class NautobotChatOpsConfig(NautobotAppConfig):
"""App configuration for the nautobot_chatops app."""
name = "nautobot_chatops"
verbose_name = "Nautobot ChatOps"
version = __version__
author = "Network to Code"
author_email = ""
description = """
Nautobot App that is a multi-platform chatbot supporting Slack, MS Teams, Cisco Webex,
and Mattermost that simplifies creating chat commands with pre-defined design patterns.
Includes the 'nautobot' command that simplifies fetching and updating data in Nautobot.
base_url = "chatops"
required_settings = []
default_settings = {
# = Common Settings ==================
# Should menus, text input fields, etc. be deleted from the chat history after the user makes a selection?
"delete_input_on_submission": False,
"restrict_help": False,
# As requested on this setting is used for
# sending all messages as an ephemeral message, meaning only the person interacting with the bot will see the
# responses.
"send_all_messages_private": False,
# Session Cache
"session_cache_timeout": 86400,
# = Chat Platforms ===================
# - Mattermost -----------------------
"mattermost_api_token": "",
"mattermost_url": "",
# - Microsoft Teams ------------------
"microsoft_app_id": "",
"microsoft_app_password": "",
# - Slack ----------------------------
"slack_api_token": "", # for example, "xoxb-123456"
"slack_signing_secret": "",
"slack_ephemeral_message_size_limit": 3000,
# Any prefix that's prepended to all slash-commands for this bot and should be stripped away
# in order to identify the actual command name to be invoked, eg "/nautobot-"
"slack_slash_command_prefix": "/",
# Since Slack Socket is meant keep Nautobot server out of public access, slack needs to know
# where to find Static images. If Django Storages is configured with an External server like S3,
# this can be ignored.
# If neither option is provided, then no static images (like Nautobot Logo) will be shown.
"slack_socket_static_host": "",
# - Cisco Webex ----------------------
"webex_token": "",
"webex_signing_secret": "",
"webex_msg_char_limit": 7439,
# = Integrations =====================
# - Cisco ACI ------------------------
"aci_creds": "",
# - AWX / Ansible Tower --------------
"tower_password": "",
"tower_uri": "",
"tower_username": "",
"tower_verify_ssl": True,
# - Arista CloudVision ---------------
"aristacv_cvaas_url": "",
"aristacv_cvaas_token": "",
"aristacv_cvp_host": "",
"aristacv_cvp_insecure": False,
"aristacv_cvp_password": "",
"aristacv_cvp_username": "",
"aristacv_on_prem": False,
# - Grafana --------------------------
"grafana_url": "",
"grafana_api_key": "",
"grafana_default_width": 0,
"grafana_default_height": 0,
"grafana_default_theme": "dark",
"grafana_default_timespan": "",
"grafana_org_id": 1,
"grafana_default_tz": "",
# - IPFabric -------------------------
"ipfabric_api_token": "",
"ipfabric_host": "",
"ipfabric_timeout": "",
"ipfabric_verify": False,
# - Cisco Meraki ---------------------
"meraki_dashboard_api_key": "",
# - Palo Alto Panorama ---------------
"panorama_host": "",
"panorama_password": "",
"panorama_user": "",
# - Cisco NSO ------------------------
"nso_url": "",
"nso_username": "",
"nso_password": "",
"nso_request_timeout": "",
constance_config = {
"fallback_chatops_user": ConstanceConfigItem(default="chatbot", help_text="Enable Mattermost Chat Platform."),
"enable_mattermost": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable Mattermost Chat Platform.", field_type=bool
"enable_ms_teams": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable Microsoft Teams Chat Platform.", field_type=bool
"enable_slack": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable Slack Chat Platform.", field_type=bool),
"enable_webex": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable Webex Chat Platform.", field_type=bool),
"enable_aci": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable Cisco ACI Integration.", field_type=bool),
"enable_ansible": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable Ansible Integration.", field_type=bool),
"enable_cloudvision": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable Arista CloudVision Integration.", field_type=bool
"enable_grafana": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable Grafana Integration.", field_type=bool),
"enable_ipfabric": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable IP Fabric Integration.", field_type=bool
"enable_meraki": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable Cisco Meraki Integration.", field_type=bool
"enable_panorama": ConstanceConfigItem(
default=False, help_text="Enable Panorama Integration.", field_type=bool
"enable_nso": ConstanceConfigItem(default=False, help_text="Enable NSO Integration.", field_type=bool),
caching_config = {}
docs_view_name = "plugins:nautobot_chatops:docs"
def ready(self):
"""Function invoked after all apps have been loaded."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from nautobot_capacity_metrics import register_metric_func
from .metrics_app import metric_commands