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Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X

Pre-migration validation

In Nautobot 1.x, starting with 1.5.22, there is a nautobot-server pre_migrate command that can be run to check your existing data for compatibility with the data model changes introduced in Nautobot 2.0. You are highly encouraged to run this command before beginning to migrate to Nautobot 2.x as it will catch and report certain data-sanitization issues that cannot be remediated automatically during the migration and will need to be manually corrected before you upgrade.

For example, if any of the pre-migration checks fail, you may see an error message like this:

$ nautobot-server pre_migrate
>>> Running check: check_configcontext_uniqueness...
>>> Running check: check_exporttemplate_uniqueness...
>>> Running check: check_virtualchassis_uniqueness...
CommandError: One or more pre-migration checks failed:
    You cannot migrate ConfigContext or ConfigContextSchema objects that have non-unique names:
    - ConfigContext: [{'name': 'cc1', 'count': 2}]
    - ConfigContextSchema: [{'name': 'ccs1', 'count': 2}]

    You cannot migrate VirtualChassis objects with non-unique names:
     - [{'name': 'vc1', 'count': 2}]

Otherwise, a clean exit displays "All pre-migration checks passed." indicating that your Nautobot instance is ready to be upgraded to Nautobot 2.0:

$ nautobot-server pre_migrate
>>> Running check: check_configcontext_uniqueness...
>>> Running check: check_exporttemplate_uniqueness...
>>> Running check: check_virtualchassis_uniqueness...
All pre-migration checks passed.

Permission Constraint Migration

Permission constraints that contain references to fields or models that were changed or removed in Nautobot 2.0 will have to be updated manually after the upgrade. For example, any permission constraints that reference a Site will need to be updated to reference the Location model instead. The nautobot-server pre_migrate command will output a list of all permission constraints that need to be updated after the upgrade.

>>> Running permission constraint checks...

One or more permission constraints may be affected by the Nautobot 2.0 migration.
These permission constraints will have to be updated manually after upgrading to
Nautobot 2.0 to reference new models and/or values. Please review the following
warnings and make sure to document the objects referenced by these constraints
before upgrading:

ObjectPermission 'backbone devices' (id: ced686c3-2b34-4612-974a-bad766512661) has a constraint that references a model (nautobot.dcim.models.devices.DeviceRole) that will be migrated to a new model by the Nautobot 2.0 migration.
    "device_role": "e99adc77-40ef-4a0f-b2c1-26dbf6648ef1"

ObjectPermission 'example job run' (id: 41c6d03e-6388-47eb-b575-1c7a21725bc3) has a constraint that references a model field ( that may be changed by the Nautobot 2.0 migration.
    "name": "Example job, does nothing"

ObjectPermission 'emea' (id: 2d3b7aae-98ab-44ec-af89-43d3002a1b7d) has a constraint that references a model (nautobot.dcim.models.sites.Region) that will be migrated to a new model by the Nautobot 2.0 migration.
        "site__region__slug": "emea"
        "id": "4c9f3e5c-2dc6-46f6-95ac-ac778369edfc"

We recommend taking inventory of any objects referenced by primary key in permission constraints for the following models:

  • dcim.DeviceRole
  • dcim.RackRole
  • extras.TaggedItem
  • ipam.Aggregate
  • ipam.IPAddress
  • ipam.Prefix
  • ipam.Role

This is because the primary key for these objects may be changed during the migration. You will not be able to use the primary key value from the old object in the constraint to find the new object.


This pre-migration check only checks the last model referenced in a constraint filter. If you have nested filters (device_role__devices) they may not be reported by this check. You should review all of your permission constraints after the upgrade to ensure that they are still valid.


Primary keys for the migrated Site and Region objects were retained in the Location model, so you do not need to update the primary key value in any Site or Region constraints:

Old Constraint
    "site": "4c9f3e5c-2dc6-46f6-95ac-ac778369edfc"
New Constraint
    "location": "4c9f3e5c-2dc6-46f6-95ac-ac778369edfc"

Other models such as the DeviceRole that was migrated to Role did not retain the original primary key. In this case you will need to find the new object's primary key and update the constraint to reference the new model and new primary key value:

Old Constraint
    "device_role": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
New Constraint
    "role": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

You may also need to update field names in your permission constraints. For example, if you have a permission constraint that references the slug field on a model that was removed in Nautobot 2.0, you will need to update the constraint to reference a different field instead:

Old Constraint
    "slug": "router-01"
New Constraint
    "id": "5f96ac85-32d4-435d-84e4-66e631ae133f"

Some fields were only renamed without making any changes to the data so the constraint update will be a simple matter of updating the field name:

Old Constraint
    "circuit__type__name": "metro-ethernet-1000mb"
New Constraint
    "circuit__circuit_type__name": "metro-ethernet-1000mb"

Dependency Changes

  • Nautobot no longer uses or supports the use of django-cryptography.
  • Nautobot no longer uses or supports the use of django-mptt.
  • Nautobot no longer uses or supports the use of django-rq.

App Developer Interface

All imports for app developers should now be sourced from nautobot.apps.* or provided models, as this is the supported public interface. This will help ensure proper SemVer is kept intact and provide a place to add new features without breaking existing integrations.

Database (ORM) Changes


Changes were made to model and related model fields. In some cases this may invalidate or make subtle changes to existing Permission Constraint filter data. Please review the Permission Constraint Migration section above for more information. These changes might also affect Filter Extensions you have written in your apps.

Database Field Behavior Changes

Most of the database field behavior changes in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. The created field on models has changed from a date only ("2023-04-06") to being a date/time ("2023-04-06T19:57:45.320232Z")
  2. Various models that had a required site field and an optional location field now have a required location field.
Full table of database field behavior changes
Model Field Changes
(all) created Changed from DateField to DateTimeField
ConfigContext name Now must be globally unique
ConfigContextSchema name Now must be globally unique
Device location No longer optional/nullable, must now be set
Device primary_ip4 No longer one-to-one, now one-to-many (ForeignKey)
Device primary_ip6 No longer one-to-one, now one-to-many (ForeignKey)
IPAddress role Changed from CharField to a ForeignKey to the new Role model.
IPAddress primary_ip4_for Now a list as the reverse relation for the Device.primary_ip4 foreign key
IPAddress primary_ip6_for Now a list as the reverse relation for the Device.primary_ip6 foreign key
JobLogEntry absolute_url No longer accepts null values, use "" instead
JobLogEntry log_object No longer accepts null values, use "" instead
ObjectPermission name Now must be globally unique
PowerPanel location No longer optional/nullable, must now be set
Prefix is_pool Replaced by new field type, valid choices are "Container", "Network" and "Pool"
Prefix namespace New required foreign key to Namespace, defaulting to 'Global'
Prefix status "Container" status has been replaced by new field type
Rack location No longer optional/nullable, must now be set
RackGroup location No longer optional/nullable, must now be set
ScheduledJob name Now must be globally unique
ScheduledJob queue No longer accepts null values, use "" instead
VirtualChassis name Now must be globally unique
VirtualMachine primary_ip4 No longer one-to-one, now one-to-many (ForeignKey). Remote side is now a list.
VirtualMachine primary_ip6 No longer one-to-one, now one-to-many (ForeignKey). Remote side is now a list.
VRF namespace New required foreign key to Namespace, defaulting to 'Global'
Webhook ca_file_path No longer accepts null values, use "" instead

Renamed Database Fields

Most renamed database fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. Renaming of foreign keys and reverse relations to more consistently and specifically match the related model name or plural name (for example, Circuit.terminations to Circuit.circuit_terminations, to Rack.rack_group)
  2. Renaming of tree model fields for consistency and due to the change from django-mptt to django-tree-queries (for example, InventoryItem.child_items to InventoryItem.children and InventoryItem.level to InventoryItem.tree_depth)
Full table of renamed database fields
Model Renamed Field New Name
CablePath circuittermination circuit_terminations
CablePath consoleport console_ports
CablePath consoleserverport console_server_ports
CablePath interface interfaces
CablePath powerfeed power_feeds
CablePath poweroutlet power_outlets
CablePath powerport power_ports
Circuit termination_a circuit_termination_a
Circuit termination_z circuit_termination_z
Circuit terminations circuit_terminations
Circuit type circuit_type
Cluster group cluster_group
Cluster type cluster_type
ComputedField slug key
ConfigContext schema config_context_schema
ConfigContextSchema device_set devices
ConfigContextSchema virtualmachine_set virtual_machines
ContentType computedfield_set computed_fields
ContentType configcontext_set config_contexts
ContentType configcontextschema_set config_context_schemas
ContentType customlink_set custom_links
ContentType dcim_device_related devices
ContentType dynamicgroup_set dynamic_groups
ContentType exporttemplate_set export_templates
ContentType imageattachment_set image_attachments
ContentType note_set notes
ContentType virtualization_virtualmachine_related virtual_machines
CustomFieldChoice field custom_field
CustomField choices custom_field_choices
CustomField slug key
Device consoleports console_ports
Device consoleserverports console_server_ports
Device devicebays device_bays
Device device_role role
Device frontports front_ports
Device inventoryitems inventory_items
Device local_context_data local_config_context_data
Device local_context_data_owner_content_type local_config_context_data_owner_content_type
Device local_context_data_owner_object_id local_config_context_data_owner_object_id
Device local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
Device poweroutlets power_outlets
Device powerports power_ports
Device rearports rear_ports
DeviceRedundancyGroup members devices
DeviceType consoleporttemplates console_port_templates
DeviceType consoleserverporttemplates console_server_port_templates
DeviceType devicebaytemplates device_bay_templates
DeviceType frontporttemplates front_port_templates
DeviceType interfacetemplates interface_templates
DeviceType instances devices
DeviceType poweroutlettemplates power_outlet_templates
DeviceType powerporttemplates power_port_templates
DeviceType rearporttemplates rear_port_templates
FrontPortTemplate rear_port rear_port_template
InventoryItem child_items children
InventoryItem level tree_depth
IPAddress family ip_version
IPAddress prefix_length mask_length
Job job_hook job_hooks
Job result job_results
JobResult created date_created
JobResult completed date_done
JobResult job_kwargs task_kwargs
JobResult logs job_log_entries
JobResult schedule scheduled_job
Location powerpanels power_panels
PowerOutletTemplate power_port power_port_template
PowerPanel powerfeeds power_feeds
PowerPort poweroutlets power_outlets
PowerPortTemplate poweroutlet_templates power_outlet_templates
Prefix family ip_version
Rack group rack_group
Rack powerfeed_set power_feeds
Rack reservations rack_reservations
RackGroup level tree_depth
RackGroup powerpanel_set power_panels
RearPort frontports front_ports
RearPortTemplate frontport_templates front_port_templates
Relationship associations relationship_associations
Relationship name label
Relationship slug key
RIR aggregates prefixes
Secret groups secrets_groups
Secret secretsgroupassociation_set secrets_group_associations
SecretsGroup device_set devices
SecretsGroup deviceredundancygroup_set device_redundancy_groups
SecretsGroup gitrepository_set git_repositories
SecretsGroup secretsgroupassociation_set secrets_group_associations
SecretsGroupAssociation group secrets_group
Service ipaddresses ip_addresses
Status circuits_circuit_related circuits
Status dcim_cable_related cables
Status dcim_device_related devices
Status dcim_deviceredundancygroup_related device_redundancy_groups
Status dcim_interface_related interfaces
Status dcim_location_related locations
Status dcim_powerfeed_related power_feeds
Status dcim_rack_related racks
Status ipam_ipaddress_related ip_addresses
Status ipam_prefix_related prefixes
Status ipam_vlan_related vlans
Status virtualization_virtualmachine_related virtual_machines
Status virtualization_vminterface_related vm_interfaces
Tenant group tenant_group
Tenant rackreservations rack_reservations
TenantGroup level tree_depth
User changes object_changes
User note notes
User rackreservation_set rack_reservations
VirtualMachine local_context_data local_config_context_data
VirtualMachine local_context_data_owner_content_type local_config_context_data_owner_content_type
VirtualMachine local_context_data_owner_object_id local_config_context_data_owner_object_id
VirtualMachine local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
VLAN group vlan_group

Removed Database Fields

Most removed database fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. Removal of references to removed models such as Site and Region
  2. Removal of slug fields in preference to the use of natural keys.
  3. Removal of django-mptt internal fields (lft, rght, tree_id)
Full table of removed database fields
Model Removed Field Comments
CircuitTermination site Use location instead
CircuitType slug
Cluster site Use location instead
ClusterGroup slug
ClusterType slug
ConfigContext regions Use locations instead
ConfigContext sites Use locations instead
ConfigContextSchema slug
CustomField name Use label or key as appropriate
CustomLink slug
Device site Use location instead
DeviceRedundancyGroup slug
DeviceType slug
DynamicGroup slug
GitRepository _token Use Secrets feature instead
GitRepository username Use Secrets feature instead
GraphQLQuery slug
InventoryItem lft Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
InventoryItem rght Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
InventoryItem tree_id Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
IPAddress assigned_object Replaced by interfaces and vm_interfaces many-to-many relations
IPAddress broadcast Use parent Prefix's broadcast instead
IPAddress vrf VRF is now related to the assigned Interface(s), as well as the parent Prefix
Job git_repository Can be retrieved from the instance if desired, but is no longer a database field.
Job slug
Job source Now implied by the Job's module_name field.
JobHook slug
JobResult job_id
JobResult obj_type
Location site
Location slug
LocationType slug
Manufacturer slug
Note slug
Platform slug
Provider slug
ProviderNetwork slug
PowerFeed site Use location instead
PowerPanel site Use location instead
Prefix is_pool Replaced by new type field
Prefix site Use location instead
Prefix vrf Replaced by vrf_assignments many-to-many relation
Rack site Use location instead
RackGroup lft Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
RackGroup rght Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
RackGroup site Use location instead
RackGroup slug
RackGroup tree_id Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
RIR slug
RelationshipAssociation slug
RouteTarget slug
ScheduledJob job_class Use task instead
Secret slug
SecretsGroup slug
SecretsGroupAssociation slug
Status slug
Tag slug
Tenant slug
TenantGroup lft Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
TenantGroup rght Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
TenantGroup slug
TenantGroup tree_id Made irrelevant by django-tree-queries
VLAN site Use location instead
VLANGroup site Use location instead
VLANGroup slug
VRF enforce_unique Uniqueness of Prefixes and IPAddresses is now enforced by the database
Webhook slug


For more information on how to update your integrations after the removal of slug fields, see Uniquely Identifying a Nautobot Object.

Replaced Models

Generic Role Model

The ipam.Role, dcim.RackRole, and dcim.DeviceRole models have been removed and replaced by a single extras.Role model. This means that any references to the removed models in the code now use the extras.Role model instead.

Removed Model Replaced With
dcim.DeviceRole extras.Role
dcim.RackRole extras.Role
ipam.Role extras.Role

Site and Region Models

The dcim.Region and dcim.Site models have been removed and replaced by dcim.Location model. This means that any references to the removed models in the code now use the dcim.Location model instead with LocationType "Site" and "Region".


If you are a Nautobot App developer, or have any Apps installed that include data models that reference Site or Region, please review the Region and Site Related Data Model Migration Guide to learn how to migrate your apps and models from Site and Region to Location.

Removed Model Replaced With
dcim.Region dcim.Location
dcim.Site dcim.Location

Aggregate Migrated to Prefix

The ipam.Aggregate model has been removed and all existing Aggregates will be migrated to ipam.Prefix records with their type set to "Container". The Aggregate.date_added field will be migrated to Prefix.date_allocated and changed from a Date field to a DateTime field with the time set to 00:00 UTC. Aggregate.tenant, Aggregate.rir and Aggregate.description will be migrated over to the equivalent fields on the new Prefix. ObjectChanges, Tags, Notes, Permissions, Custom Fields, Custom Links, Computed Fields and Relationships will be migrated to relate to the new Prefix as well.

If a Prefix already exists with the same network and prefix length as a previous Aggregate, the rir and date_added fields will be copied to the rir and date_allocated fields on the existing Prefix object. Messages will be output during migration (nautobot-server migrate or nautobot-server post_upgrade) if the tenant, description or type fields need to be manually migrated.

Aggregate Prefix
broadcast broadcast
date_added date_allocated
description description
network network
prefix_length prefix_length
rir rir
tenant tenant

Prefix Parenting Concrete Relationship

The ipam.Prefix model has been modified to have a self-referencing foreign key as the parent field. Parenting of prefixes is now automatically managed at the database level to greatly improve performance especially when calculating tree hierarchy and utilization.

As a result of this change, it is no longer necessary nor possible to disable tree hierarchy using settings.DISABLE_PREFIX_LIST_HIERARCHY as this setting has been removed. Additionally it is no longer possible to disable global uniqueness using settings.ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE as this setting has been removed.

The following changes have been made to the Prefix model.

Removed Replaced With
get_child_prefixes() descendants()

Prefix Parenting Guidance

The following guidance has been added for the Prefix model in order to ensure more accurate network modeling:

  • A Prefix of type Container should only have a parent (if any) of type Container
  • A Prefix of type Network should only have a parent (if any) of type Container
  • A Prefix of type Pool should only have a parent (if any) of type Network
  • Any Prefix can be a root prefix (i.e. have no parent)

In Nautobot 2.0, creating or updating prefixes that violate this guidance will result in a warning; in a future Nautobot release this will be changed to an enforced data constraint.

IPAddress Parenting Concrete Relationship

The ipam.IPAddress model has been modified to have a foreign key to ipam.Prefix as the parent field. Parenting of IP addresses is now automatically managed at the database level to greatly improve performance especially when calculating tree hierarchy and utilization.

IPAddress Parenting Guidance

The following guidance has been added to the IPAddress model:

  • An IPAddress should have a parent Prefix of type Network
  • An IPAddress should not be created if a suitable parent Prefix of type Network does not exist
  • An IPAddress can be a member of a Pool but only if the Pool is a child of a Network

As with the Prefix parenting guidance above, violating this guidance in Nautobot 2.0 will result in a warning; in a future Nautobot release this will be changed to an enforced data constraint.

Prefix get_utilization Method

The get_utilization method on the ipam.Prefix model has been updated in 2.0 to account for the Prefix.type field. The behavior is now as follows:

  • If the Prefix.type is Container, the utilization is calculated as the sum of the total address space of all child prefixes.
  • If the Prefix.type is Pool, the utilization is calculated as the sum of the total number of IP addresses within the pool's range.
  • If the Prefix.type is Network:
    • The utilization is calculated as the sum of the total address space of all child Pool prefixes plus the total number of child IP addresses.
    • For IPv4 networks larger than /31, if neither the first or last address is occupied by either a pool or an IP address, they are subtracted from the total size of the prefix.


  • Container - 1024/65536 utilization
    • Network - 1/254 utilization
      • IP Address
    • Network - 4/256 utilization
      • Pool - 1/4 utilization
        • IP Address
    • Network - 5/254 utilization
      • IP Address
      • Pool - 0/4 utilization
    • Network - 1/256 utilization
      • IP Address

GraphQL and REST API Changes

API Behavior Changes

Most of the API behavior changes in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. The created field on most models has changed from a date only ("2023-04-06") to being a date/time ("2023-04-06T19:57:45.320232Z")
  2. The status fields on various models has changed from a pseudo-enum value (containing a "value" and a "label") to referencing the related Status object in full, similar to other foreign-key fields.
  3. Various models that had a required site field and an optional location field now have a required location field.
Full table of API behavior changes
Model Field Changes
(all) created Now is a date/time rather than only a date
Cable status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
Circuit status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
Device config_context Now is only included when specifically requested with ?include=config_context query parameter
Device location Now required, no longer optional
Device status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
DeviceRedundancyGroup status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
Interface status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
IPAddress namespace A derived field. Required on creation, if parent isn't provided, to find a correct parent Prefix
IPAddress parent A new foreign-key to Prefix. Required on creation, if namespace isn't provided, to find a correct parent Prefix
IPAddress role Now is a foreign-key to Role rather than a string
IPAddress status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
JobLogEntry display Now contains the message text rather than the message timestamp
Location status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
PowerFeed status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
PowerPanel location Now required, no longer optional
Prefix namespace New required foreign key to Namespace, defaulting to 'Global'
Prefix status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
Rack location Now required, no longer optional
Rack status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
RackGroup location Now required, no longer optional
RackGroup rack_count Now only counts Racks directly belonging to this RackGroup, not those belonging to its descendants
TenantGroup tenant_count Now only counts Tenants directly belonging to this TenantGroup, not those belonging to its descendants
VirtualMachine status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
VLAN status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
VMInterface status Now is a foreign-key rather than a pseudo-enum
VRF namespace New required foreign key to Namespace, defaulting to 'Global'

Renamed Serializer Fields

Most renamed API fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. Renaming of foreign keys and reverse relations to more consistently and specifically match the related model name or plural name (for example, Circuit.type to Circuit.circuit_type, Interface.count_ipaddresses to Interface.ip_address_count)
  2. Renaming of tree model fields for consistency and due to the change from django-mptt to django-tree-queries (for example, InventoryItem._depth to InventoryItem.tree_depth)
Full table of renamed API fields
Model Renamed Field New Name
Circuit termination_a circuit_termination_a
Circuit termination_z circuit_termination_z
Circuit type circuit_type
ConfigContext schema config_context_schema
Cluster group cluster_group
Cluster type cluster_type
ComputedField slug key
CustomField slug key
CustomFieldChoice field custom_field
Device device_role role
Device local_context_data local_config_context_data
Device local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
Device parent_device parent_bay
FrontPortTemplate rear_port rear_port_template
Interface count_ipaddresses ip_address_count
InventoryItem _depth tree_depth
IPAddress family ip_version
IPAddress prefix_length mask_length
JobResult created date_created
JobResult completed date_done
JobResult job_kwargs task_kwargs
JobResult schedule scheduled_job
Location virtualmachine_count virtual_machine_count
Manufacturer devicetype_count device_type_count
Manufacturer inventoryitem_count inventory_item_count
Platform virtualmachine_count virtual_machine_count
PowerOutletTemplate power_port power_port_template
PowerPanel powerfeed_count power_feed_count
Prefix family ip_version
Rack group rack_group
Rack powerfeed_count power_feed_count
RackGroup _depth tree_depth
Relationship name label
Relationship slug key
SecretsGroupAssociation group secrets_group
Service ipaddresses ip_addresses
Tenant group tenant_group
TenantGroup _depth tree_depth
VirtualMachine local_context_data local_config_context_data
VirtualMachine local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
VLAN group vlan_group

Removed Serializer Fields

Most removed database fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. Removal of references to removed models such as Site and Region
  2. Removal of slug fields in preference to the use of natural keys.
Full table of removed API fields
Model/Endpoint Removed Field Comments
/api/plugins/installed-plugins verison Use version instead
/api/status/ rq-workers-running Django-RQ is no longer supported
CircuitTermination site Use location instead
CircuitType slug
Cluster site Use location instead
ClusterGroup slug
ClusterType slug
ConfigContext regions Use locations instead
ConfigContext sites Use locations instead
ConfigContextSchema slug
CustomLink slug
Device primary_ip Use primary_ip4 or primary_ip6instead
Device site Use location instead
DeviceRedundancyGroup slug
DeviceType slug
DynamicGroup slug
GitRepository token Use Secrets instead
GitRepository username Use Secrets instead
GraphQLQuery slug
IPAddress assigned_object Changed to many-to-many field. Use the REST API view for IPAddressToInterface(/api/ipam/ip-address-to-interface/) to create/modify/delete associations or interfaces/vm_interfaces on this model to retrieve a list of associated interfaces.
IPAddress broadcast Use parent Prefix's broadcast instead
IPAddress vrf VRF is now related to the assigned Interface(s), as well as the parent Prefix
JobHook slug
JobResult job_id
JobResult obj_type
Location site Use parent instead
Location slug
LocationType slug
Manufacturer slug
Note slug
Platform slug
PowerFeed site Use location instead
PowerPanel site Use location instead
Prefix is_pool Use type instead
Prefix vrf Prefixes are now assigned to a VRF in the same Namespace via a many-to-many relationship
Prefix site Use location instead
Provider slug
ProviderNetwork slug
Rack site Use location instead
RackGroup site Use location instead
RackGroup slug
RelationshipAssociation slug
RIR slug
Role slug
RouteTarget slug
Secret slug
SecretsGroup slug
SecretsGroupAssociation slug
Status slug
Tag slug
Tenant slug
TenantGroup slug
VirtualMachine primary_ip Use primary_ip4 or primary_ip6instead
VLAN site Use location instead
VLANGroup site Use location instead
VLANGroup slug
VRF enforce_unique Uniqueness of Prefixes and IPAddresses is now enforced at the database level
Webhook slug

Removed 1.X Version Endpoints and Serializer Representations

Nautobot 2.0 removes support for 1.X versioned REST APIs and their Serializers. Requesting older API versions will result in a 400 Bad Request error.

Please ensure you are using the latest representations of request/response representations as seen in the API docs or Swagger.

Replaced Endpoints

These endpoints /ipam/roles/, /dcim/rack-roles/ and /dcim/device-roles/ are no longer available. Instead, use the /extras/roles/ endpoint to retrieve and manipulate role data.

Removed Endpoints Replaced With
/dcim/device-roles/ /extras/roles/
/dcim/rack-roles/ /extras/roles/
/ipam/roles/ /extras/roles/

New Interface to IP Address Relationship Endpoint

The through table (ipam.IPAddressToInterface) for the IPAddress to Interface/VMInterface many-to-many relationship has been exposed through the REST API at /api/ipam/ip-address-to-interface/. This endpoint must be used to create, retrieve, update, and delete relationships between IP addresses and interfaces through the REST API. Each ipam.IPAddressToInterface object maps a single ipam.IPAddress object to a single dcim.Interface or virtualization.VMInterface object. When creating relationships through this endpoint, the ip_address field is required and one of interface or vm_interface is required. There are additional boolean fields (is_primary, is_default, etc.) exposed through the REST API that may be used if desired but are not currently implemented in the Nautobot UI.

API Query Parameters Changes

Nautobot 2.0 removes the ?brief query parameter and adds support for the ?depth query parameter. As a result, the ability to specify brief_mode in DynamicModelChoiceField, DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField, and MultiMatchModelMultipleChoiceField has also been removed. For every occurrence of the aforementioned fields where you have brief_mode set to True/False (e.g. brief_mode=True), please remove the statement, leaving other occurrences of the fields where you do not have brief_mode specified as they are. Please see the documentation on the ?depth query parameter for more information.

UI, GraphQL, and REST API Filter Changes


Sweeping changes were made to model filter fields. In some cases this may invalidate or make subtle changes to existing DynamicGroup, GraphQLQuery or Relationship instances' filter data. Please utilize the nautobot-server audit_dynamic_groups and nautobot-server audit_graphql_queries helper commands when you are cleaning up DynamicGroup and GraphQLQuery filter data. You should run this command after your Nautobot instance is upgraded to v2.x successfully. The helper commands will not catch all possible issues, but they will catch some common ones. You should review all of your DynamicGroup filter data and GraphQLQuery query data after the upgrade to ensure that they are still valid. At the time of this writing, an audit helper command for Relationship filter data is not yet available.

Removed Changelog URL from View Context

changelog_url is no longer provided in the ObjectView context. To get a model instance's changelog URL, you can retrieve it from the instance itself if it supports it: model_instance.get_changelog_url().

Renamed Filter Fields

Most renamed filter fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. The tag filter is renamed to tags on all models supporting Tags.
  2. Renames to match renamed model/serializer fields as described earlier in this document.
  3. Related membership filters are renamed to has_<related> throughout, for example ConsolePort.cabled is renamed to ConsolePort.has_cable.
  4. Most <related>_id filters have been merged into the corresponding <related> filter (see "Enhanced Filter Fields" below).
Full table of renamed filter fields
Model Renamed Filter New Name
Cable tag tags
Circuit tag tags
Circuit type circuit_type
Cluster tag tags
ComputedField slug key
ConsolePort cabled has_cable
ConsoleServerPort cabled has_cable
CustomFieldChoice field custom_field
Device cluster_id cluster
Device device_type_id device_type
Device local_context_data local_config_context_data
Device local_context_schema_id local_config_context_schema_id
Device local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
Device rack_group_id rack_group
Device rack_id rack
Device tag tags
Device virtual_chassis_id virtual_chassis
DeviceBay tag tags
DeviceRedundancyGroup tag tags
DeviceType has_instances has_devices
DeviceType instances devices
DeviceType tag tags
FrontPort cabled has_cable
FrontPort tag tags
GitRepository tag tags
Interface cabled has_cable
Interface tag tags
InventoryItem child_items children
InventoryItem has_child_items has_children
InventoryItem tag tags
IPAddress assigned_to_interface has_interface_assignments
IPAddress family ip_version
IPAddress parent prefix
IPAddress tag tags
IPAddress vrf vrfs
Job tag tags
Location tag tags
ObjectPermission group groups
ObjectPermission group_id groups_id
ObjectPermission user users
PowerFeed cabled has_cable
PowerFeed tag tags
PowerOutlet cabled has_cable
PowerPanel tag tags
PowerPort cabled has_cable
Prefix family ip_version
Prefix is_pool type
Prefix mask_length prefix_length
Prefix tag tags
Prefix vrf vrfs
Provider tag tags
ProviderNetwork tag tags
Rack group rack_group
Rack has_reservations has_rack_reservations
Rack reservations rack_reservations
Rack tag tags
RackReservation group rack_group
RackReservation tag tags
RearPort cabled has_cable
RearPort tag tags
Relationship name label
Relationship slug key
RouteTarget exporting_vrf exporting_vrfs
RouteTarget importing_vrf importing_vrfs
RouteTarget tag tags
SecretsGroupAssociation group secrets_group
Service port ports
Service tag tags
Tenant group tenant_group
Tenant tag tags
User changes object_changes
User has_changes has_object_changes
User group groups
User group_id groups_id
VirtualMachine local_context_data local_config_context_data
VirtualMachine local_context_schema_id local_config_context_schema_id
VirtualMachine local_context_schema local_config_context_schema
VirtualMachine tag tags
VLAN group vlan_group
VLAN tag tags
VMInterface tag tags
VRF export_target export_targets
VRF import_target import_targets
VRF tag tags

Enhanced Filter Fields

Below is a table documenting enhanced filter field changes in Nautobot 2.0. These enhancements mostly fall into the following general categories:

  1. Many filters are enhanced to permit filtering by UUID or by name.
  2. Filters that previously only supported a single filter value can now filter on multiple values.
Full table of enhanced filter fields
Model Filter Enhancements
(all) created[__(gte/lte)] Filtering on multiple values, supports date-times
Cable tenant Filter by UUID or by name
Circuit circuit_type Filter by UUID or by name
Circuit provider Filter by UUID or by name
Circuit tenant Filter by UUID or by name
Circuit tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
Cluster cluster_group Filter by UUID or by name
Cluster cluster_type Filter by UUID or by name
Cluster tenant Filter by UUID or by name
Cluster tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext cluster_group Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext device_redundancy_group Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext dynamic_groups Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext platform Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext tenant Filter by UUID or by name
ConfigContext tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
ConsolePort device Filter by UUID or by name
ConsoleServerPort device Filter by UUID or by name
Device cluster (formerly cluster_id) Filter by UUID or by name
Device device_redundancy_group Filter by UUID or by name
Device device_type (formerly device_type_id) Filter by UUID or by model
Device manufacturer Filter by UUID or by name
Device platform Filter by UUID or by name
Device role Filter by UUID or by name
Device rack Filter by UUID or by name
Device rack_group Filter by UUID or by name
Device serial Filtering on multiple values
Device secrets_group Filter by UUID or by name
Device virtual_chassis Filter by UUID or by name
DeviceBay device Filter by UUID or by name
DeviceType manufacturer Filter by UUID or by name
DeviceRedundancyGroup secrets_group Filter by UUID or by name
DynamicGroupMembership group Filter by UUID or by name
DynamicGroupMembership parent_group Filter by UUID or by name
FrontPort device Filter by UUID or by name
GitRepository secrets_group Filter by UUID or by name
Interface device Filter by UUID or by name
InventoryItem device Filter by UUID or by name
InventoryItem manufacturer Filter by UUID or by name
InventoryItem serial Filtering on multiple values
IPAddress mask_length Filtering on multiple integer values
IPAddress rir Filter by UUID or by name
IPAddress tenant Filter by UUID or by name
IPAddress tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
Manufacturer platforms Filter by UUID or by name
Platform manufacturer Filter by UUID or by name
PowerOutlet device Filter by UUID or by name
PowerPort device Filter by UUID or by name
Prefix rir Filter by UUID or by name
Prefix tenant Filter by UUID or by name
Prefix tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
Prefix vlan_vid Filtering on multiple values
ProviderNetwork provider Filter by UUID or by name
Rack role Filter by UUID or by name
Rack serial Filtering on multiple values
RackGroup parent Filter by UUID or by name
RackReservation tenant Filter by UUID or by name
RackReservation tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
RackReservation user Filter by UUID or by username
RearPort device Filter by UUID or by name
RouteTarget tenant Filter by UUID or by name
RouteTarget tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
SecretsGroupAssociation secret Filter by UUID or by name
SecretsGroupAssociation secrets_group Filter by UUID or by name
Tenant tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
TenantGroup parent Filter by UUID or by name
TenantGroup children Filter by UUID or by name
TenantGroup tenants Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualChassis master Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualChassis tenant Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualMachine cluster_group Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualMachine cluster_type Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualMachine platform Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualMachine tenant Filter by UUID or by name
VirtualMachine tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
VLAN available_on_device Filtering on multiple values
VLAN tenant Filter by UUID or by name
VLAN tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name
VLAN vlan_group Filter by UUID or by name
VRF tenant Filter by UUID or by name
VRF tenant_group Filter by UUID or by name

Corrected Filter Fields

Below is a table documenting corrected filter field changes in Nautobot 2.0. These corrections mostly involve filters that previously permitted filtering on related membership only (/api/dcim/devices/?console_ports=True) and have now been corrected into filters for related membership (/api/dcim/devices/?has_console_ports=True) as well as by actual related objects (/api/dcim/devices/?console_ports=<UUID>).

Full table of corrected filter fields
Model Filter Correction
CustomFieldChoice custom_field Filter by UUID or key
Device console_ports Split into has_console_ports and console_ports filters
Device console_server_ports Split into has_console_server_ports and console_server_ports filters
Device device_bays Split into has_device_bays and device_bays filters
Device front_ports Split into has_front_ports and front_ports filters
Device interfaces Split into has_interfaces and interfaces filters
Device power_outlets Split into has_power_outlets and power_outlets filters
Device power_ports Split into has_power_ports and power_ports filters
Device rear_ports Split into has_rear_ports and rear_ports filters
IPAddress parent The parent filter now checks for an exact match of the parent Prefix; for legacy net_host_contained behavior now use the new prefix filter instead

Removed Filter Fields

Below is a table documenting removed filter field changes in v2.x. Most removed database fields in Nautobot 2.0 fall into the following general categories:

  1. Removal of *_id=<uuid> filters as they have have been merged into filters that support both uuid and name/slug (for example, instead of /api/circuits/circuits/?provider_id=<UUID>, use /api/circuits/circuits/?provider=<uuid>).
  2. Removal of filtering on removed models such as Region and Site. (Use location filters instead.)
  3. Removal of slug filters from models that no longer have a slug field.
Full table of removed filter fields
Model Removed Filter Comments
Circuit provider_id
Circuit provider_network_id
Circuit region
Circuit region_id
Circuit site
Circuit site_id
Circuit tenant_group_id
Circuit type_id
CircuitTermination circuit_id
CircuitTermination provider_network_id
CircuitTermination region_id
CircuitTermination region
CircuitTermination site_id
CircuitTermination site
CircuitType slug
Cluster region
Cluster region_id
Cluster site
Cluster site_id
Cluster tenant_group_id
ClusterGroup slug
ClusterType slug
ConfigContext region
ConfigContext region_id
ConfigContext role_id
ConfigContext site
ConfigContext site_id
ConsolePort device_id
ConsolePort region
ConsolePort region_id
ConsolePort site
ConsolePort site_id
ConsoleServerPort device_id
ConsoleServerPort region
ConsoleServerPort region_id
ConsoleServerPort site
ConsoleServerPort site_id
CustomFieldChoice field_id Use custom_field filter
CustomLink slug
Device manufacturer_id
Device model Use device_type filter
Device pass_through_ports Use has_front_ports or has_rear_ports filters
Device platform_id
Device region
Device region_id
Device role_id
Device secrets_group_id
Device site
Device site_id
Device tenant_group_id
DeviceBay device_id
DeviceBay region
DeviceBay region_id
DeviceBay site
DeviceBay site_id
DeviceRedundancyGroup slug
DeviceType manufacturer_id
DeviceType slug
DynamicGroup slug
FrontPort device_id
FrontPort region
FrontPort region_id
FrontPort site
FrontPort site_id
GraphQLQuery slug
Interface bridge_id
Interface device_id
Interface lag_id
Interface parent_interface_id
Interface region
Interface region_id
Interface site
Interface site_id
InventoryItem device_id
InventoryItem manufacturer_id
InventoryItem parent_id
InventoryItem region
InventoryItem region_id
InventoryItem site
InventoryItem site_id
IPAddress tenant_group_id
Job slug
Job source
JobHook slug
Location region
Location region_id
Location site
Location site_id
Location slug
Location tenant_group_id
LocationType slug
Manufacturer slug
ObjectPermission user_id Use users filter
Platform manufacturer_id
Platform slug
PowerFeed power_panel_id
PowerFeed rack_id
PowerFeed region
PowerFeed region_id
PowerFeed site
PowerFeed site_id
PowerOutlet device_id
PowerOutlet region
PowerOutlet region_id
PowerOutlet site
PowerOutlet site_id
PowerPanel rack_group_id
PowerPanel region
PowerPanel region_id
PowerPanel site
PowerPanel site_id
PowerPort device_id
PowerPort region
PowerPort region_id
PowerPort site
PowerPort site_id
Prefix region
Prefix region_id
Prefix site
Prefix site_id
Prefix vrf_id Use vrf filter instead
Provider region
Provider region_id
Provider site
Provider site_id
Provider slug
ProviderNetwork provider_id
ProviderNetwork slug
Rack group_id Use rack_group filter
Rack region
Rack region_id
Rack role_id
Rack site
Rack site_id
Rack tenant_group_id
RackGroup parent_id
RackGroup region
RackGroup region_id
RackGroup site
RackGroup site_id
RackGroup slug
RackReservation group_id Use rack_group filter
RackReservation rack_id
RackReservation site
RackReservation site_id
RackReservation tenant_group_id
RackReservation user_id
RearPort device_id
RearPort region
RearPort region_id
RearPort site
RearPort site_id
RelationshipAssociation slug
RIR slug
RouteTarget exporting_vrf_id Use exporting_vrfs filter
RouteTarget importing_vrf_id Use importing_vrfs filter
RouteTarget slug
RouteTarget tenant_group_id
Secret slug
SecretsGroup slug
SecretsGroupAssociation group_id Use secrets_group filter
SecretsGroupAssociation slug
Service device_id
Service virtual_machine_id
Status slug
Tag slug
Tenant aggregates Use prefixes filter
Tenant group_id Use tenant_group filter
Tenant has_aggregates Use has_prefixes filter
Tenant has_sites
Tenant sites
Tenant slug
TenantGroup parent_id
TenantGroup slug
VirtualChassis master_id
VirtualChassis region
VirtualChassis region_id
VirtualChassis site
VirtualChassis site_id
VirtualChassis tenant_id
VirtualMachine tenant_group_id
VLAN group_id Use vlan_group filter
VLAN region
VLAN region_id
VLAN site
VLAN site_id
VLAN tenant_group_id
VLANGroup region
VLANGroup region_id
VLANGroup site
VLANGroup site_id
VLANGroup slug
VMInterface bridge_id
VMInterface parent_interface_id
VRF tenant_group_id
VRF export_target_id Use export_targets filter
VRF import_target_id Use import_targets filter
Webhook slug

Python Code Location Changes

The below is mostly relevant only to authors of Jobs and Nautobot Apps. End users should not be impacted by the changes in this section. Most changes in code location arise from the merging of the nautobot.utilities module into the nautobot.core module.

Full table of code location changes
Old Module Class/Function(s) New Module
nautobot.core.api.utils TreeModelSerializerMixin nautobot.core.api.serializers
nautobot.core.fields (all) nautobot.core.models.fields
nautobot.core.forms SearchForm
nautobot.core.utilities (all) nautobot.core.views.utils
nautobot.dcim.fields MACAddressCharField nautobot.core.models.fields
nautobot.dcim.forms MACAddressField nautobot.core.forms
nautobot.extras.api.customfields CustomFieldModelSerializerMixin nautobot.core.api.serializers
nautobot.extras.api.relationships RelationshipModelSerializerMixin nautobot.core.api.serializers
nautobot.extras.api.serializers NautobotModelSerializer nautobot.core.api.serializers
nautobot.extras.api.serializers NotesSerializerMixin nautobot.core.api.serializers
nautobot.extras.api.serializers TaggedModelSerializerMixin nautobot.extras.api.mixins
nautobot.extras.utils is_taggable nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.api (all) nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.apps (all) nautobot.core.apps
nautobot.utilities.checks (all) nautobot.core.checks
nautobot.utilities.choices (all) nautobot.core.choices
nautobot.utilities.config (all) nautobot.core.utils.config
nautobot.utilities.constants (all) nautobot.core.constants
nautobot.utilities.deprecation (all) nautobot.core.utils.deprecation
nautobot.utilities.error_handlers (all) nautobot.core.views.utils
nautobot.utilities.exceptions (all) nautobot.core.exceptions
nautobot.utilities.factory (all) nautobot.core.factory
nautobot.utilities.fields (all) nautobot.core.models.fields
nautobot.utilities.filters (all) nautobot.core.filters
nautobot.utilities.forms (all) nautobot.core.forms
nautobot.utilities.git (all) nautobot.core.utils.git
nautobot.utilities.logging (all) nautobot.core.utils.logging (all)
nautobot.utilities.ordering (all) nautobot.core.models.ordering
nautobot.utilities.paginator (all) nautobot.core.views.paginator
nautobot.utilities.permissions (all) nautobot.core.utils.permissions
nautobot.utilities.query_functions (all) nautobot.core.models.query_functions
nautobot.utilities.querysets (all) nautobot.core.models.querysets
nautobot.utilities.tables (all) nautobot.core.tables
nautobot.utilities.tasks (all) nautobot.core.tasks
nautobot.utilities.templatetags (all) nautobot.core.templatetags
nautobot.utilities.testing (all) nautobot.core.testing
nautobot.utilities.tree_queries (all) nautobot.core.models.tree_queries
nautobot.utilities.utils array_to_string nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils convert_querydict_to_factory_formset_acceptable_querydict nautobot.core.utils.requests
nautobot.utilities.utils count_related nautobot.core.models.querysets
nautobot.utilities.utils csv_format nautobot.core.views.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils deepmerge
nautobot.utilities.utils dict_to_filter_params nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils dynamic_import nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils ensure_content_type_and_field_name_inquery_params nautobot.core.utils.requests
nautobot.utilities.utils flatten_dict
nautobot.utilities.utils flatten_iterable
nautobot.utilities.utils foreground_color nautobot.core.utils.color
nautobot.utilities.utils get_all_lookup_expr_for_field nautobot.core.utils.filtering
nautobot.utilities.utils get_api_version_serializer nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils get_changes_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_filterset_field nautobot.core.utils.filtering
nautobot.utilities.utils get_filterset_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_filterable_params_from_filter_params nautobot.core.utils.requests
nautobot.utilities.utils get_form_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_model_from_name nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_related_class_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_route_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils get_table_for_model nautobot.core.utils.lookup
nautobot.utilities.utils hex_to_rgb nautobot.core.utils.color
nautobot.utilities.utils is_taggable nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils is_uuid
nautobot.utilities.utils lighten_color nautobot.core.utils.color
nautobot.utilities.utils normalize_querydict nautobot.core.utils.requests
nautobot.utilities.utils prepare_cloned_fields nautobot.core.views.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils pretty_print_query nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils render_jinja2
nautobot.utilities.utils rgb_to_hex nautobot.core.utils.color
nautobot.utilities.utils SerializerForAPIVersions nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils serialize_object nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils serialize_object_v2 nautobot.core.models.utils
nautobot.utilities.utils shallow_compare_dict
nautobot.utilities.utils slugify_dots_to_dashes nautobot.core.models.fields
nautobot.utilities.utils slugify_dashes_to_underscores nautobot.core.models.fields
nautobot.utilities.utils to_meters
nautobot.utilities.utils UtilizationData
nautobot.utilities.utils versioned_serializer_selector nautobot.core.api.utils
nautobot.utilities.validators (all) nautobot.core.models.validators
nautobot.utilities.views (all) nautobot.core.views.mixins

Removed Python Code

  • Because of the replacement of the ?brief REST API query parameter with ?depth and the removal of all Nested*Serializers, some of the classes and mixins are removed because they are no longer needed.
  • With the reimplementation of CSV import and export, CSVForm classes are generally no longer needed, and so a number of related mixin classes have been removed.
Full table of code removals
Module Class/Function(s)
nautobot.apps.forms StatusModelCSVFormMixin
nautobot.core.filters NameSlugSearchFilterSet
nautobot.core.forms.utils parse_csv
nautobot.core.forms.utils validate_csv
nautobot.circuits.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.dcim.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.dcim.form_mixins LocatableModelCSVFormMixin
nautobot.extras.api.customfields CustomFieldModelSerializer
nautobot.extras.api.fields RoleSerializerField
nautobot.extras.api.fields StatusSerializerField
nautobot.extras.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.extras.api.serializers RoleModelSerializerMixin
nautobot.extras.api.serializers RoleRequiredRoleModelSerializerMixin
nautobot.extras.api.serializers StatusModelSerializerMixin
nautobot.extras.api.serializers TagSerializerField
nautobot.extras.api.serializers TaggedObjectSerializer
nautobot.extras.constants JOB_MAX_SOURCE_LENGTH
nautobot.extras.forms.mixins RoleModelCSVFormMixin
nautobot.extras.forms.mixins RoleRequiredRoleModelCSVFormMixin
nautobot.extras.forms.mixins StatusModelCSVFormMixin get_jobs get_job_classpaths
nautobot.extras.plugins PluginMenuButton
nautobot.extras.plugins PluginMenuItem
nautobot.ipam.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.tenancy.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.users.api.nested_serializers (all)
nautobot.virtualization.api.nested_serializers (all)

Renamed Python Code

The below is mostly relevant only to authors of Jobs and Nautobot Apps. End users should not be impacted by the changes in this section. Most of the code renames are only relevant to Job related classes.

Full table of code renames
Old Name New Name
nautobot.extras.views.JobDetailView nautobot.extras.views.JobView
nautobot.extras.views.JobView nautobot.extras.views.JobRunView

Git Data Source Changes

The Configuration Contexts Metadata key schema has been replaced with config_context_schema. This means that any schema references in your git repository's data must be updated to reflect this change.

GitRepository sync operations are now Jobs. As a result, when creating a new GitRepository it is not automatically synchronized. A GitRepository.sync() method has been implemented that will execute the sync job on a worker and return the JobResult for the operation. This method takes dry_run and user arguments. The dry_run argument defaults to False; if set to True will cause the sync to dry-run. The user argument is required if a sync is performed.

Additionally, the method no longer takes a trigger_resync=<True|False> argument as it is no longer required. The act of creating a new GitRepository no longer has side effects.

Below is a table documenting changes in names for Git-related Jobs. There should NOT be a need to ever manually execute the jobs due to the addition of GitRepository.sync(), but this is being provided for clarity.

Old Job Location New Job Location

Logging Changes

Where applicable, logging.getLogger("some_arbitrary_name") is replaced with logging.getLogger(__name__) or logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".SpecificFeature").

Below is a table documenting changes in logger names that could potentially affect existing deployments with expectations around specific logger names used for specific purposes.

Full table of logger name changes
Old Name New Name
nautobot.authentication nautobot.core.authentication
nautobot.datasources.git nautobot.extras.datasources.git
nautobot.datasources.utils nautobot.extras.datasources.utils
nautobot.dcim.cable nautobot.dcim.signals.cable
nautobot.graphql.generators nautobot.core.graphql.generators
nautobot.graphql.schema nautobot.core.graphql.schema**
nautobot.releases nautobot.core.releases, nautobot.utilities.tasks
nautobot.plugins nautobot.extras.templatetags.plugins, nautobot.extras.plugins.utils
nautobot.views.* nautobot.core.views.generic.*

Job Database Model Changes

The Job name field has been changed to a unique field and the name + grouping uniqueness constraint has been removed. The processes that refresh jobs (nautobot-server post_upgrade and nautobot-server migrate) have been updated to gracefully handle duplicate job names.


class NautobotJob1(Job):
    class Meta:
        name = "Sample job"

class NautobotJob2(Job):
    class Meta:
        name = "Sample job"

These jobs would be named Sample job and Sample job (2)

The Job slug, source and git_repository fields have been removed. The Job module_name field will automatically be updated, for Jobs derived from a Git repository, from <submodule_name> to <git_repository_slug>.jobs.<submodule_name>. This also changes the secondary uniqueness constraint for Jobs to simply [module_name, job_class_name].

The Job class_path attribute has been simplified correspondingly, to simply <module>.<ClassName> instead of the former <source>/<module>/<ClassName>. For example, the Nautobot Golden Config backup job's class_path will change from plugins/ to

The Job commit_default field has been renamed to dryrun_default and the default value has been changed from True to False. This change is a result of the fundamental job changes mentioned in the Job Changes section below.

JobResult Database Model Changes

The JobResult objects for which results from Job executions are stored are now automatically managed. Therefore job authors must never manipulate or save() these objects as they are now used internally for all state transitions and saving the objects yourself could interfere with and cause Job execution to fail or cause data loss.

Therefore all code that is calling JobResult.set_status() (which has been removed) or must be removed.

Job Changes

Migrating Jobs From v1 to v2

Changed in version 2.0.0

See Migrating Jobs From Nautobot v1 for more information on how to migrate your existing jobs to Nautobot v2.

Fundamental Changes

Changed in version 2.2.3

In Nautobot 2.0.0 through 2.2.2, Nautobot's BaseJob class was made to be a subclass of Celery's Task class. The implications of this change are outside the scope of this document, but this change has been reverted in Nautobot 2.2.3 and later.

  • The test_* and post_run methods for backwards compatibility to NetBox scripts and reports were removed. In their place, Nautobot Jobs now have before_start, on_success, on_failure, and after_return methods that can be used by job authors to perform similar functions.


Be sure to call the super() method when overloading any of the job's before_start, on_success, on_retry, on_failure, or after_return methods

  • The run method signature now includes each of the input variables defined on the Job. This means that the data and commit arguments are no longer passed to the job by default and the job's run method signature should match the the job's input variables.


class ExampleJob(Job):
    var1 = StringVar()
    var2 = IntegerVar(required=True)
    var3 = BooleanVar()
    var4 = ObjectVar(model=Role)

    def run(self, *, var1, var2, var3, var4):

Database Transactions

Nautobot no longer wraps the job run method in an atomic database transaction. As a result, jobs that need to roll back database changes will have to decorate the run method with @transaction.atomic or use the with transaction.atomic() context manager in the job code.

With the removal of the atomic transaction, the commit flag has been removed. The ability to bypass job approval on dryrun can be achieved by using an optional dryrun argument. Job authors who wish to allow users to bypass approval when the dryrun flag is set should set a dryrun attribute with a value of DryRunVar() on their job class. DryRunVar can be imported from


from import DryRunVar, Job

class ExampleJob(Job):
    dryrun = DryRunVar()

    def run(self, dryrun):

A new supports_dryrun field has been added to the Job model and Job class that returns true if the Job class implements the dryrun = DryRunVar() attribute. This is used to determine if jobs that require approval can be dry run without prior approval.

The commit_default job field has been renamed to dryrun_default and the default value has been changed from True to False.


The read_only job field no longer changes the behavior of Nautobot core and is left to the job author to decide whether their job is read only.


Nautobot no longer enforces any job behavior when dryrun is set. It is now the job author's responsibility to define and enforce the execution of a "dry run".

Request Property

The request property has been changed to a Celery request instead of a Django web request and no longer includes the information from the web request that initiated the Job. The user object is now available as self.user instead of self.request.user.

URL Changes

The Job URL path jobs/results/<uuid:pk>/ and URL pattern name job_jobresult are removed. Use URL path job-results/<uuid:pk>/ and URL pattern name jobresult instead. Any extras:job_jobresult references should be removed and be replaced by extras:jobresult.

The Job URL path /extras/jobs/<str:class_path>/ and associated URL pattern name extras:job are changed to URL path /extras/jobs/<str:class_path>/run/ and the URL pattern is renamed to extras:job_run_by_class_path. Conversely, the Job detail view URL pattern name extras:job_detail has been renamed to extras:job for consistency with other object detail view URL patterns.

Function Changes

Changed as_form_class, as_form and validate_data functions on BaseJob Model to classmethods so that they can be called directly from the class without needing to instantiate the Job in order to access them.

Function Renames

JobDetailView is renamed to JobView.

JobView is renamed to JobRunView.

Settings Changes

Added Settings

These settings are new in Nautobot 2.0 and can be changed in your file or via environment variables if desired:

Removed Settings

These settings are no longer in use and should be removed from your file and environment variables if present:


Changed Settings

These settings are no longer user servicable and should be removed from your file and environment variables if present: