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Django models for the Lifecycle Management app.


Bases: PrimaryModel

CVELCM is a model representation of a cve vulnerability record.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class CVELCM(PrimaryModel):
    """CVELCM is a model representation of a cve vulnerability record."""

    name = models.CharField(max_length=16, blank=False, unique=True)
    published_date = models.DateField(verbose_name="Published Date")
    link = models.URLField()
    status = StatusField(
    description = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default="")
    severity = models.CharField(
        max_length=50, choices=choices.CVESeverityChoices, default=choices.CVESeverityChoices.NONE
    cvss = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="CVSS Base Score")
    cvss_v2 = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="CVSSv2 Score")
    cvss_v3 = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="CVSSv3 Score")
    fix = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default="")
    comments = models.TextField(blank=True, default="")
    affected_softwares = models.ManyToManyField(to="SoftwareLCM", related_name="corresponding_cves", blank=True)

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the class."""

        verbose_name = "CVE"

        ordering = ("severity", "name")

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of the model."""
        return f"{}"


Meta attributes for the class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the class."""

    verbose_name = "CVE"

    ordering = ("severity", "name")


String representation of the model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of the model."""
    return f"{}"


Bases: PrimaryModel

ContactLCM is a model representation of a contact used in Contracts.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class ContactLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """ContactLCM is a model representation of a contact used in Contracts."""

    name = models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True)
    address = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
    phone = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True)
    email = models.EmailField(blank=True, verbose_name="Contact E-mail")
    comments = models.TextField(blank=True, default="")
    priority = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=100)
    type = models.CharField(max_length=50, default=choices.PoCTypeChoices.UNASSIGNED)
    contract = models.ForeignKey(
        to="nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.ContractLCM", on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="Contract", null=True

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the class."""

        verbose_name = "Contract POC"

        unique_together = ("contract", "name")

        ordering = ("contract", "priority", "name")

    def clean(self):
        """Override clean to do custom validation."""
        if not any([,]):
            raise ValidationError("Must specify at least one of phone or email for contact.")

        # Would to an exist() here, but we need to compare the pk in the event we are editing an
        # existing record.
        primary = ContactLCM.objects.filter(contract=self.contract, type=choices.PoCTypeChoices.PRIMARY).first()
        if primary:
            if != and self.type == choices.PoCTypeChoices.PRIMARY:
                raise ValidationError(f"A primary contact already exist for contract {}.")

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of the model."""
        return f"{}"


Meta attributes for the class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the class."""

    verbose_name = "Contract POC"

    unique_together = ("contract", "name")

    ordering = ("contract", "priority", "name")


String representation of the model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of the model."""
    return f"{}"


Override clean to do custom validation.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def clean(self):
    """Override clean to do custom validation."""
    if not any([,]):
        raise ValidationError("Must specify at least one of phone or email for contact.")

    # Would to an exist() here, but we need to compare the pk in the event we are editing an
    # existing record.
    primary = ContactLCM.objects.filter(contract=self.contract, type=choices.PoCTypeChoices.PRIMARY).first()
    if primary:
        if != and self.type == choices.PoCTypeChoices.PRIMARY:
            raise ValidationError(f"A primary contact already exist for contract {}.")


Bases: PrimaryModel

ContractLCM model for app.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class ContractLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """ContractLCM model for app."""

    # Set model columns
    provider = models.ForeignKey(
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    number = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default="")
    start = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="Contract Start Date")
    end = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="Contract End Date")
    cost = models.DecimalField(null=True, blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=15, verbose_name="Contract Cost")
    support_level = models.CharField(verbose_name="Support Level", max_length=64, blank=True, default="")
    currency = models.CharField(verbose_name="Currency", max_length=4, blank=True, default="")
    contract_type = models.CharField(verbose_name="Contract Type", max_length=32, blank=True, default="")
    devices = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.Device", related_name="device_contracts", blank=True)
    comments = models.TextField(blank=True, default="")

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the ContractLCM class."""

        verbose_name = "Contract"
        ordering = ("name", "start")

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of ContractLCM."""
        return f"{}"

    def expired(self):
        """Return True or False if chosen field is expired."""
        if not self.end:
            return False
        return >= self.end

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override save to assert a full clean."""
        # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

    def clean(self):
        """Override clean to do custom validation."""

        if self.end and self.start:
            if self.end <= self.start:
                raise ValidationError("End date must be after the start date of the contract.")

expired property

Return True or False if chosen field is expired.


Meta attributes for the ContractLCM class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the ContractLCM class."""

    verbose_name = "Contract"
    ordering = ("name", "start")


String representation of ContractLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of ContractLCM."""
    return f"{}"


Override clean to do custom validation.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def clean(self):
    """Override clean to do custom validation."""

    if self.end and self.start:
        if self.end <= self.start:
            raise ValidationError("End date must be after the start date of the contract.")

save(*args, **kwargs)

Override save to assert a full clean.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Override save to assert a full clean."""
    # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: PrimaryModel

Device Software validation details model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class DeviceSoftwareValidationResult(PrimaryModel):
    """Device Software validation details model."""

    device = models.OneToOneField(
        help_text="The device",
    software = models.ForeignKey(
        to="SoftwareLCM", on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text="Device software", null=True, blank=True, related_name="+"
    is_validated = models.BooleanField(null=True, blank=True)
    last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
    run_type = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=choices.ReportRunTypeChoices)
    valid_software = models.ManyToManyField(
        to="ValidatedSoftwareLCM", related_name="device_software_validation_results"

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult."""

        verbose_name = "Device Software Validation Report"
        ordering = ("device",)

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of DeviceSoftwareValidationResult."""
        if self.is_validated:
            msg = f"Device: {self.device} - Valid"
            msg = f"Device: {self.device} - Not Valid"
        return msg


Meta attributes for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult."""

    verbose_name = "Device Software Validation Report"
    ordering = ("device",)


String representation of DeviceSoftwareValidationResult.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of DeviceSoftwareValidationResult."""
    if self.is_validated:
        msg = f"Device: {self.device} - Valid"
        msg = f"Device: {self.device} - Not Valid"
    return msg


Bases: PrimaryModel

HardwareLCM model for app.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class HardwareLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """HardwareLCM model for app."""

    # Set model columns
    device_type = models.ForeignKey(
        verbose_name="Device Type",
    inventory_item = models.CharField(  # pylint: disable=nb-string-field-blank-null
        verbose_name="Inventory Item Part", max_length=255, blank=True, null=True
    release_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="Release Date")
    end_of_sale = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="End of Sale")
    end_of_support = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="End of Support")
    end_of_sw_releases = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="End of Software Releases")
    end_of_security_patches = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="End of Security Patches")
    documentation_url = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name="Documentation URL")
    comments = models.TextField(blank=True, default="", verbose_name="Comments")

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the HardwareLCM class."""

        verbose_name = "Hardware Notice"
        ordering = ("end_of_support", "end_of_sale")
        constraints = [
            models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["device_type"], name="unique_device_type"),
            models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["inventory_item"], name="unique_inventory_item_part"),
                    models.Q(inventory_item__isnull=True, device_type__isnull=False)
                    | models.Q(inventory_item__isnull=False, device_type__isnull=True)
                name="At least one of InventoryItem or DeviceType specified.",
                check=(models.Q(end_of_sale__isnull=False) | models.Q(end_of_support__isnull=False)),
                name="End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of HardwareLCMs."""
        name = f"Device Type: {self.device_type}" if self.device_type else f"Inventory Part: {self.inventory_item}"
        if self.end_of_support:
            msg = f"{name} - End of support: {self.end_of_support}"
            msg = f"{name} - End of sale: {self.end_of_sale}"
        return msg

    def expired(self):
        """Return True or False if chosen field is expired."""
        expired_field = settings.PLUGINS_CONFIG["nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt"].get("expired_field", "end_of_support")

        # If the chosen or default field does not exist, default to one of the required fields that are present
        if not getattr(self, expired_field) and not getattr(self, "end_of_support"):
            expired_field = "end_of_sale"
        elif not getattr(self, expired_field) and not getattr(self, "end_of_sale"):
            expired_field = "end_of_support"

        today =
        return today >= getattr(self, expired_field)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override save to assert a full clean."""
        # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

    def clean(self):
        """Override clean to do custom validation."""

        if not any([self.inventory_item, self.device_type]) or all([self.inventory_item, self.device_type]):
            raise ValidationError(
                    "inventory_item": "One and only one of `Inventory Item` OR `Device Type` must be specified.",
                    "device_type": "One and only one of `Inventory Item` OR `Device Type` must be specified.",

        if not self.end_of_sale and not self.end_of_support:
            raise ValidationError(
                    "end_of_sale": "End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",
                    "end_of_support": "End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",

expired property

Return True or False if chosen field is expired.


Meta attributes for the HardwareLCM class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the HardwareLCM class."""

    verbose_name = "Hardware Notice"
    ordering = ("end_of_support", "end_of_sale")
    constraints = [
        models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["device_type"], name="unique_device_type"),
        models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["inventory_item"], name="unique_inventory_item_part"),
                models.Q(inventory_item__isnull=True, device_type__isnull=False)
                | models.Q(inventory_item__isnull=False, device_type__isnull=True)
            name="At least one of InventoryItem or DeviceType specified.",
            check=(models.Q(end_of_sale__isnull=False) | models.Q(end_of_support__isnull=False)),
            name="End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",


String representation of HardwareLCMs.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of HardwareLCMs."""
    name = f"Device Type: {self.device_type}" if self.device_type else f"Inventory Part: {self.inventory_item}"
    if self.end_of_support:
        msg = f"{name} - End of support: {self.end_of_support}"
        msg = f"{name} - End of sale: {self.end_of_sale}"
    return msg


Override clean to do custom validation.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def clean(self):
    """Override clean to do custom validation."""

    if not any([self.inventory_item, self.device_type]) or all([self.inventory_item, self.device_type]):
        raise ValidationError(
                "inventory_item": "One and only one of `Inventory Item` OR `Device Type` must be specified.",
                "device_type": "One and only one of `Inventory Item` OR `Device Type` must be specified.",

    if not self.end_of_sale and not self.end_of_support:
        raise ValidationError(
                "end_of_sale": "End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",
                "end_of_support": "End of Sale or End of Support must be specified.",

save(*args, **kwargs)

Override save to assert a full clean.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Override save to assert a full clean."""
    # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: PrimaryModel

InventoryItem Software validation details model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult(PrimaryModel):
    """InventoryItem Software validation details model."""

    inventory_item = models.OneToOneField(
        help_text="The Inventory Item",
    software = models.ForeignKey(
        to="SoftwareLCM", on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text="Inventory Item software", blank=True, null=True
    is_validated = models.BooleanField(null=True, blank=True)
    last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
    run_type = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=choices.ReportRunTypeChoices)
    valid_software = models.ManyToManyField(
        to="ValidatedSoftwareLCM", related_name="inventory_item_software_validation_results"

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult."""

        verbose_name = "Inventory Item Software Validation Report"
        ordering = ("inventory_item",)

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult."""
        if self.is_validated:
            msg = f"Inventory Item: {} - " f"Device: {} - Valid"
            msg = (
                f"Inventory Item: {} - "
                f"Device: {} - Not Valid"
        return msg


Meta attributes for InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult."""

    verbose_name = "Inventory Item Software Validation Report"
    ordering = ("inventory_item",)


String representation of InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult."""
    if self.is_validated:
        msg = f"Inventory Item: {} - " f"Device: {} - Valid"
        msg = (
            f"Inventory Item: {} - "
            f"Device: {} - Not Valid"
    return msg


Bases: OrganizationalModel

ProviderLCM model for app.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class ProviderLCM(OrganizationalModel):
    """ProviderLCM model for app."""

    # Set model columns
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    description = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
    physical_address = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=3, blank=True)
    phone = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True)
    email = models.EmailField(blank=True, verbose_name="E-mail")
    portal_url = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name="Portal URL")
    comments = models.TextField(blank=True, default="")

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the class."""

        verbose_name = "Vendor"
        ordering = ("name",)

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of ProviderLCM."""
        return f"{}"

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override save to assert a full clean."""
        # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)


Meta attributes for the class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the class."""

    verbose_name = "Vendor"
    ordering = ("name",)


String representation of ProviderLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of ProviderLCM."""
    return f"{}"

save(*args, **kwargs)

Override save to assert a full clean.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Override save to assert a full clean."""
    # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: PrimaryModel

SoftwareImageLCM model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class SoftwareImageLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """SoftwareImageLCM model."""

    image_file_name = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=100, verbose_name="Image File Name")
    software = models.ForeignKey(
        to="SoftwareLCM", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="software_images", verbose_name="Software Version"
    device_types = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.DeviceType", related_name="software_images", blank=True)
    inventory_items = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.InventoryItem", related_name="+", blank=True)
    object_tags = models.ManyToManyField(to="extras.Tag", related_name="+", blank=True)
    download_url = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name="Download URL")
    image_file_checksum = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=256, verbose_name="Image File Checksum")
    hashing_algorithm = models.CharField(default="", blank=True, max_length=32, verbose_name="Hashing Algorithm")
    default_image = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Default Image", default=False)

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for SoftwareImageLCM."""

        verbose_name = "Software Image"
        ordering = ("software", "default_image", "image_file_name")
        unique_together = ("image_file_name", "software")

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of SoftwareImageLCM."""
        msg = f"{self.image_file_name}"
        return msg

    objects = SoftwareImageLCMQuerySet.as_manager()


Meta attributes for SoftwareImageLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for SoftwareImageLCM."""

    verbose_name = "Software Image"
    ordering = ("software", "default_image", "image_file_name")
    unique_together = ("image_file_name", "software")


String representation of SoftwareImageLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of SoftwareImageLCM."""
    msg = f"{self.image_file_name}"
    return msg


Bases: RestrictedQuerySet

Queryset for SoftwareImageLCM objects.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class SoftwareImageLCMQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet):
    """Queryset for `SoftwareImageLCM` objects."""

    def get_for_object(self, obj):
        """Return all `SoftwareImageLCM` assigned to the given object."""
        if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
            raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
        if isinstance(obj, Device):
            qs = DeviceSoftwareImageFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
            qs = InventoryItemSoftwareImageFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        return qs


Return all SoftwareImageLCM assigned to the given object.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def get_for_object(self, obj):
    """Return all `SoftwareImageLCM` assigned to the given object."""
    if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
        raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
    if isinstance(obj, Device):
        qs = DeviceSoftwareImageFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
        qs = InventoryItemSoftwareImageFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    return qs


Bases: PrimaryModel

Software Life-Cycle Management model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class SoftwareLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """Software Life-Cycle Management model."""

    device_platform = models.ForeignKey(to="dcim.Platform", on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="Device Platform")
    version = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    alias = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, default="")
    release_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="Release Date")
    end_of_support = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="End of Software Support")
    documentation_url = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name="Documentation URL")
    long_term_support = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Long Term Support", default=False)
    pre_release = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Pre-Release", default=False)

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for SoftwareLCM."""

        verbose_name = "Software"
        ordering = ("device_platform", "version", "end_of_support", "release_date")
        unique_together = (

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of SoftwareLCM."""
        return f"{self.device_platform} - {self.version}"

    objects = SoftwareLCMQuerySet.as_manager()


Meta attributes for SoftwareLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for SoftwareLCM."""

    verbose_name = "Software"
    ordering = ("device_platform", "version", "end_of_support", "release_date")
    unique_together = (


String representation of SoftwareLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of SoftwareLCM."""
    return f"{self.device_platform} - {self.version}"


Bases: RestrictedQuerySet

Queryset for SoftwareLCM objects.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class SoftwareLCMQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet):
    """Queryset for `SoftwareLCM` objects."""

    def get_for_object(self, obj):
        """Return all `SoftwareLCM` assigned to the given object."""
        if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
            raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
        if isinstance(obj, Device):
            qs = DeviceSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
            qs = InventoryItemSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        return qs


Return all SoftwareLCM assigned to the given object.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def get_for_object(self, obj):
    """Return all `SoftwareLCM` assigned to the given object."""
    if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
        raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
    if isinstance(obj, Device):
        qs = DeviceSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
        qs = InventoryItemSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    return qs


Bases: PrimaryModel

ValidatedSoftwareLCM model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class ValidatedSoftwareLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """ValidatedSoftwareLCM model."""

    software = models.ForeignKey(to="SoftwareLCM", on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="Software Version")
    devices = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.Device", related_name="+", blank=True)
    device_types = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.DeviceType", related_name="+", blank=True)
    device_roles = models.ManyToManyField(to="extras.Role", related_name="+", blank=True)
    inventory_items = models.ManyToManyField(to="dcim.InventoryItem", related_name="+", blank=True)
    object_tags = models.ManyToManyField(to="extras.Tag", related_name="+", blank=True)
    start = models.DateField(verbose_name="Valid Since")
    end = models.DateField(verbose_name="Valid Until", blank=True, null=True)
    preferred = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Preferred Version", default=False)

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for ValidatedSoftwareLCM."""

        verbose_name = "Validated Software"
        ordering = ("software", "preferred", "start")
        unique_together = ("software", "start", "end")

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of ValidatedSoftwareLCM."""
        msg = f"{} - Valid since: {self.start}"
        return msg

    def valid(self):
        """Return True if software is currently valid, else return False."""
        today =
        if self.end:
            return self.end >= today >= self.start

        return today >= self.start

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override save to assert a full clean."""
        # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

    def clean(self):
        """Override clean to do custom validation."""

        if (
            ValidatedSoftwareLCM.objects.filter(, start=self.start, end=self.end)
            raise ValidationError(
                "Validated Software object with this Software and Valid Since and Valid Until dates already exists."

    objects = ValidatedSoftwareLCMQuerySet.as_manager()

valid property

Return True if software is currently valid, else return False.


Meta attributes for ValidatedSoftwareLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for ValidatedSoftwareLCM."""

    verbose_name = "Validated Software"
    ordering = ("software", "preferred", "start")
    unique_together = ("software", "start", "end")


String representation of ValidatedSoftwareLCM.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of ValidatedSoftwareLCM."""
    msg = f"{} - Valid since: {self.start}"
    return msg


Override clean to do custom validation.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def clean(self):
    """Override clean to do custom validation."""

    if (
        ValidatedSoftwareLCM.objects.filter(, start=self.start, end=self.end)
        raise ValidationError(
            "Validated Software object with this Software and Valid Since and Valid Until dates already exists."

save(*args, **kwargs)

Override save to assert a full clean.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Override save to assert a full clean."""
    # Full clean to assert custom validation in clean() for ORM, etc.
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: RestrictedQuerySet

Queryset for ValidatedSoftwareLCM objects.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class ValidatedSoftwareLCMQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet):
    """Queryset for `ValidatedSoftwareLCM` objects."""

    def get_for_object(self, obj):
        """Return all `ValidatedSoftwareLCM` assigned to the given object."""
        if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
            raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
        if isinstance(obj, Device):
            qs = DeviceValidatedSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
            qs = InventoryItemValidatedSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        elif isinstance(obj, DeviceType):
            qs = ValidatedSoftwareLCM.objects.filter(device_types=obj)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        return qs


Return all ValidatedSoftwareLCM assigned to the given object.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def get_for_object(self, obj):
    """Return all `ValidatedSoftwareLCM` assigned to the given object."""
    if not isinstance(obj, models.Model):
        raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not an instance of Django Model class")
    if isinstance(obj, Device):
        qs = DeviceValidatedSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
        qs = InventoryItemValidatedSoftwareFilter(qs=self, item_obj=obj).filter_qs()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    elif isinstance(obj, DeviceType):
        qs = ValidatedSoftwareLCM.objects.filter(device_types=obj)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        qs = self  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    return qs


Bases: PrimaryModel

VulnerabilityLCM is a model representation of vulnerability that affects a device.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class VulnerabilityLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """VulnerabilityLCM is a model representation of vulnerability that affects a device."""

    cve = models.ForeignKey(CVELCM, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
    software = models.ForeignKey(SoftwareLCM, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
    device = models.ForeignKey(Device, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
    inventory_item = models.ForeignKey(InventoryItem, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
    status = StatusField(

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes for the class."""

        verbose_name = "Vulnerability"
        verbose_name_plural = "Vulnerabilities"
        unique_together = (
            ("cve", "software", "device"),
            ("cve", "software", "inventory_item"),

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation of the model."""
        name = f"Device: {self.device}" if self.device else f"Inventory Part: {self.inventory_item}"
            name += f" - Software: {}"
        if self.cve:
            name += f" - CVE: {self.cve}"
        return name


Meta attributes for the class.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes for the class."""

    verbose_name = "Vulnerability"
    verbose_name_plural = "Vulnerabilities"
    unique_together = (
        ("cve", "software", "device"),
        ("cve", "software", "inventory_item"),


String representation of the model.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/
def __str__(self):
    """String representation of the model."""
    name = f"Device: {self.device}" if self.device else f"Inventory Part: {self.inventory_item}"
        name += f" - Software: {}"
    if self.cve:
        name += f" - CVE: {self.cve}"
    return name