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Nautobot v1.1

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 1.1.

If you are a user migrating from NetBox to Nautobot, please refer to the "Migrating from NetBox" documentation.

Release Overview


Computed Fields (#4)

Computed fields offers users the ability to create read-only custom fields using existing data already stored in the database. Users define Jinja2 templates that populate the value of these fields. Computed fields are available on all data models that currently support custom fields.

Config Context JSON Schemas (#274)

While config contexts allow for arbitrary data structures to be stored within Nautobot, at scale it is desirable to apply validation constraints to that data to ensure its consistency and to avoid data entry errors. To service this need, Nautobot supports optionally backing config contexts with JSON Schemas for validation. These schema are managed via the config context schema model and are optionally linked to config context instances, in addition to devices and virtual machines for the purpose of validating their local context data. Please see the docs for more details.

Just like config contexts, config context JSON schemas can optionally be managed via a Git repository.

Dynamic Navigation Menus (#12)

Applications and plugins can now define tabs, groups, items and buttons in the navigation menu. Using navigation objects a developer can add items to any section of the navigation using key names and weight values. Please see Application Registry for more details.

MySQL Database Support (#17)

MySQL 8.x is now fully supported as a database backend!

The installation and configuration guides have been revised to include MySQL. If you prefer MySQL or it is more easily supported in your environment, configuring Nautobot to use MySQL is as easy as changing value of ENGINE in your DATABASES setting to point to django.db.backends.mysql and installing the MySQL Python driver using pip3 install nautobot[mysql].

A new NAUTOBOT_DB_ENGINE environment variable has been added to allow for specifying the desired database engine at runtime without needing to modify your Please see the configuration guide on DATABASES for more details on how to configure Nautobot to use MySQL.

Please see the MySQL setup guides to get started.

Plugin Defined Jinja2 Filters

Plugins can now define custom Jinja2 filters to be used when rendering templates defined within computed fields or custom links. To register your own filters, you may add a to your plugin and any filters defined there will be automatically registered and globally usable.

Please see the plugin development documentation on including Jinja2 filters to get started.

Read Only Jobs (#200)

Jobs may be optionally marked as read only by setting the read_only = True meta attribute. This prevents the job from making any changes to Nautobot data and suppresses certain log messages. Read only jobs can be a great way to safely develop new jobs, and for working with reporting use cases. Please see the Jobs documentation for more details.

Saved GraphQL Queries (#3)

Saved GraphQL queries offers a new model where reusable queries can be stored in Nautobot. New views for managing saved queries are available; additionally, the GraphiQL interface has been augmented to allow populating the interface from a saved query, editing and saving new queries.

Saved queries can easily be imported into the GraphiQL interface by using the new navigation tab located on the right side of the navbar. Inside the new tab are also buttons for editing and saving queries directly into Nautobot's databases.

Additionally, two new GraphQL utility functions have been added to allow easy access to the GraphQL system from source code. Both functions can be imported from nautobot.core.graphql:

  1. execute_query(): Runs string as a query against GraphQL.
  2. execute_saved_query(): Execute a saved query from Nautobot database.


Background Tasks now use Celery (#223)

Celery has been introduced to eventually replace RQ for executing background tasks within Nautobot. All Nautobot core usage of RQ has been migrated to use Celery.


Custom background tasks implemented by plugins are not part of Nautobot core functions

Prior to version 1.1.0, Nautobot utilized RQ as the primary background task worker. As of Nautobot 1.1.0, RQ is now deprecated. RQ and the @job decorator for custom tasks are still supported for now, but will no longer be documented, and support for RQ will be removed in a future release.

RQ support for custom tasks was not removed in order to give plugin authors time to migrate, however, to continue to utilize advanced Nautobot features such as Git repository synchronization, webhooks, jobs, etc. you must migrate your nautobot-worker deployment from RQ to Celery.

Please see the section on migrating to Celery from RQ for more information on how to easily migrate your deployment.


If you are running plugins that use background tasks requiring the RQ worker, you will need to run both the RQ and Celery workers concurrently until the plugins are converted to use the Celery worker. See the Migrating to Celery from RQ for details.


HTTP "Remote end closed connection" errors (#725)

The example uwsgi.ini provided in earlier versions of the Nautobot documentation was missing a recommendation to include the configuration http-keepalive = 1 which enables support for HTTP/1.1 keep-alive headers.


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Nautobot (including 1.1.0) you should check your uwsgi.ini and ensure that it contains this important configuration line.

v1.1.6 (2021-12-03)

Fixed in v1.1.6

  • #1093 - Improved REST API performance by adding caching of serializer "opt-in fields".

v1.1.5 (2021-11-11)

Security in v1.1.5

  • #998 - Update mkdocs dependency to avoid a potential path-traversal vulnerability; note that mkdocs is only used in development and is not a production deployment dependency of Nautobot.

Added in v1.1.5

  • #931 - Added support for direct upload of CSV files as an alternative to copy-pasting CSV text into a form field. (Partially based on NetBox #6561)
  • #989 - Added id and name fields to NestedJobResultSerializer for the REST API.

Fixed in v1.1.5

  • #555 - Fixed Status.DoesNotExist during nautobot-server loaddata.
  • #567 - Fixed incorrect GraphQL schema generation for _custom_field_data when certain plugins are installed.
  • #733 - A Job erroring out early in initialization could result in its associated JobResult staying in Pending state indefinitely.
  • #816 - Fixed AttributeError reported when viewing a Rack with certain associated power configurations.
  • #981 - Fixed incorrect handling of missing custom fields in the fix_custom_fields management command.
  • #986 - Fixed TemplateDoesNotExist exception when running a Job containing a FileVar variable.
  • #991 - Fixed incorrect logging when importing ConfigContextSchemas from Git.
  • #993 - Fixed incorrect git command when refreshing a previously checked out repository.

Documentation in v1.1.5

  • #263 - Added a link in the Docker deployment guide to the Nautobot Docker Compose repository.
  • #948 - Fixed advanced logging example to use EXTRA_MIDDLEWARE instead of MIDDLEWARE.append().
  • #970 - Clarified documentation around config context definition in Git repositories.
  • #954 - Added documentation for migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL, improved documentation as to recommended MySQL database configuration.
  • #1023 - Removed invalid link in "Deploying Nautobot" documentation.
  • #1025 - Added reference documentation for how to hide navigation menu items with no permissions.
  • #1031 - Added a troubleshooting note around the combination of RedHat/CentOS, uWSGI, and static files.

Housekeeping in v1.1.5

  • #953 - Added option to use MySQL in the docker-compose development environment
  • #1019 - Added GitHub action to redeploy the Nautobot sandbox on pushes to main, develop, and next.
  • #1057 - Added GitHub action to automatically push Docker images to

v1.1.4 (2021-10-04)

Security in v1.1.4

  • #939 - Nautobot views now default to X-Frame-Options: DENY rather than X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, with the exception of the rack-elevation API view (/api/dcim/rack-elevation/) which specifically requires X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN for functional reasons.

Added in v1.1.4

  • #623 - Git repository sync logs now include the commit hash that was synchronized to.
  • #728 - Added SOCIAL_AUTH_BACKEND_PREFIX configuration setting to support custom authentication backends.
  • #861 - Bulk editing of devices can now update their site, rack, and rack-group assignments.

Fixed in v1.1.4

  • #944 - Jobs that commit changes to the database could not be invoked successfully from the nautobot-server runjob command.
  • #955 - REST API endpoint for syncing Git repositories was still checking for RQ workers instead of Celery workers.
  • #969 - IPv6 prefixes such as ::1/128 were not being treated correctly.

Documentation in v1.1.4

  • #949 - Added documentation note about using MAINTENANCE_MODE in combination with LDAP.

Housekeeping in v1.1.4

  • #956 - Switched CI from Travis to GitHub Actions.
  • #964 - Updated build status badge to show GitHub status.

v1.1.3 (2021-09-13)

Security in v1.1.3

  • #893 - Bump Pillow dependency version from 8.2.0 to 8.2.3 to address numerous critical CVE advisories

Added in v1.1.3

  • #652 - Jobs REST API run endpoint now can look up ObjectVar references via a dictionary of parameters.
  • #791 - Added support for NAUTOBOT_DOCKER_SKIP_INIT variable to allow running the Docker container with a read-only database.

Changed in v1.1.3

  • #709 - Computed fields can now have a blank fallback_value.
  • #812 - In the GraphiQL interface, the "Queries" dropdown now appears alongside the other GraphiQL interface buttons instead of appearing in the main Nautobot navigation bar.

Fixed in v1.1.3

  • #464 - Fixed GraphQL schema generation error when certain custom field names are used.
  • #651 - Fixed Jobs validation enforce schema consistently across UI and API.
  • #715 - Fixed display of GraphiQL interface in narrow browser windows.
  • #718 - Fixed rendering of long template values in Computed Field detail view.
  • #731 - Config context schemas including format properties (such as "format": "ipv4") are now correctly enforced.
  • #779 - Fixed incorrect Tenant display in Prefix "Duplicate Prefixes" table. (Port of two fixes originally from NetBox)
  • #818 - Database health-check now reports as healthy even when in MAINTENANCE_MODE.
  • #830 - Fixed incorrect database migration introduced by #818.

Documentation in v1.1.3

  • #601 - Developer documentation for advanced docker-compose use cases is now a separate file.
  • #670 - Clarified Jobs documentation regarding how to fail or abort a Job.
  • #755 - Added example showing how to use django-request-logging middleware to log the user associated with inbound requests.
  • #825 - Removed unnecessary -B flag from development Celery worker invocation.
  • #832 - Plugin installation documentation now recommends nautobot-server post_upgrade instead of separately running nautobot-server migrate and nautobot-server collectstatic.
  • #841 - Added more detailed documentation around defining Relationship filters.
  • #845 - Clarified documentation around nautobot-server init and NAUTOBOT_ROOT.
  • #848 - Fixed stale links to NAPALM documentation
  • #850 - Added developer documentation around the installation and use of mkdocs to locally preview documentation changes.
  • #856 - Added more detailed user documentation on how to create an API token.

Housekeeping in v1.1.3

  • #11 - Added tests to verify that plugin models can support webhooks if appropriately decorated with @extras_features("webhooks")
  • #809 - Fixed docker-compose file version values to work correctly with older versions of docker-compose.

v1.1.2 (2021-08-10)

Fixed in v1.1.2

  • #723 - Fixed power draw not providing a UtilizationData type for use in graphing power draw utilization
  • #785 - Fixed plugin loading error when using final Docker image.
  • #786 - Fixed Unknown command: 'post_upgrade' when using final Docker image.
  • #789 - Avoid a NoReverseMatch exception at startup time if an app or plugin defines a nav menu item with an invalid link reference.

Documentation in v1.1.2

  • #758 - Added documentation about the Job class_path concept.
  • #771 - Added examples of various possible logging configurations.
  • #773 - Added documentation around enabling Prometheus metrics for database and caching backends.
  • #782 - Corrected documentation regarding the use of docker-compose.override.yml

Housekeeping in v1.1.2

  • #742 - The development environment now respects the setting of the NAUTOBOT_DEBUG environment variable if present.

v1.1.1 (2021-08-05)

Added in v1.1.1

  • #506 - nautobot-server now detects and rejects the misconfiguration of setting MAINTENANCE_MODE while using database-backed session storage (django.contrib.sessions.backends.db)

Fixed in v1.1.1

  • #683 - Fixed slug auto-construction when defining a new ComputedField.
  • #727 - Fixed broken REST API endpoint (/api/extras/graphql-queries/<uuid>/run/) for running saved GraphQL queries.
  • #744 - Fixed missing Celery Django fixup that could cause assorted errors when multiple background tasks were run concurrently.
  • #746 - Fixed data serialization error when running Jobs that used IPAddressVar, IPAddressWithMaskVar, and/or IPNetworkVar variables.
  • #759 - Corrected backwards add/import links for Power Feed and Power Panel in navigation bar

Documentation in v1.1.1

  • #681 - Added an example guide on how to use AWS S3 for hosting static files in production.
  • #725 - Added missing http-keepalive = 1 to recommended uswgi.ini configuration.

Housekeeping in v1.1.1

  • #738 - Added *.env (except dev.env) to .gitignore to prevent local environment variable files from accidentally being committed to Git

v1.1.0 (2021-07-20)

Security in v1.1.0

  • #717 - Bump Pillow dependency version from 8.1.2 to 8.2.0 to address numerous critical CVE advisories

Added in v1.1.0

  • #372 - Added support for displaying custom fields in tables used in object list views
  • #620 - Config context schemas can now be managed via Git repositories.

Changed in v1.1.0

  • #684 - Renamed ?opt_in_fields= query param to ?include=
  • #697 - Added CELERY_TASK_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT to and lowered the default CELERY_TASK_TIME_LIMIT configuration.

Fixed in v1.1.0

  • #363 - Fixed using S3 django-storages backend requires USE_TZ=False.
  • #466 - Fixed improper GraphQL schema generation on fields that can be blank but not null (such as Interface.mode)
  • #663 - Fixed kombu.exceptions.EncodeError when trying to execute Jobs using (Multi)ObjectVar objects with nested relationships
  • #672 - Fixed inheritance of Celery broker/results URL settings for dev/template configs (they can now be defined using Redis env. vars)
  • #680 - Removed unnecessary warning message when both RQ and Celery workers are present
  • #686 - Fixed incorrect permission name for Tags list view in nav menu
  • #690 - Fixed Jinja2 dependency version to remain backwards-compatible with Nautobot 1.0.x
  • #696 - Fixed inheritance of VRF and Tenant assignment when creating an IPAddress or Prefix under a parent Prefix. (Port of NetBox #5703 and NetBox #6012)
  • #698 - Fixed cloning of a computed field object to now carry over required non-unique fields
  • #699 - Exceptions such as TypeError are now caught and handled correctly when rendering a computed field.
  • #702 - GraphiQL view no longer requires internet access to load libraries.
  • #703 - Fixed direct execution of saved GraphQL queries containing double quotes
  • #705 - Fixed missing description field from detail view for computed fields

Documentation in v1.1.0

  • #675 - Update MySQL unicode settings docs to be more visible
  • #677 - Revise LDAPS outdated documentation for ignoring TLS cert errors
  • #691 - Clarify documentation on RQ to Celery worker migration and running both workers in parallel to help ease migration
  • #692 - Clarify plugin development docs on naming of file for custom Jinja2 filters

v1.1.0b2 (2021-07-09)

Added in v1.1.0b2

  • #599 - Custom fields are now supported on JobResult objects
  • #637 - Implemented a nautobot-server fix_custom_fields command to manually purge stale custom field data

Fixed in v1.1.0b2

  • #495 - Fixed search for partial IPv4 prefixes/aggregates not finding all matching objects
  • #533 - Custom field tasks are now run atomically to avoid stale field data from being saved on objects.
  • #554 - Fixed search for partial IPv6 prefixes/aggregates not finding all matching objects
  • #569 - Change minimum/maximum allowed values for integer type in Custom Fields to 64-bit BigIntegerField types (64-bit)
  • #626 - Added prefix NAUTOBOT_ in override.env example inside of
  • #661 - Fixed computed_fields key not being included in API response for devices when using include (for opt-in fields)

Documentation in v1.1.0b2

  • #600 - The invoke migrate step is now included in the development getting started guide for Docker workflows
  • #617 - Added extra comments to uwsgi.ini config to help with load balancer deployments in Nautobot services documentation
  • #634 - Documentation on plugin capabilities has been clarified.
  • #645 - Updated services troubleshooting docs to include "incorrect string value" fix when using Unicode emojis with MySQL as a database backend
  • #653 - Fixed systemd unit file for nautobot-worker to correctly start/stop/restart
  • #667 - Fixed various outdated/incorrect places in the documentation for v1.1.0 release.

v1.1.0b1 (2021-07-02)

Added in v1.1.0b1

  • #3 - GraphQL queries can now be saved for later execution
  • #17 - MySQL 8.x is now fully supported as a database backend
  • #200 - Jobs can be marked as read-only
  • #274 - Added config context schemas to optionally validate config and local context data against JSON Schemas
  • #297 - Added an anonymous health-checking endpoint at /health/using, also introducing a nautobot-server health_check command.
  • #485 - Applications can define navbar properties through
  • #557 - Prefix records can now be created using /32 (IPv4) and /128 (IPv6) networks. (Port of NetBox #6545)
  • #561 - Added autodetection of mime_type on export_templates provided by Git datasources
  • #636 - Added custom fields to JobResult model, with minor changes to job result detail page

Changed in v1.1.0b1

  • #431 - ConfigContext and ExportTemplate records now must have unique name values. This was always the case in NetBox, but was inadvertently un-enforced in earlier versions of Nautobot.

Fixed in v1.1.0b1

  • #460 - Deleting a record now deletes any associated RelationshipAssociation records
  • #494 - Objects with status fields now emit limited choices correctly when performing OPTIONS metadata API requests

Documentation in v1.1.0b1

  • #10 - Added a new "Getting Started in the Web UI" section to the documentation to help new users begin learning how to use Nautobot.
  • #618 - Fixed typo in release-notes

Housekeeping in v1.1.0b1

  • #602 - Fixed incorrect requirement to install toml Python library before running invoke tasks