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Model Development Checklist

A general best-practices checklist to follow when adding a new data model in Nautobot or adding new fields to an existing model.

Bootstrapping a new Model

Data Model

  • Implement model in nautobot.<app>.models module
    • Use appropriate base class and mixin(s)
    • Use appropriate @extras_features decorator values
    • Unless there is a strong reason not to, all models should have a ForeignKey to tenancy.Tenant named tenant
    • Define appropriate uniqueness constraint(s)
    • Define appropriate __str__() logic
    • optional Define appropriate additional clean() logic
      • Be sure to always call super().clean() as well!
    • optional Define appropriate verbose_name/verbose_name_plural if defaults aren't optimal
    • optional Opt out of specific model features if and only if there is a strong justification for doing so:
      • Contact/team association (is_contact_associable_model = False, OrganizationalModel/PrimaryModel only)
      • Dynamic-group association (is_dynamic_group_associable_model = False, OrganizationalModel/PrimaryModel only)
      • Object-metadata association (is_metadata_associable_model = False, any base class)
      • Saved-view support (is_saved_view_model = False, OrganizationalModel/PrimaryModel only)
  • Generate database schema migration(s) with invoke makemigrations <app> -n <migration_name>
  • optional Add data migration(s) to populate default records, migrate data from existing models, etc.
    • Remember: data migrations must not share a file with schema migrations or vice versa!
    • Specify appropriate migration dependencies (for example, against another app that you're using models from). If you're retrieving models in a data migration with apps.get_model("app_label.model_name"), your migration should have a dependency that ensures the model is in the desired state before your migration runs. This may only require a dependency on the migration where that model was created or, if a specific field is required on the referenced model, the migration where that field was introduced.
  • optional Enhance ConfigContext if the new model can be used as a filter criteria for assigning Devices or Virtual Machines to Config Contexts
    • Update ConfigContextQuerySet, ConfigContextFilterSet, ConfigContext forms, edit and detail views and HTML templates
  • optional Expose any new relevant Python APIs in nautobot.apps namespace for App consumption

Extras Features

  • cable_terminations: Models that can be connected to another model with a Cable
  • config_context_owners: Models that can be assigned to the owner GenericForeignKey field on a ConfigContext
  • custom_fields: (DEPRECATED - Uses nautobot.extras.utils.populate_model_features_registry to populate Model Features Registry) Models that support ComputedFields and CustomFields, used for limiting the choices for the CustomField.content_types and ComputedField.content_type fields
  • custom_links: Models that can display CustomLinks on the object's detail view (by default, all models that use generic/object_retrieve.html as a base template support custom links)
  • custom_validators: Models that can support custom clean logic by implementing a CustomValidator
  • dynamic_groups: Models that can be assigned to a DynamicGroup, used for limiting the choices for the DynamicGroup.content_type form field (DEPRECATED - Use the DynamicGroupsModelMixin class mixin instead)
  • export_template_owners: Models that can be assigned to the owner GenericForeignKey field on an ExportTemplate
  • export_templates: Models that can be exported using an ExportTemplate, used for limiting the choices for the ExportTemplate.content_type field
  • graphql: Models that should be exposed through the GraphQL API, used to build the list of registered models to build the GraphQL schema
  • job_results: No longer used.
  • locations: Models that support a foreign key to Location, used for limiting the choices for the LocationType.content_types field
  • relationships: (DEPRECATED - Uses nautobot.extras.utils.populate_model_features_registry to populate Model Features Registry) Models that support custom relationships
  • statuses: Models that support a foreign key to Status, used for limiting the choices for the Status.content_types field
  • webhooks: Models that can be used to trigger webhooks, used for limiting the choices for the Webhook.content_types field

Most new models should use the custom_links, custom_validators, export_templates, graphql, and webhooks features at minimum.


  • Implement <Model>FilterSet class in nautobot.<app>.filters module
  • Implement API <Model>Serializer class in nautobot.<app>.api.serializers module
  • Implement API <Model>ViewSet class in nautobot.<app>.api.views module
    • Use appropriate base class and mixin(s)
    • Use appropriate select_related/prefetch_related for performance (bearing in mind that in Nautobot 2.4.0 and later, the viewset can perform many of these optimizations automatically)
  • Add API viewset to nautobot.<app>.api.urls module


  • Implement UI <Model>Table class in nautobot.<app>.tables module
    • Use appropriate base class and mixin(s)
    • In the vast majority of cases, a table's Meta.fields should have "pk" as the first entry and (if present as a column) "actions" as the last entry, so that these two columns appear correctly at the far left and far right of the table.
  • Implement <Model>Form class in nautobot.<app>.forms module
  • Implement <Model>FilterForm class in nautobot.<app>.forms module
  • Implement <Model>BulkEditForm class in nautobot.<app>.forms module
  • Implement NautobotUIViewSet subclass in nautobot.<app>.views module
    • Use appropriate base class and mixin(s)
    • Use appropriate select_related/prefetch_related for performance (bearing in mind that in the list view, the table class can perform many of these optimizations automatically)
    • Implement object_detail_content using the UI Component Framework
      • (only if strictly necessary) Implement nautobot/<app>/templates/<app>/<model>_retrieve.html detail template
  • Add UI viewset to nautobot.<app>.urls module
  • Add menu item in nautobot.<app>.navigation module
  • optional Add model link and counter to home page panel in nautobot.<app>.homepage module
  • optional Add model to nautobot.<app>.apps.<App>Config.searchable_models to include it in global search

Test Coverage

  • Implement <Model>Factory class in nautobot.<app>.factory module
    • Add <Model>Factory invocation to nautobot-server generate_test_data command
  • Implement <Model>TestCase class in nautobot.<app>.tests.test_api module
    • Use appropriate APITestCases base class and mixin(s)
  • Implement <Model>TestCase class in nautobot.<app>.tests.test_filters module
    • Use appropriate FilterTestCases base class and mixin(s)
  • optional Implement <Model>TestCase class in nautobot.<app>.tests.test_forms module
    • Use appropriate FormTestCases base class and mixin(s)
  • Implement <Model>TestCase class in nautobot.<app>.tests.test_models module
    • Use appropriate ModelTestCases base class and mixin(s)
  • Implement <Model>TestCase class in nautobot.<app>.tests.test_views module
    • Use appropriate base class and mixin(s)


  • Write nautobot/docs/user-guide/core-data-model/<app>/<model>.md user documentation
    • Add document to mkdocs.yml
    • Add redirect from models/<app>/<model>.md in mkdocs.yml (this is needed so that the "question mark" button on the model's create/edit page will resolve correctly)
  • Write an overview of the new model in the release-note Release Overview section

Adding any new Field to a Model

  • Name the field appropriately
  • For CharFields, use CHARFIELD_MAX_LENGTH as appropriate
  • Generate schema migration
    • Updating an existing migration is preferred if the model/migration hasn't yet shipped in a release. Once a new release has been published, its migrations may not be altered (other than for the purpose of correcting a bug).
  • Add field to <Model>Factory
  • Add field to <Model>Form.fields
  • Add field to <Model>BulkEditForm.fields
  • Add field filter(s) to <Model>FilterSet
    • Follow best practices for FilterSet fields
    • optional Add field to <Model>FilterSet q filter
  • Add field to <Model>FilterForm.fields
  • Add field column to <Model>Table.fields
    • Keep "pk" as the first column and "actions" (if present) as the last column
    • optional Add field column to <Model>Table.default_columns if desired
  • Add field to nautobot/<app>/templates/<app>/<model>_retrieve.html detail template
  • Add field to test data in appropriate unit tests (including view, filter, model, and API tests)
    • Add field testing intest_api.<Model>TestCase
    • Add field testing in test_filters.<Model>TestCase
    • Add field testing in test_models.<Model>TestCase
    • Add field testing in test_views.<Model>TestCase
    • optional Add field testing in test_forms.<Model>TestCase if applicable
  • Validate that the field appears correctly in GraphQL
    • If the field is not compatible with GraphQL or shouldn't be included in GraphQL it's possible to exclude a specific field in the GraphQL Type Object associated with this specific model. You can refer to the graphene-django documentation for additional information.
  • Add field to model documentation with an appropriate version annotation
  • optional Add field to <Model>Serializer if default representation isn't optimal
  • optional Add field to <Model>Serializer.fields if it's not using fields = ["__all__"]
  • optional Add field to any custom create/edit template
  • optional Update model clean() with any new logic needed

Adding a Foreign Key from ModelA to ModelB

  • Specify appropriate related_name
  • Select appropriate on_delete behavior (SET_NULL, CASCADE, PROTECT)
  • Add a DynamicModelChoiceField to <ModelA>Form
  • Add a NaturalKeyOrPKMultipleChoiceFilter to <ModelA>FilterSet
  • Add a DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField(required=False, ...) to <ModelA>FilterForm
  • Add a DynamicModelChoiceField(required=False, ...) to <ModelA>BulkEditForm
  • Add select_related to API <ModelA>ViewSet.queryset
  • Add select_related to UI <ModelA>UIViewSet.queryset
  • Validate that the reverse relation is accessible through GraphQL on ModelB.
  • optional Add has_<related_name> RelatedMembershipBooleanFilter filter to <ModelB>FilterSet
  • optional Add annotate(<model_a>_count=count_related(ModelA,...) to <ModelB>ViewSet.queryset
    • Add <model_a>_count field to <ModelB>Serializer
  • optional Add <model_a>_count = LinkedCountColumn(...) to <ModelB>Table and <ModelB>Table.fields
  • optional Add related object table to ModelB detail view
    • For Role-related models, you must add the related object table to the Role detail view as we have a test that checks this

Adding a Status or Role field to a Model

  • Use StatusField or RoleField in place of a generic ForeignKey
  • Add data migration providing default Status/Role records for this model
    • Remember: data migrations must not share a file with schema migrations or vice versa!
    • Specify appropriate migration dependencies (for example, against another app that you're using models from)

Adding a Many-to-Many from ModelA to ModelB

The through table should generally be treated as a new model (see above), but the following are most important.

  • Specify appropriate related_name
  • Add a DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField to <ModelA>Form
  • Add prefetch_related to API <ModelA>ViewSet.queryset
  • Add prefetch_related to UI <ModelA>UIViewSet.queryset
  • Add REST API endpoint for managing the M2M
    • Serializer
    • FilterSet
    • ViewSet
    • URLs
    • Tests
  • Add related object table to ModelA detail view
  • Validate that the forward relation is accessible through GraphQL on ModelA.
  • Validate that the reverse relation is accessible through GraphQL on ModelB.
  • optional Add annotate(<model_a>_count=count_related(ModelA,...) to <ModelB>ViewSet.queryset
    • Add <model_a>_count field to <ModelB>Serializer
  • optional Add <model_a>_count = LinkedCountColumn(...) to <ModelB>Table and <ModelB>Table.fields
  • optional Add related object table to ModelB detail view