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Circuit Maintenance Jobs

Circuit Maintenance app jobs.

Location searching Job definition.


Bases: Job

Nautobot Job definition for finding locations without redundant circuit for impactful maintenance.

Current iteration of this job assumes that many locations will be only dual carrier connected. The searches are going to search for a single overlap in this first iteration.

Future iterations may include the ability to search for multiple circuit overlaps that would allow for just a single circuit to be available.

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
class FindLocationsWithMaintenanceOverlap(Job):
    """Nautobot Job definition for finding locations without redundant circuit for impactful maintenance.

    Current iteration of this job assumes that many locations will be only dual carrier connected. The searches are going
    to search for a single overlap in this first iteration.

    Future iterations may include the ability to search for multiple circuit overlaps that would allow for just a single
    circuit to be available.

    class Meta:
        """Meta definition for the Job."""

        name = "Find Locations With Circuit Maintenance Overlap"
        description = "Search for locations with overlapping circuit maintenances, 1 or more circuit impacts, assuming only TWO circuits per location."

    # TBD: Check options to remove this pylint disable
    # pylint: disable-next=arguments-differ
    def run(self):
        """Executes the Job."""
        # Query for all of the circuits maintenances that are on going in the future
        today =
        circuit_maintenances = CircuitMaintenance.objects.filter(start_time__gte=today).order_by("start_time")

        # Build a circuit mapper
        circuit_maintenance_mapper = build_locations_to_maintenance_mapper(circuit_maintenances)

        # Loop over each of the circuit maintenance records
        # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
        processed_maintenance_list = []  # List of the processed maintenance records
        for circuit_maint in circuit_maintenances:
            # Get the set of locations
            location_set: set = set()
            for circuit in circuit_maint.circuits:

            overlapping_maintenance = False  # Flag for overlapping maintenance present
            # Check to see if there are any circuit maintenances that are overlapping at some moment in time
            for location in location_set:
                for other_circuit_maint in circuit_maintenance_mapper[]:
                    # Report failures for any time where a circuit will take an outage
                    # Check to see if the other circuit maintenance has already had overlap checked.
                    # If this is the same circuit maintenance record, that will also show up in the processed list
                    # since the list is being added to before the loop.
                    if other_circuit_maint in processed_maintenance_list:
                    if check_for_overlap(circuit_maint, other_circuit_maint):
                        overlapping_maintenance = True
                        if PLUGIN_SETTINGS.get("overlap_job_exclude_no_impact"):
                            for circuit_impact in circuit_maint.circuitimpact_set:
                                if circuit_impact.impact != "NO-IMPACT":

                            f"There is an overlapping maintenance for location: {} on {circuit_maint.start_time}. Other maintenances: {other_circuit_maint}|{circuit_maint}",
                            extra={"object": location},

            # Log success for when there is not an overlapping maintenance at a location
            if overlapping_maintenance is False:
                    "Checked maintenance for overlap, no overlap was found.",
                    extra={"object": circuit_maint},
            f"Successfully checked through {circuit_maintenances.count()} maintenance notification{'s'[:circuit_maintenances.count()^1]}."

Meta definition for the Job.

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
class Meta:
    """Meta definition for the Job."""

    name = "Find Locations With Circuit Maintenance Overlap"
    description = "Search for locations with overlapping circuit maintenances, 1 or more circuit impacts, assuming only TWO circuits per location."

Executes the Job.

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
def run(self):
    """Executes the Job."""
    # Query for all of the circuits maintenances that are on going in the future
    today =
    circuit_maintenances = CircuitMaintenance.objects.filter(start_time__gte=today).order_by("start_time")

    # Build a circuit mapper
    circuit_maintenance_mapper = build_locations_to_maintenance_mapper(circuit_maintenances)

    # Loop over each of the circuit maintenance records
    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
    processed_maintenance_list = []  # List of the processed maintenance records
    for circuit_maint in circuit_maintenances:
        # Get the set of locations
        location_set: set = set()
        for circuit in circuit_maint.circuits:

        overlapping_maintenance = False  # Flag for overlapping maintenance present
        # Check to see if there are any circuit maintenances that are overlapping at some moment in time
        for location in location_set:
            for other_circuit_maint in circuit_maintenance_mapper[]:
                # Report failures for any time where a circuit will take an outage
                # Check to see if the other circuit maintenance has already had overlap checked.
                # If this is the same circuit maintenance record, that will also show up in the processed list
                # since the list is being added to before the loop.
                if other_circuit_maint in processed_maintenance_list:
                if check_for_overlap(circuit_maint, other_circuit_maint):
                    overlapping_maintenance = True
                    if PLUGIN_SETTINGS.get("overlap_job_exclude_no_impact"):
                        for circuit_impact in circuit_maint.circuitimpact_set:
                            if circuit_impact.impact != "NO-IMPACT":

                        f"There is an overlapping maintenance for location: {} on {circuit_maint.start_time}. Other maintenances: {other_circuit_maint}|{circuit_maint}",
                        extra={"object": location},

        # Log success for when there is not an overlapping maintenance at a location
        if overlapping_maintenance is False:
                "Checked maintenance for overlap, no overlap was found.",
                extra={"object": circuit_maint},
        f"Successfully checked through {circuit_maintenances.count()} maintenance notification{'s'[:circuit_maintenances.count()^1]}."


Build a location to circuit maintenance mapper so the data can be quickly accessed of what possible overlaps.

Leverages defaultdict to provide the default value of an empty set to each key that will be added. Then adds each particular circuit maintenance object to the dictionary to be used as a map of maintenances going on at the location. Build a data dictionary that maps locations to circuit maintenances:

data_dict = { "msp": { CM1, CM2 }, "nyc": { CM3, CM4 } }


Name Type Description Default
maintenance_queryset Queryset

Queryset of all Circuit Maintenance objects



Name Type Description
dict dict

Dictionary of a set of maintenance records

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
def build_locations_to_maintenance_mapper(maintenance_queryset) -> dict:
    """Build a location to circuit maintenance mapper so the data can be quickly accessed of what possible overlaps.

    Leverages defaultdict to provide the default value of an empty set to each key that will be added. Then adds each
    particular circuit maintenance object to the dictionary to be used as a map of maintenances going on at the location.
    Build a data dictionary that maps locations to circuit maintenances:

    data_dict = {
        "msp": {
        "nyc": {

        maintenance_queryset (Queryset): Queryset of all Circuit Maintenance objects

        dict: Dictionary of a set of maintenance records
    return_dictionary = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for record in maintenance_queryset:
        # Get the location overall
        # Start with looping over the circuits that are defined
        for circuit in record.circuits:
            # Check both termination A and Z for values of None, add that record to the set for each location
            for term in [circuit.circuit_termination_a, circuit.circuit_termination_z]:
                if term is not None and term.location is not None:

    return dict(return_dictionary)

check_for_overlap(record1, record2)

Checks for the overlap of two circuit maintenance records.


Name Type Description Default
record1 CircuitMaintenance

First maintenance record

record2 CircuitMaintenance

Second maintenance record



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if there is overlap, otherwise False.

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
def check_for_overlap(record1: CircuitMaintenance, record2: CircuitMaintenance) -> bool:
    """Checks for the overlap of two circuit maintenance records.

        record1 (CircuitMaintenance): First maintenance record
        record2 (CircuitMaintenance): Second maintenance record

        bool: True if there is overlap, otherwise False.
    if record1.end_time < record2.start_time or record2.end_time < record1.start_time:
        return False

    return True


Get a list of locations from a circuit object in Nautobot.


Name Type Description Default
circuit Circuit

Nautobot Circuit Object to find the locations



Name Type Description
list set

List of Nautobot Location objects

Source code in nautobot_circuit_maintenance/jobs/
def get_locations_from_circuit(circuit: Circuit) -> set:
    """Get a list of locations from a circuit object in Nautobot.

        circuit (Circuit): Nautobot Circuit Object to find the locations

        list: List of Nautobot Location objects
    location_set: set = set()
    for term in [circuit.circuit_termination_a, circuit.circuit_termination_z]:
        if term is not None and getattr(term, "provider_network") is None:

    return location_set