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Nautobot v2.4

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 2.4.

Upgrade Actions


  • Nautobot 2.4 drops support for Python 3.8, so any existing Nautobot deployment using Python 3.8 will need upgrade to a newer Python version before upgrading to Nautobot v2.4 or later.
  • Administrators should familiarize themselves with the new Event Publication Framework and the possibilities it enables for improved monitoring of Nautobot operations and integration with distributed automation platforms.
  • Administrators of Kubernetes-based Nautobot deployments should familiarize themselves with the new capabilities that Nautobot v2.4 provides for Job execution in such environments and may wish to update their Nautobot configuration to take advantage of these capabilities. Please note that this feature set is considered Experimental in v2.4.0 and is subject to change in future releases.
  • Nautobot 2.4 includes an About page which is capable of displaying the status of Network to Code support contracts, dictated by the NTC_SUPPORT_CONTRACT_EXPIRATION_DATE configuration setting.

Job Authors & App Developers

  • App developers should begin to adopt the UI Component Framework introduced in Nautobot v2.4, as this will reduce the amount of boilerplate HTML/CSS content that they need to develop and maintain, and will help insulate Apps from future CSS and layout design changes planned for Nautobot v3.
  • Additionally, App developers should familiarize themselves with the new Event Publication Framework and the possibilities it enables for Apps to publish their own relevant events to configured message brokers.
  • As a side benefit of adding REST API exclude_m2m support, the Nautobot REST API ViewSet classes now attempt to intelligently apply select_related() and/or prefetch_related() optimizations to the queryset associated to a given REST API viewset. Apps defining their own REST API viewsets (and requiring Nautobot v2.4.0 or later) can typically remove most explicit calls to select_related() and prefetch_related(); furthermore, in order to benefit most from the exclude_m2m=true query parameter, apps in Nautobot v2.4.0 and later should not explicitly prefetch_related() many-to-many related fields any longer. (Explicit calls to select_related() and prefetch_related() may still be necessary and appropriate if your API serializer needs to perform nested lookups, as the automatic optimization here currently only understands directly related object lookups.)
  • Job authors should be aware of the ability to log success messages in Nautobot v2.4.0 and later and should adopt this log level as appropriate.
  • Job authors should be aware of the introduction of Job Queues as a general-purpose replacement for the Celery-specific Job.task_queues attribute, and if a Job specifies its preferred task_queues, should verify that the queue selected as its default_job_queue after the Nautobot upgrade is correct.

Release Overview


Virtual Device Context Data Models

Nautobot 2.4 adds a VirtualDeviceContext data model to support modeling of logical partitions of physical network devices, such as Cisco Nexus Virtual Device Contexts, Juniper Logical Systems, Arista Multi-instance EOS, and so forth. Device Interfaces can be associated to Virtual Device Contexts via the new InterfaceVDCAssignment model as well.

Wireless Data Models

Nautobot 2.4 adds the data models WirelessNetwork, RadioProfile, and SupportedDataRate, enabling Nautobot to model campus wireless networks. In support of this functionality, the Controller and ControllerManagedDeviceGroup models have been enhanced with additional capabilities as well.

Refer to the Wireless documentation for more details.

Apps Marketplace Page and Installed Apps Page Tile View

Nautobot v2.4 introduces the Apps Marketplace, containing information about available Nautobot Apps. In addition to that, the Installed Apps page has added a tile-view option, similar to the Apps Marketplace.

Event Publication Framework

Nautobot now includes a general-purpose, extensible event publication framework for publication of event notifications to other systems such as Redis publish/subscribe, Kafka, syslog, and others. An abstract EventBroker API can be implemented and extended with system-specific functionality to enable publication of Nautobot events to any desired message broker.

As of v2.4.0, Nautobot publishes events with the following topics:

Data model manipulation: - nautobot.create.<app>.<model> - nautobot.update.<app>.<model> - nautobot.delete.<app>.<model>

User interaction: - nautobot.users.user.login - nautobot.users.user.logout - nautobot.users.user.change_password - nautobot.admin.user.change_password

Jobs: - - - -

The payload of each topic is a data representaton of the corresponding event, such as the object created, or the Job that started execution. Events are published to configured event brokers, and may be filtered.

Nautobot Apps can also make use of this framework to publish additional event topics, specific to the App's functionality as desired.

Jinja2 Template Rendering Tool

Nautobot v2.4 adds a new tool to render Jinja2 templates directly from the UI. Users may supply their own template body and context data to be rendered, with access to to Nautobot's built-in Jinja2 tags and filters. Additionally, a new REST API endpoint /api/core/render-jinja-template/ has been added to achieve the same functionaly. This can be used by users and Apps such as Nautobot Golden Config to assist with the development and validation of Jinja2 template content. This functionality will be extended in the future to more easily access context aware data in Nautobot such as Devices and Config Contexts.

Job success Log Level

Jobs can now log success messages as a new logging level which will be appropriately labeled and colorized in Job Result views.

self.logger.success("All data is valid.")

Kubernetes Job Execution and Job Queue Data Model (Experimental)

Please note that this functionality is considered Experimental in the v2.4.0 release and is subject to change in the future.

When running in a Kubernetes (k8s) deployment, such as with Nautobot's Helm chart, Nautobot now supports an alternative method of running Nautobot Jobs - instead of (or in addition to) running one or more Celery Workers as long-lived persistent pods, Nautobot can dispatch Nautobot Jobs to be executed as short-lived Kubernetes Job pods.

In support of this functionality, Nautobot now supports the definition of JobQueue records, which represent either a Celery task queue or a Kubernetes Job queue. Nautobot Jobs can be associated to queues of either or both types, and the Job Queue selected when submitting a Job will dictate whether it is executed via Celery or via Kubernetes.

Nautobot Jobs support the same feature sets, regardless if they are executed on Celery Job queues or Kubernetes Job queues.

Refer to the Jobs documentation for more details.

Singleton Jobs

Job authors can now set their jobs to only allow a single concurrent execution across all workers, preventing mistakes where, e.g., data synchronization jobs accidentally run twice and create multiple instances of the same data. This functionality and the corresponding setting are documented in the section on developing Jobs.

Per-user Time Zone Support

Users can now configure their preferred display time zone via the User Preferences UI under their user profile and Nautobot will display dates and times in the configured time zone for each user.

REST API exclude_m2m Support

Added REST API support for an ?exclude_m2m=true query parameter. Specifying this parameter prevents the API from retrieving and serializing many-to-many relations on the requested object(s) (for example, the list of all Prefixes associated with a given VRF), which can in some cases greatly improve the performance of the API and reduce memory and network overhead substantially.

A future Nautobot major release may change the REST API behavior to make exclude_m2m=true the default behavior.

Additionally, the DynamicModelChoiceField and related form fields have been enhanced to use exclude_m2m=true when querying the REST API to populate their options, which can in some cases significantly improve the responsiveness of these fields.

UI Component Framework

Nautobot's new UI Component Framework provides a set of Python APIs for defining parts of the Nautobot UI without needing, in many cases, to write custom HTML templates. In v2.4.0, the focus is primarily on the definition of object "detail" views as those were the most common cases where custom templates have been required in the past.

Adoption of this framework significantly reduces the amount of boilerplate needed to define an object detail view, drives increased self-consistency across views, and encourages code reuse. It also insulates Apps from the details of Nautobot's CSS and layout (Bootstrap 3 framework), smoothing the way for Nautobot to adopt UI changes in the future with minimal impact to compliant apps.

App template extensions--which are used to inject App content into Nautobot Core views--offer new implementation patterns using the UI Component Framework and it is highly recomended that App developers take this opportunity to adopt, as old methods have been deprecated in some cases (see below).

As of Nautobot 2.4.0, the following detail views have been migrated to use the UI Component Framework, and any app template extensions targeting these models should adopt:

  • Circuit
  • Cluster Type
  • Device ("Add Components" buttons only)
  • External Integration
  • Location Type
  • Provider
  • Route Target
  • Secret
  • Tenant
  • VRF


FilterTestCases.NameOnlyFilterTestCase and FilterTestCases.NameSlugFilterTestCase

These two generic base test classes are deprecated. Apps should migrate to using FilterTestCases.FilterTestCase with an appropriately defined list of generic_filter_tests instead.

Job task_queues and ScheduledJob.queue

The Job.task_queues field (a list of queue name strings) is deprecated in favor of the new Job.job_queues relationship to the JobQueue model. task_queues is still readable and settable for backward compatibility purposes but code using this attribute should migrate to using job_queues instead.

Similarly, ScheduledJob.queue is deprecated in favor of ScheduledJob.job_queue.

TemplateExtension.detail_tabs(), TemplateExtension.left_page() and others

With the introduction of the UI Component Framework (described above), new APIs are available for Apps to extend core Nautobot views with additional content using this framework. A number of new APIs have been added to the TemplateExtension base class in support of this functionality, and several existing TemplateExtension APIs have been deprecated in favor of these new APIs. Refer to the App development documentation for details.


Removed Python 3.8 Support

As Python 3.8 has reached end-of-life, Nautobot 2.4 requires a minimum of Python 3.9. Note that existing installs using Python 3.8 will need to upgrade their Python version prior to initiating the Nautobot v2.4 upgrade.

v2.4.2 (2025-02-03)

Added in v2.4.2

  • #3319 - Added the appropriate Namespace to the link for adding a new IP address from an existing Prefix's detail view.
  • #4702 - Added support for loading GraphQL queries from a Git repository.
  • #5622 - Added tags field on DeviceFamilyForm.
  • #6347 - Added Bulk Edit functionality for LocationType model.
  • #6487 - Added the ability to perform a shallow copy of a GitRepository instance and to optionally checkout a different branch and/or a specific commit hash.
  • #6767 - Added cacheable CustomField.choices property for retrieving the list of permissible values for a select/multiselect Custom Field.

Changed in v2.4.2

  • #5781 - Removed unnecessary import_jobs() call during system startup.
  • #6650 - Changed the nautobot.apps.utils.get_base_template() function's fallback behavior to return "generic/object_retrieve.html" instead of "base.html" in order to more correctly align with its usage throughout Nautobot core.
  • #6650 - Replaced references to generic/object_detail.html with generic/object_retrieve.html throughout the code and docs, as generic/object_detail.html has been a deprecated alias since v1.4.0.
  • #6808 - Improved returned data when syncing a Git repository via the REST API.

Fixed in v2.4.2

  • #3319 - Fixed an exception when retrieving available IP addresses within a Prefix for certain IPv6 networks.
  • #3319 - Fixed incorrect potential inclusion of IPv4 IP addresses from the same Namespace when calling .get_all_ips() or .get_utilization() on an IPv6 Prefix.
  • #6650 - Fixed rendering of "notes" and "changelog" tabs for object detail views that do not provide a custom HTML template.
  • #6767 - Improved performance of object detail views when a large number of select/multiselect Custom Fields and also filtered Relationships are defined on the model class.
  • #6767 - Improved performance of Device detail view by adding appropriate select_related/prefetch_related calls.
  • #6767 - Fixed display of Cluster Group in Device detail view.
  • #6810 - Fixed Bulk Edit Objects job failure when passing a single value to add_*/remove_* fields.
  • #6812 - Fixed the incorrect rendering of the Relationship panel in Object Detail View.
  • #6821 - Fixed the rendering of Location in the RackReservation detail page.
  • #6825 - Added links to the manufacturer column of the Platform table.
  • #6838 - Added missing key and label fields to Relationship Detail View.

Dependencies in v2.4.2

  • #6717 - Updated GitPython dependency to ~3.1.44.
  • #6717 - Updated django-silk dependency to ~5.3.2.
  • #6717 - Updated django-tables2 dependency to ~2.7.5.
  • #6717 - Updated mysqlclient optional dependency to ~2.2.7.

Documentation in v2.4.2

  • #346 - Added documentation about Git repository REST API.
  • #6621 - Added "Security Notices" document to the documentation under User Guide --> Administration.

Housekeeping in v2.4.2

  • #6717 - Updated mkdocs-material documentation dependency to 9.5.50.
  • #6717 - Updated faker development dependency to ~33.3.1.
  • #6717 - Updated pylint development dependency to ~3.3.4.
  • #6779 - Added integration tests for bulk edit/delete operations for Devices and Locations.
  • #6779 - Added BulkOperationsTestCases class with built-in standard test cases for testing bulk operations.
  • #6842 - Fix invoke integration-test to run standalone, without running the invoke start first.

v2.4.1 (2025-01-21)

Security in v2.4.1

  • #6780 - Updated Django to 4.2.18 to address CVE-2024-56374.

Fixed in v2.4.1

  • #6427 - Fixed a bug which allowed several wireless interface types to accept cables.
  • #6489 - Fixed partial-match filters (such as __ic and __isw) on fields that have restricted choices (Prefix.type, Interface.type, etc.) so that partial values are no longer rejected.
  • #6763 - Fixed the issue where the Wireless Network detail view fails to render when any record in the Controller Managed Device Groups table is missing a VLAN.
  • #6770 - Fixed breakage of JobButton functionality.
  • #6771 - Reverted breaking changes to various generic View base class attributes.
  • #6773 - Fixed an exception when trying to render a Job class to a form when no corresponding Job database record exists.
  • #6776 - Fixed FilterTestCase.generic_filter_tests to again be optional as intended.
  • #6779 - Fixed Object Bulk Delete and Object Bulk Edit functionalities.
  • #6783 - Fixed NautobotDataBaseScheduler unable to run Scheduled Jobs without job queues assigned.
  • #6786 - Fixed incorrect marking of capabilities field as required on Controller and ControllerManagedDeviceGroup REST APIs.
  • #6792 - Fixed natural_key_field_lookups for proxy models.

Housekeeping in v2.4.1

  • #6768 - Fixed link to changelog fragment documentation.
  • #6794 - Fixed Device factory to ensure that it only selects SoftwareImageFiles that are permitted for a given Device.

v2.4.0 (2025-01-10)

Added in v2.4.0

  • #1004 - Added singleton job functionality to limit specified jobs to one concurrent execution.
  • #6353 - Added "Bulk Delete Objects" system Job.
  • #6354 - Added "Bulk Edit Objects" system job.
  • #6462 - Added tenant relationship to the ControllerManagedDeviceGroup
  • #6462 - Added tenant and description fields to forms, filtersets and tables for Controller and ControllerManagedDeviceGroup
  • #6556 - Added REST API support for an ?exclude_m2m=true query parameter. Specifying this parameter prevents the API from retrieving and serializing many-to-many relations on the requested object(s) (for example, the list of all Prefixes associated with a given VRF), which can in some cases greatly improve the performance of the API and reduce memory and network overhead substantially.
  • #6556 - Added automatic optimization of REST API querysets via appropriate select_related and prefetch_related calls.
  • #6556 - Enhanced generic REST API test methods ListObjectsViewTestCase.test_list_objects_depth_0 and ListObjectsViewTestCase.test_list_objects_depth_1 to test the ?exclude_m2m=true query parameter. This enhancement includes checks for missing related fields in the serialized data, which may result in new test failures being seen in Apps using this test class.
  • #6556 - Enhanced generic REST API test method UpdateObjectViewTestCase.test_update_object to include an idempotency test in combination with the ?exclude_m2m=true query parameter. This may result in new test failures being seen in Apps using this test class.
  • #6597 - Added an about page that displays Nautobot and support contract information.
  • #6597 - Added NTC_SUPPORT_CONTRACT_EXPIRATION_DATE configuration setting.
  • #6684 - Added support for label-transparent CSS class.
  • #6684 - Added "success" log entry counts to the Job Result table.
  • #6751 - Added NetObs and Load Balancer to Apps Marketplace.

Changed in v2.4.0

  • #6463 - Reorganized parts of the Device and VirtualMachine create/edit forms for consistency and clarity.
  • #6529 - Added VRF's to the Prefixes API.
  • #6556 - Changed DynamicModelChoiceField, DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField, and MultiMatchModelMultipleChoiceField default behavior to include ?exclude_m2m=true as a query parameter to the REST API, improving the typical performance of populating such fields with options.
  • #6652 - Refined the App Marketplace and Installed Apps views based on stakeholder feedback.
  • #6684 - Changed the add navigation menu buttons to be styled as primary (light blue) rather than info (darker blue).
  • #6684 - Updated the "author" and "availability" text in App Marketplace data for clarity.
  • #6684 - Adjusted the layout and rendering of the App Marketplace and Installed Apps views based on stakeholder feedback.

Fixed in v2.4.0

  • #6461 - Fixed inconsistent rendering of DynamicModelChoiceField throughout the UI.
  • #6462 - Fixed JSONArrayFormField error that field is required when default value is used.
  • #6526 - Fixed an AttributeError that occurred in the UI when editing a DynamicGroup with ipam|prefix as its content-type and changing the value of the "Present in VRF" field.
  • #6556 - Added missing tags field to CircuitTermination, Contact, DeviceFamily, GitRepository, MetadataType, Team, VirtualDeviceContext REST APIs.
  • #6556 - Fixed incorrect field identification logic in REST API testing helper method ListObjectsViewTestCase.get_depth_fields(). This may result in new detection of latent issues in Apps by this test case.
  • #6556 - Fixed incorrect test logic in REST API generic test case UpdateObjectViewTestCase.test_update_object(). This may result in new detection of latent issues in Apps by this test case.
  • #6556 - Fixed ?depth query parameter support in Contact and Team REST APIs.
  • #6601 - Fixed whitespace in Jinja template renderer.
  • #6602 - Fixed incorrect naming of controller_managed_device_groups filter on the RadioProfile and WirelessNetwork filtersets.
  • #6629 - Fixed an AttributeError that could be raised if a DynamicModelChoiceField uses a non-standard widget.
  • #6661 - Fixed the rendering of the dynamic group associable model list tables.
  • #6663 - Fixed test_cable_cannot_terminate_to_a_virtual_interface and test_cable_cannot_terminate_to_a_wireless_interface tests so they fail properly.
  • #6738 - Fixed an exception when cleaning a Prefix that was defined by specifying network and prefix_length.
  • #6743 - Fixed incorrect rendering of the "Assigned" column in the IPAddress list view.
  • #6745 - Restored indentation of child prefixes in Prefix detail view.
  • #6745 - Improved logic for generation of "available" child prefixes in Prefix detail view.

Dependencies in v2.4.0

  • #6424 - Updated django-structlog dependency to ^9.0.0.

Documentation in v2.4.0

  • #6436 - Clarified NGINX user in installation documentation.
  • #6480 - Added kubernetes-related job documentation and removed kubernetes-kind-related documentation.
  • #6512 - Improved screenshots of UI Component Framework examples.
  • #6512 - Added before/after example in Migration guide for UI Component Framework.
  • #6639 - Added User Guide for Wireless Networks.
  • #6654 - Improved REST API documentation about query parameters and filtering of fields.

Housekeeping in v2.4.0

  • #6424 - Updated development dependencies faker to >=33.1.0,<33.2.0 and watchdog to ~6.0.0.
  • #6612 - Replaced markdownlint-cli development dependency with Python package pymarkdownlnt and removed Node.js and npm from the development Docker images.
  • #6659 - Enhanced development environment and associated invoke tasks to be Nautobot major/minor version aware, such that a different Docker compose project-name (and different local Docker image label) will be used for containers in a develop-based branch versus a next-based branch.
  • #6715 - Updated development dependency ruff to ~0.8.5 and addressed new rules added in that version.
  • #6742 - Updated various development dependencies to the latest versions available as of January 7.

v2.4.0b1 (2024-11-25)

Added in v2.4.0b1

  • #3263 - Added support for users to specify their timezone from the user Preferences UI.
  • #6087 - Added JobQueue and JobQueueAssignment models, GraphQL, UI and API.
  • #6087 - Added a data migration to replace Job.task_queues with JobQueue instances.
  • #6087 - Added a data migration to replace ScheduledJob.queue with a JobQueue instance.
  • #6089 - Added enforcement of the Job execution soft time limit to the nautobot-server runjob --local ... management command.
  • #6089 - Added automatic refreshing of Git repository Jobs to the nautobot-server runjob management command.
  • #6133 - Added ObjectDetailContent, Tab, and Panel UI component Python classes.
  • #6133 - Added support for defining an object_detail_content attribute on object detail view classes to use the new UI framework.
  • #6134 - Added support for ordering Tab and Panel instances by weight in code-defined detail views.
  • #6134 - Added ObjectsTablePanel class for rendering related-object tables in code-defined detail views.
  • #6135 - Enhanced ObjectFieldsPanel: Include TreeModel Hierarchy display, copy button at row level and url fields automatically hyperlinked features.
  • #6136 - Enhanced ObjectsTablePanel: Include features like include/exclude columns, set limits of rows, change table panel header title.
  • #6137 - Added DataTablePanel UI component.
  • #6137 - Added support for context_table_key parameter to ObjectsTablePanel.__init__().
  • #6137 - Added automatic formatting of JSONField in ObjectFieldsPanel.
  • #6138 - Added BaseTextPanel.RenderOptions.CODE option to render values inside <pre> tags using the TextPanel and ObjectTextPanel.
  • #6139 - Added ObjectTextPanel for rendering text with markdown/json/yaml from given object field.
  • #6139 - Added TextPanel for rendering text with markdown/json/yaml from given value in the context.
  • #6140 - Added StatsPanel UI component Python class.
  • #6141 - Added KeyValueTablePanel and GroupedKeyValueTablePanel generic panel classes to Python UI framework.
  • #6141 - Added RelationshipModel.get_relationships_with_related_objects() API allowing direct querying for all objects related to a given object by Relationships.
  • #6141 - Added object tags display to detail views using the Python UI framework.
  • #6142 - Added Button UI framework class and ObjectDetailContent.extra_buttons attribute, enabling declarative specification of custom buttons in an object detail view.
  • #6142 - Added support for App TemplateExtension implementations to define object_detail_buttons.
  • #6144 - Added Virtual Device Context Model, API, UI.
  • #6196 - Added Wireless Models.
  • #6208 - Added module, Redis and syslog event brokers, and event publication of CRUD events.
  • #6211 - Added InterfaceVDCAssignment model and API.
  • #6241 - Added REST API for Wireless models.
  • #6258 - Added optional role field to VirtualDeviceContext.
  • #6259 - Added default_job_queue field to the Job Model.
  • #6276 - Added support for Apps to define object_detail_panels and object_detail_tabs in their TemplateExtension classes.
  • #6276 - Added nautobot.apps.ui.DistinctViewTab class for defining detail-view tabs that exist as a distinct view.
  • #6276 - Added nautobot.apps.ui.render_component_template helper function.
  • #6323 - Added Scheduled Job support for Kubernetes Job Execution.
  • #6324 - Added Event Broker Config
  • #6325 - Added event publishing for events: user login, user logout, job failed, user changed password and admin changes user's password.
  • #6326 - Added event publishing for events: job started, job completed, job failed, schedule job approved and scheduled job denied.
  • #6338 - Added UI Components for Wireless models.
  • #6348 - Added "Add virtual device contexts" to the Virtual Device Contexts panel in Device detail view.
  • #6377 - Added support for hide_hierarchy_ui option in ObjectsTablePanel.
  • #6387 - Added a custom SUCCESS log level for use in Nautobot and Nautobot Jobs.
  • #6446 - Added support for query_params to NavMenuItem and NavMenuButton.
  • #6446 - Added capabilities field to Controller and ControllerManagedDeviceGroup.
  • #6488 - Added a REST API endpoint for rendering Jinja2 templates.
  • #6504 - Added Apps Marketplace page.
  • #6513 - Added pre_tag helper/filter method to wrap content within <pre> tags.
  • #6537 - Added logic to prevent users from modifying device on Virtual Device Contexts.
  • #6539 - Added Installed Apps page tile view.
  • #6555 - Added a Jinja template renderer to the UI.

Changed in v2.4.0b1

  • #6125 - Refactored Job run related code to be able to use Job Queues.
  • #6133 - Converted Circuit detail view to use the new UI framework.
  • #6137 - Converted example app ExampleModel detail view to use UI component framework.
  • #6137 - Converted ExternalIntegration detail view to use UI component framework.
  • #6138 - Changed ExampleModelUIViewSet with added example of TextPanel usage.
  • #6139 - Changed _ObjectCommentPanel to be subclass of ObjectTextPanel and use newly created text panel component.
  • #6140 - Refactored Tenant detail view to use UI component Python classes.
  • #6142 - Converted Secret related views to use NautobotUIViewSet and UI Framework.
  • #6142 - Converted Device detail view to use UI Framework to define the "Add Components" dropdown.
  • #6196 - JSONArrayField now allows choices to be provided in the base_field declaration.
  • #6205 - Changed initial Nautobot initialized! message logged on startup to include the Nautobot version number.
  • #6330 - Refactored ObjectsTablePanel to accept either a table class and a queryset or an already initialized table.
  • #6377 - Converted VRF and RouteTarget UI views to use NautobotUIViewSet and object_detail_content.
  • #6476 - Converted ClusterType detail view to use UI framework.
  • #6503 - Addressed Wireless models UI Feedback.

Deprecated in v2.4.0b1

  • #6108 - Deprecated the FilterTestCases.NameOnlyFilterTestCase and FilterTestCases.NameSlugFilterTestCase generic test classes. Apps should migrate to FilterTestCases.FilterTestCase with an appropriately defined list of generic_filter_tests instead.
  • #6142 - Deprecated the TemplateExtension.buttons() API in favor of TemplateExtension.object_detail_buttons implementation based around the UI Component Framework.
  • #6276 - Deprecated the TemplateExtension.left_page(), TemplateExtension.right_page(), and TemplateExtension.full_width_page() APIs in favor of TemplateExtension.object_detail_panels implementation based around the UI Component Framework.

Removed in v2.4.0b1

  • #6108 - Removed the previously deprecated ViewTestCases.BulkImportObjectsViewTestCase generic test class as obsolete.
  • #6342 - Removed remnants of the React UI prototype - NavContext, NavGrouping, NavItem, GetMenuAPIView, GetObjectCountsView, ViewConfigException, get_all_new_ui_ready_routes(), get_only_new_ui_ready_routes(), is_route_new_ui_ready().

Fixed in v2.4.0b1

  • #6089 - Fixed warning message No sanitizer support for <class 'NoneType'> data emitted by the nautobot-server runjob --local ... command.
  • #6108 - Fixed incorrect definition of VirtualMachineFilterSet.cluster filter.
  • #6137 - Fixed ObjectsTablePanel.related_field_name fallback logic to be more correct.
  • #6137 - Fixed incorrect configuration of "Contacts", "Dynamic Groups", and "Object Metadata" tables in component-based views.
  • #6139 - Fixed body_content_text.html to properly render different formats like json, yaml or markdown.
  • #6208 - Fixed duplicate loading of during Nautobot startup.
  • #6246 - Fixed accordion collapse/expand behavior when grouped computed fields and/or custom fields are present in a detail view.
  • #6331 - Added missing role field in Virtual Device Context detail view and edit view.
  • #6331 - Fixed Virtual Device Context edit view layout.
  • #6337 - Added exception handling and fallback logic for Constance config lookups as django-constance 4.x removed some built-in exception handling.
  • #6338 - Fixed NumericArrayField not respecting numerical order.
  • #6377 - Fixed Panel rendering to not include the header or footer if the content is only whitespace.
  • #6377 - Fixed incorrect/unnecessary rendering of many-to-many fields in ObjectFieldsPanel.
  • #6377 - Fixed various references to context["object"] to use get_obj_from_context() appropriately.
  • #6394 - Fixed unexpected error {'default_job_queue': ['This field cannot be null.']} on Job Bulk Update.
  • #6394 - Fixed overriding custom job_queues on Job Bulk Update when no changes made on this field.
  • #6395 - Corrected name of IPAM migration 0050 to match the one released in v2.3.6.
  • #6397 - Fixed incorrect handling of JobQueue objects in get_worker_count().
  • #6403 - Fixed wrong Primary IPv6 field label on VirtualDeviceContextForm.
  • #6428 - Fixed some issues causing failures with reverse migrations.
  • #6537 - Fixed unexpected failure when adding an interface component to a device from the Device detail view.
  • #6546 - Fixed inconsistent rendering of the Role column on the Virtual Device Context list table.
  • #6549 - Added missing / to /api/core/render-jinja-template/ URL.

Dependencies in v2.4.0b1

  • #5963 - Updated django-taggit to ~6.1.0.
  • #6252 - Dropped support for Python 3.8. Python 3.9 is now the minimum version required by Nautobot.
  • #6254 - Added kubernetes==31.0.0 development dependency.
  • #6342 - Removed dependency on drf-react-template-framework.
  • #6363 - Removed direct dependency on MarkupSafe as Nautobot does not use it directly, only through the Jinja2 dependency.
  • #6363 - Updated dependency Pillow to ~11.0.0.
  • #6363 - Updated dependency django-auth-ldap to ~5.1.0.
  • #6469 - Updated dependency django-silk to ~5.3.0.
  • #6549 - Moved kubernetes from a development-only dependency to a required dependency.

Documentation in v2.4.0b1

  • #6144 - Added documentation for Virtual Device Contexts.
  • #6254 - Added documentation of how to use K8s Kind cluster for local K8s integrations development.
  • #6275 - Added documentation about migration from template-based views into UI Component Framework.
  • #6275 - Added UI Component Framework documentation.
  • #6275 - Updated documentation of development/apps/api/views/ to inform users about preferred usage of UI Component Framework.
  • #6275 - Updated docstrings for some of UI related classes to improve auto-generated docs.
  • #6381 - Added Wireless Model documentation.
  • #6549 - Added 2.4 release overview.

Housekeeping in v2.4.0b1

  • #5963 - Updated development dependency faker to >=30.1.0,<30.2.0.
  • #5963 - Updated documentation dependency towncrier to ~24.8.0.
  • #5963 - Updated watchdog to ~5.0.0.
  • #6108 - Removed roughly 800 redundant and/or obsolete test cases.
  • #6108 - Merged the APIViewTestCases.NotesURLViewTestCase.test_notes_url_on_object generic test function into APIViewTestCases.GetObjectViewTestCase.test_get_object generic test function to reduce redundant code and improve test speed.
  • #6108 - Merged the FilterTestCases.FilterTestCase.test_id generic test function into FilterTestCases.FilterTestCase.test_filters_generic generic test function to reduce redundant code and improve test speed.
  • #6108 - Removed the FilterTestCases.FilterTestCase.test_q_filter_exists generic test function as redundant.
  • #6108 - Merged the ViewTestCases.GetObjectViewTestCase.test_has_advanced_tab generic test function into ViewTestCases.GetObjectViewTestCase.test_get_object_with_permission generic test function to reduce redundant code and improve test speed.
  • #6108 - Removed the ViewTestCases.CreateObjectViewTestCase.test_slug_autocreation and test_slug_not_modified generic test functions as obsolete.
  • #6108 - Merged the ViewTestCases.ListObjectsViewTestCase.test_list_view_app_banner generic test function into ViewTestCases.ListObjectsViewTestCase.test_list_objects_with_permission generic test function to reduce redundant code and improve test speed.
  • #6133 - Moved definition of nav and homepage base classes from nautobot.core.apps to new nautobot.core.ui module. (These classes are still available to App authors via the same nautobot.apps.ui import aliases as previously).
  • #6133 - Added support for --quiet option to invoke nbshell task.
  • #6250 - Improved speed of JobQueueFactory when a large number of Jobs are installed.
  • #6275 - Added parameter --fix to invoke markdownlint.
  • #6320 - Fixed an error when rerunning a test with cached test fixtures that included default job queues.
  • #6493 - Moved runjob helper functions from to