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Filterset base classes and mixins for app implementation.


Bases: FilterSet

A base filterset which provides common functionality to all Nautobot filtersets.

errors property

Extend FilterSet.errors to potentially include additional errors from settings.STRICT_FILTERING.

add_filter(new_filter_name, new_filter_field) classmethod

Allow filters to be added post-generation on import.

Will provide <field_name>__<lookup_expr> generation automagically.

filter_for_lookup(field, lookup_type) classmethod

Override filter_for_lookup method to set ChoiceField Filter to MultipleChoiceFilter.

Note: Any CharField or IntegerField with choices set is a ChoiceField.

get_filters() classmethod

Override filter generation to support dynamic lookup expressions for certain filter types.


Extend FilterSet.is_valid() to potentially enforce settings.STRICT_FILTERING.


Bases: NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter

Limit role choices to the available role choices for Device and VM


Bases: ContentTypeFilterMixin, ChoiceFilter

Allows character-based ContentType filtering by . (e.g. "dcim.location") but an explicit set of choices must be provided.

Example use on a FilterSet:

content_type = ContentTypeChoiceFilter(


Bases: ContentTypeFilterMixin, CharFilter

Allows character-based ContentType filtering by . (e.g. "dcim.location").

Does not support limiting of choices. Can be used without arguments on a FilterSet:

content_type = ContentTypeFilter()


Mixin to allow specifying a ContentType by . (e.g. "dcim.location").


Bases: MultipleChoiceFilter

Allows multiple-choice ContentType filtering by . (e.g. "dcim.location").

Defaults to joining multiple options with "AND". Pass conjoined=False to override this behavior to join with "OR" instead.

Example use on a FilterSet:

content_types = ContentTypeMultipleChoiceFilter(

filter(qs, value)

Filter on value, which should be list of content-type names.

e.g. ['dcim.device', 'dcim.rack']


Bases: FilterSet

Dynamically add a Filter for each CustomField applicable to the parent model. Add filters for extra lookup expressions on supported CustomField types.


Class that may be returned by a registered Filter Extension function.


A filter mixin to provide the ability to specify fields and lookup expressions to use for filtering.

A mapping of filter predicates (field_name: lookup_expr) must be provided to the filter when declared on a filterset. This mapping is used to construct a Q query to filter based on the provided predicates.

By default a predicate for {"id": "iexact"} (id__exact) will always be included.


q = SearchFilter(
        "comments": "icontains",
        "name": "icontains",

Optionally you may also provide a callable to use as a preprocessor for the filter predicate by providing the value as a nested dict with "lookup_expr" and "preprocessor" keys. For example:

q = SearchFilter(
        "asn": {
            "lookup_expr": "exact",
            "preprocessor": int,

This tells the filter to try to cast asn to an int. If it fails, this predicate will be skipped.

generate_query(value, **kwargs)

Given a value, return a Q object for 2-tuple of predicate=value. Filter predicates are read from the instance filter. Any kwargs are ignored.


Bases: MultiValueNumberFilter

Subclass of MultiValueNumberFilter used for BigInteger model fields.


Bases: FilterSet

A base class for adding the search method to models which only expose the name field in searches.


Bases: ModelMultipleChoiceFilter

Filter that supports filtering on values matching the pk field and another field of a foreign-key related object. The desired field is set using the to_field_name keyword argument on filter initialization (defaults to name).


Override base filter behavior to force the filter to use the pk field instead of the natural key in the generated filter.


Bases: BaseFilterSet, CreatedUpdatedModelFilterSetMixin, RelationshipModelFilterSetMixin, CustomFieldModelFilterSetMixin

This class exists to combine common functionality and is used as a base class throughout the codebase where all of BaseFilterSet, CreatedUpdatedModelFilterSetMixin, RelationshipModelFilterSetMixin and CustomFieldModelFilterSetMixin are needed.


Bases: NumberFilter

Filter based on the presence of an integer within an ArrayField.


Bases: BooleanFilter

BooleanFilter for related objects that will explicitly perform exclude=True and isnull lookups. The field_name argument is required and must be set to the related field on the model.

This should be used instead of a default BooleanFilter paired method= argument to test for the existence of related objects.


has_interfaces = RelatedMembershipBooleanFilter(
    label="Has interfaces",


Bases: ModelMultipleChoiceFilter

Filter objects by the presence of associations on a given Relationship.


Bases: FilterSet

Filterset for relationships applicable to the parent model.


Bases: NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter

Filter field used for filtering Role fields.


Bases: FilterSet

Mixin to add a role filter field to a FilterSet.


Bases: MappedPredicatesFilterMixin, CharFilter

Provide a search filter for use on filtersets as the q= parameter.

See the docstring for nautobot.core.filters.MappedPredicatesFilterMixin for usage.


Bases: NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter

Filter field used for filtering Status fields.


Bases: FilterSet

Mixin to add a status filter field to a FilterSet.


Bases: NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter

Match on one or more assigned tags. If multiple tags are specified (e.g. ?tag=foo&tag=bar), the queryset is filtered to objects matching all tags.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: FilterSet

An inheritable FilterSet for models which support Tenant assignment.


Bases: NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter

Filter that matches on the given model(s) (identified by name and/or pk) as well as their tree descendants.

For example, if we have:

Location "Earth"
  Location "USA"
    Location "GA" <- Location "Athens"
    Location "NC" <- Location "Durham"

a NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter on Location for {"parent": "USA"} would only return "GA" and "NC" since that is the only two locations that have an immediate parent "USA" but a TreeNodeMultipleChoiceFilter on Location for {"parent": "USA"} would match both "Athens" and "Durham" in addition to "GA" and "NC".

generate_query(value, qs=None, **kwargs)

Given a filter value, return a Q object that accounts for nested tree node descendants.

nautobot.apps.filters.multivalue_field_factory(field_class, widget=django_forms.SelectMultiple)

Given a form field class, return a subclass capable of accepting multiple values. This allows us to OR on multiple filter values while maintaining the field's built-in validation. Example: GET /api/dcim/devices/?name=foo&name=bar