Bases: BaseTextPanel

Panel that renders text, Markdown, JSON or YAML from the given value in the context.


Name Type Description Default
context_field str

source field from context with value for TextPanel.

kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments passed to BaseTextPanel.__init__.


nautobot.apps.ui.render_component_template(template_path, context, **kwargs)

Render the template located at the given path with the given context, possibly augmented via additional kwargs.


Name Type Description Default
template_path str

Path to the template to render, for example "components/tab/label_wrapper.html".

context Context

Rendering context for the template

**kwargs dict

Additional key/value pairs to extend the context with for this specific template.



>>> render_component_template(self.label_wrapper_template_path, context, tab_id=self.tab_id, label="Hello")