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Bootstrap as DataSource

Synchronization of data follows this workflow: 1. Load data from Bootstrap YAML file (limited to models_to_sync) 2. Load data from Nautobot (limited to models_to_sync, and objects that also have the CustomField system_of_record set to "Bootstrap".) 3. DiffSync determines Creates, Updates, Deletes 4. If an object is being created (an object loaded from Bootstrap was not loaded from Nautobot) Bootstrap will first check to see if an object with the same name exists in Nautobot but does not have the system_of_record field set. If it finds an object, it will update it with the Bootstrap values and set the system_of_record field to "Bootstrap". 5. If an object needs to be updated it will be updated with the values provided by Bootstrap data. 6. If an object needs to be deleted it will be deleted.

Bootstrap as DataTarget


Data structures

General Notes on Data in the YAML file

Data values are generally normalized in the app code. If a value is supposed to be a string and you want it to be blank or none, include a blank string ("") in the value. Integers should be left completely blank. Lists should be set to an empty list ([]), and dictionaries should be set to a blank dictionary ({}) in the yaml file.

global_settings.yml (see '../bootstrap/fixtures/global_settings.yml for examples of supported models)

  - name: Github_Service_Acct
    provider: environment-variable # or text-file
      variable: GITHUB_SERVICE_ACCT
  - name: Github_Service_Token
    provider: environment-variable # or text-file
      variable: GITHUB_SERVICE_TOKEN
  - name: Github_Service_Account
      - name: Github_Service_Acct
        secret_type: username
        access_type: HTTP(S)
      - name: Github_Service_Token
        secret_type: token
        access_type: HTTP(S)
  - name: "Backbone Config Contexts"
    url: ""
    branch: "main" #  if branch is defined it will be used instead of the "git_branch" in the "branch" variable file.
    secrets_group_name: "Github_Service_Account"
      - "config contexts"
  - name: "Datacenter Config Contexts"
    url: ""
    secrets_group_name: "Github_Service_Account"
      - "config contexts"
  - name: Backbone Domain
    content_type: dcim.device
    filter: |
        "tenant": [
  - label: Compliance Change
    content_type: nautobot_golden_config.configcompliance
    template: '{{ obj | get_change_log }}'
  - name: Backbone
    color: '795548'
      - dcim.device
  - name: "Backbone Devices"
    query: |
      query ($device_id: ID!) {
        device(id: $device_id) {
          hostname: name
          device_role {
          tenant {
          primary_ip4 {
  - device_platform: "arista_eos"
    version: "4.25.10M"
    release_date: "2023-12-04"
    eos_date:  "2023-12-04"
    documentation_url: "" # url is currently required due to a bug in the Device Lifecycle Management Plugin
    lts: false
    pre_release: false
    tags: ['Backbone']
  - software: arista_eos - 15.4.3
    platform: arista_eos
    software_version: 15.4.3
    file_name: arista15.4.3.bin
    default_image: false
    tags: ['Test']
  - software: "arista.eos.eos - 4.25.10M"
    valid_since: 2023-08-07
    preferred_version: false
    tags: []


git_branch: develop

Content Types

There are a couple models like Tags and Git Repositories that have associated content types. These require a specific format when listing them in the YAML file. The format of these is the app_label.model, though models can somewhat vary from App to App. Here is a list of some of the most common ones:

- "circuits.circuit"
- "circuits.circuittermination"
- "circuits.provider"
- "circuits.providernetwork"
- "dcim.cable"
- "dcim.consoleport"
- "dcim.consoleserverport"
- "dcim.device"
- "dcim.devicebay"
- "dcim.devicetype"
- "dcim.frontport"
- "dcim.interface"
- "dcim.inventoryitem"
- "dcim.powerfeed"
- "dcim.poweroutlet"
- "dcim.powerpanel"
- "dcim.powerport"
- "dcim.rack"
- "dcim.rackreservation"
- "dcim.rearport"
- ""
- "dcim.virtualchassis"
- "extras.gitrepository"
- "extras.job"
- "extras.secret"
- "ipam.aggregate"
- "ipam.ipaddress"
- "ipam.prefix"
- "ipam.routetarget"
- "ipam.service"
- "ipam.vlan"
- "ipam.vrf"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.contactlcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.contractlcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.cvelcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.devicesoftwarevalidationresult"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.hardwarelcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.inventoryitemsoftwarevalidationresult"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.softwareimagelcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.softwarelcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.validatedsoftwarelcm"
- "nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.vulnerabilitylcm"
- "nautobot_golden_config.compliancefeature"
- "nautobot_golden_config.compliancerule"
- "nautobot_golden_config.configcompliance"
- "nautobot_golden_config.configremove"
- "nautobot_golden_config.configreplace"
- "nautobot_golden_config.goldenconfig"
- "nautobot_golden_config.goldenconfigsetting"
- "tenancy.tenant"
- "virtualization.cluster"
- "virtualization.virtualmachine"
- "virtualization.vminterface"

Object Model Notes


Create Manufacturer objects. Uses the folowing data structure:

  - name:  # str
    description:  # str


Create Platform objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    manufacturer:  # str
    network_driver:  # str
    napalm_driver:  # str
    napalm_arguments: {} # dict
    description:  # str

Ensure Manufacturer objects are created before reference.


Create LocationType objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    parent:  # str
    nestable: # bool
    description:  # str
    content_types: [] # List[str]


Create Location objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    location_type:  # str
    parent:  # str
    status:  # str
    facility:  # str
    asn: # int
    time_zone:   # str
    description:  # str
    tenant:  # str
    physical_address:  # str
    shipping_address:  # str
    latitude:  # str
    longitude:  # str
    contact_name:  # str
    contact_phone:  # str
    contact_email:  # str
    tags: [] # List[str]

location_type, parent, status, time_zone, tenant, and tags are all references to objects. Ensure they exist prior to attempting to reference them here.

Ensure that location types that you reference here are first defined in the location models or they will fail to create.


Create TenantGroup objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    parent:  # str
    description:  # str


Create Tenant objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    tenant_group:  # str
    description:  # str
    tags: []  # List[str]

Ensure that tenant groups that you reference here are first defined in the location models or they will fail to create.


Create Role objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: "Administrative"   # str
    weight: # int
    description: "Unit plays an administrative role"  # str
    color: "2196f3"  # str
    content_types: # List[str]
      - "extras.contactassociation"
  - name: "Anycast"
    description: ""
    color: "ffc107"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "Billing"
    description: "Unit plays a billing role"
    color: "4caf50"
      - "extras.contactassociation"
  - name: "CARP"
    description: ""
    color: "4caf50"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "GLBP"
    description: ""
    color: "4caf50"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "HSRP"
    description: ""
    color: "4caf50"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "Loopback"
    description: ""
    color: "9e9e9e"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "On Site"
    description: "Unit plays an on site role"
    color: "111111"
      - "extras.contactassociation"
  - name: "Secondary"
    description: ""
    color: "2196f3"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "Support"
    description: "Unit plays a support role"
    color: "ffeb3b"
      - "extras.contactassociation"
  - name: "VIP"
    description: ""
    color: "4caf50"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"
  - name: "VRRP"
    description: ""
    color: "4caf50"
      - "ipam.ipaddress"

This also recreates the default Roles included in Nautobot core. This is because the Role model does not support custom fields, and therefore can not be selectively synced with the SSoT framework. Any roles not included in the Bootstrap global_settings.yaml file will be deleted. The list obove is the default list of roles included in Nautobot Core.


Create Team objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    phone:  # str
    email:  # str
    address:  # str
    # contacts: []

Currently, assigning contacts to a team through the contact: key is not supported due to the way that DiffSync works. Assign Contacts to a Team by adding the Team to the team list in the Contact model. In part this is due to the fact that contacts need to exist before being assigned to team.contacts.


Create Contact objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    phone:  # str
    email:  # str
    address:  # str
    teams: [] # List[str]

As noted above, a Contact can be assigned to a Team by listing the Team names in the teams: key in the Contact model.


Create Provider objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    asn: # int
    account_number:  # str
    portal_url:  # str
    noc_contact:  # str
    admin_contact:  # str
    tags: [] # List[str]

Provider Network

Create ProviderNetwork objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    provider: # str
    description: # str
    comments: # str
    tags: [] # List[str]

provider is a reference to a Provider object. Ensure it exists before trying to assign it.


Create CircuitType objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    description: # str


Create Circuit objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - circuit_id: # str
    provider: # str
    circuit_type: # str
    status: # str
    date_installed: # date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    commit_rate_kbps:  # int
    description: # str
    tenant: # str
    tags: [] # List[str]

circuit_type, status, tenant, and tags are references to existing objects in Nautobot. Make sure these exist before trying to assign them.


Create CircuitTermination objects. Uses the following data structure.

  - name: # str
    termination_type: # str
    location: # str
    provider_network: # str
    port_speed_kbps: # int
    upstream_speed_kbps: # int
    cross_connect_id: # str
    patch_panel_or_ports: # str
    description: # str
    tags: [] # List[str]

termination_type can be "Provider Network" or "Location" which are the only allowed relationships in the database for CircuitTermination objects. If you specify termination_type as "Provider Network" you will need to provide a valid Provider Network name in the provider_network field. If you specify "Location" as the termination_type you will specify a valid Location name in the location field. The name field is a bit special and should be formatted as follows as it is used to reference the Circuit objects <circuit_id>__<provider_name>__<termination_side>. The termination side can be "A" or "Z", and the Circuit ID and Provider Name are used to look up the correct Circuit and Provider information on creation, so make sure those exist prior to reference.

Namespace (IPAM)

Create Namespace objects. Uses the following data structure:ß

  - name: # str
    description: # str
    location: # str

location is a reference to a location name and the app will attempt to look up this location by name and associate it with the namespace. Make sure the location exists. All uniqueness constraints are enforced by the ORM.


Create RIR objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    private: # bool: defaults to false
    description: # str


Create VRF objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    namespace: # str
    route_distinguisher: # str
    description: # str
    # prefixes: # List[str]
    tenant: # str
    tags: # List[str]

namespace and tenant are strings which reference the namespace and tenant names respectively. Make sure these exist in Nautobot or are in global_settings.yaml so they can be associated. tenant defaults to None if blank or can't find the Nautobot Tenant. namespace defaults to the Global namespace if blank or can't be found. Currently due to the order that the app syncs objects, prefixes can't be defined on VRFs and must be assigned from the prefix object by specifying vrfs on the prefix definition. All uniqueness constraints are enforced by the ORM.

VLAN Group

Create VLANGroup objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    location: # str
    description: # str

location is a reference to a location name and the app will attempt to look up this location by name and associate it with the namespace. Make sure the location exists. All uniqueness constraints are enforced by the ORM.


Create VLAN objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    vid: # int between 1 and 4094
    description: # str
    status: # str
    role: # str
    locations: # List[str]
    vlan_group: # str
    tenant: # str
    tags: # List[str]

locations and tags lists of strings which reference the location and tag names respectively. Make sure these exist in Nautobot or are in global_settings.yaml so they can be associated. vlan_group is a reference to a Nautobot VLANGroup name. This will be associated if it exists, or default to None if the Nautobot VLANGroup can't be found. tenant, role, and status are references to Tenant, Role, and Status objects in Nautobot. The app will attempt to look these up and associate them. role and tenant default to None if the object can't be found. status defaults to Active if a improper status is defined. All uniqueness constraints are enforced by the ORM.


Create Prefix objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - network: # str (cidr notation)
    namespace: # str
    prefix_type: # str  # network, container, or pool
    status: # str
    role: # str
    rir: # str
    date_allocated: # str(datetime) (YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
    description: # str
    vrfs: # List[str]
    locations: # List[str]
    vlan: # str
    tenant: # str
    tags: # List[str]

vrfs, locations, and tags are lists of strings that reference the names of VRF, Location, and Tag objects in Nautobot. Make sure these exist or they will default to None if they can't be found. network is the CIDR notation for the prefix. namespace, status, role, rir, vlan, and tenant are also references to names of their respective objects in Nautobot. status defaults to Active, and the rest default to None if not found or are left blank. prefix_type options are limited by the PrefixStatusChoices defined in nautobot.ipam.choices. date_allocated should be in the format indicated above as a datetime string (Year-Month-Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds) with time in 24 hour format in order to properly set the date_allocated field on the prefix object. For example "1970-01-01 00:00:00". They are all lowercase network, container, or pool. All uniqueness constraints are enforced by the ORM.


Create Secret objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name:  # str
    provider: "environment-variable"  # or text-file
    parameters:  # str
      variable: # str
      path: # str

Secret objects need to be created before SecretsGroup objects references them, so make sure any Secret objects you are wanting to reference in SecretGroups objects are created here or already exist in Nautobot.


Create SecretsGroup objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    secrets: # str
      - name: # str
        secret_type: # str
        access_type: # str
      - name: # str
        secret_type: # str
        access_type: # str

Secret objects need to be created before SecretsGroup references them, so make sure any Secret objects you are wanting to reference in SecretGroups objects are created here or already exist in Nautobot.


Create GitRepository objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    url: # str
    branch: # str
    secrets_group_name: # str
    provided_data_type: [] # List[str]

# develop/staging/production.yaml
git_branch: # str

GitRepositories are a bit unique. If you specify they branch: key in the global_settings.yaml file, this will override the git_branch: key in the <environment>.yaml file. The git_branch: key in the environment specific yaml file is the default, so you don't have to specify branches for each git repository.


Create DynamicGroup objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    content_type: # str
    description: # str
    filter: | # str

The filter: key for DynamicGroup objects takes a string representation of the JSON filter to group the devices required.


Create ComputedField objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - label: # str
    content_type: # str
    template: # str

The template: key for ComputedField objects takes a jinja variable format string which will display the calculated information.


Create Tag objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    color: # str
    description: # str
    content_types: [] # List[str]

The color tag is optional, but will default to grey if not specified. The content_types list is a list of path.model formatted strings for the types of objects that the tags should be able to apply to.


Create GraphQLQuery objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - name: # str
    query: | # str

The query: key takes a graphql formatted string to retrieve the information required.


  • Note: Requires Nautobot Device Lifecycle Plugin Installed

Create Software objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - device_platform: # str
    version: # str
    alias: # str
    release_date: # date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    eos_date: # date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    documentation_url:  # str
    lts: # bool
    pre_release: # bool
    tags: [] # List[str]

The device_platform key must be a Platform that exists in Nautobot or is created by this plugin. The date fields release_date and eos_date need to be formatted YYYY-MM-DD in order to properly import.


  • Note: Requires Nautobot Device Lifecycle Plugin Installed

Create Software Image objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - software: # str
    platform: # str
    software_version: # str
    file_name: # str
    download_url: # str
    image_file_checksum: # str
    hashing_algorithm: # str
    default_image: # bool
    tags: [] # List[str]

The software, platform, and software_version keys are linked and should be consistent. The Platform and Software must already be present in Nautobot for these models to be created. The format for the software: key is important and should be <platform><space>-</space><software_version>.


  • Note: Requires Nautobot Device Lifecycle Plugin Installed

Create ValidatedSoftware objects. Uses the following data structure:

  - software: # str
    valid_since: # date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    valid_until: # date {YYYY-MM-DD}
    preferred_version: # bool
    devices: [] # List[str]
    device_types: [] # List[str]
    device_roles: [] # List[str]
    inventory_items: [] # List[str]
    object_tags: [] # List[str]
    tags: [] # List[str]

The software: key is a reference to the platform and software version of a Software object that already exists in Nautobot (or is created by this plugin). The valid_since and valid_until fields must dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The devices, device_types, device_roles, inventory_items, and object_tags are all lists of objects to apply the validated software to for validation against what is currently running on the device.