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Device Lifecycle Management API Package


REST API module for nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt app.


API serializers implementation for the LifeCycle Management app.


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for CVELCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class CVELCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method,too-few-public-methods
    """REST API serializer for CVELCM records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = CVELCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = CVELCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

API serializer.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ContactLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=R0901,too-few-public-methods
    """API serializer."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = ContactLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = ContactLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

API serializer.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ContractLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=R0901,too-few-public-methods
    """API serializer."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = ContractLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = ContractLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class DeviceSoftwareValidationResultSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):
    """REST API serializer for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = DeviceSoftwareValidationResult
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = DeviceSoftwareValidationResult
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

API serializer.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class HardwareLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=R0901,too-few-public-methods
    """API serializer."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = HardwareLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = HardwareLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResultSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):
    """REST API serializer for InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

API serializer.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ProviderLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=R0901,too-few-public-methods
    """API serializer."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = ProviderLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = ProviderLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for SoftwareImageLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class SoftwareImageLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):
    """REST API serializer for SoftwareImageLCM records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = SoftwareImageLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = SoftwareImageLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for SoftwareLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class SoftwareLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):
    """REST API serializer for SoftwareLCM records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = SoftwareLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = SoftwareLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for ValidatedSoftwareLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ValidatedSoftwareLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):
    """REST API serializer for ValidatedSoftwareLCM records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = ValidatedSoftwareLCM
        fields = "__all__"

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = ValidatedSoftwareLCM
    fields = "__all__"


Bases: NautobotModelSerializer

REST API serializer for VulnerabilityLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class VulnerabilityLCMSerializer(NautobotModelSerializer):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method,too-few-public-methods
    """REST API serializer for VulnerabilityLCM records."""

    class Meta:
        """Meta attributes."""

        model = VulnerabilityLCM
        fields = "__all__"
        read_only_fields = [

Meta attributes.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class Meta:
    """Meta attributes."""

    model = VulnerabilityLCM
    fields = "__all__"
    read_only_fields = [


API URLs for the Lifecycle Management app.


API Views implementation for the Lifecycle Management app.


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for CVELCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class CVELCMViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for CVELCM records."""

    queryset = CVELCM.objects.all()
    serializer_class = CVELCMSerializer
    filterset_class = CVELCMFilterSet


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

CRUD operations set for the Contact Lifecycle Management view.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ContactLCMView(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """CRUD operations set for the Contact Lifecycle Management view."""

    queryset = ContactLCM.objects.all()
    filterset_class = ContactLCMFilterSet
    serializer_class = ContactLCMSerializer


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

CRUD operations set for the Contract Lifecycle Management view.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ContractLCMView(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """CRUD operations set for the Contract Lifecycle Management view."""

    queryset = ContractLCM.objects.all()
    filterset_class = ContractLCMFilterSet
    serializer_class = ContractLCMSerializer


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class DeviceSoftwareValidationResultListViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records."""

    queryset = DeviceSoftwareValidationResult.objects.all()
    serializer_class = DeviceSoftwareValidationResultSerializer
    filterset_class = DeviceSoftwareValidationResultFilterSet

    # Disabling POST as these should only be created via Job.
    http_method_names = ["get", "head", "options"]


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

CRUD operations set for the Hardware Lifecycle Management view.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class HardwareLCMView(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """CRUD operations set for the Hardware Lifecycle Management view."""

    queryset = HardwareLCM.objects.all()
    filterset_class = HardwareLCMFilterSet
    serializer_class = HardwareLCMSerializer


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResultListViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for DeviceSoftwareValidationResult records."""

    queryset = InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResult.objects.all()
    serializer_class = InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResultSerializer
    filterset_class = InventoryItemSoftwareValidationResultFilterSet

    # Disabling POST as these should only be created via Job.
    http_method_names = ["get", "head", "options"]


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

CRUD operations set for the Contract Provider Lifecycle Management view.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ProviderLCMView(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """CRUD operations set for the Contract Provider Lifecycle Management view."""

    queryset = ProviderLCM.objects.all()
    filterset_class = ProviderLCMFilterSet
    serializer_class = ProviderLCMSerializer


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for SoftwareImageLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class SoftwareImageLCMViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for SoftwareImageLCM records."""

    queryset = SoftwareImageLCM.objects.prefetch_related("software")
    serializer_class = SoftwareImageLCMSerializer
    filterset_class = SoftwareImageLCMFilterSet


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for SoftwareLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class SoftwareLCMViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for SoftwareLCM records."""

    queryset = SoftwareLCM.objects.prefetch_related("software_images")
    serializer_class = SoftwareLCMSerializer
    filterset_class = SoftwareLCMFilterSet


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for ValidatedSoftwareLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class ValidatedSoftwareLCMViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for ValidatedSoftwareLCM records."""

    queryset = ValidatedSoftwareLCM.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ValidatedSoftwareLCMSerializer
    filterset_class = ValidatedSoftwareLCMFilterSet


Bases: NautobotModelViewSet

REST API viewset for VulnerabilityLCM records.

Source code in nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt/api/
class VulnerabilityLCMViewSet(NautobotModelViewSet):
    """REST API viewset for VulnerabilityLCM records."""

    queryset = VulnerabilityLCM.objects.all()
    serializer_class = VulnerabilityLCMSerializer
    filterset_class = VulnerabilityLCMFilterSet

    # Disabling POST as these should only be created via Job.
    http_method_names = ["get", "put", "patch", "delete", "head", "options"]