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Git Data Source

The Nautobot Welcome Wizard makes use of the Git™ as a Data Source feature from Nautobot.

Import Wizard Data Source

This set of instructions will walk an operator through setting up the Import Wizard repository.

Import Wizard uses the file and folder structure of devicetype-library. Currently, Import Wizard looks for a folder in the root directory called device-types. Convention has folders for manufacturers and the device type YAML files underneath the manufacturers folder. The README for the devicetype-library goes into the details of what is required in the YAML files.


The devicetype-library is not required to be used. You can swap it with your own repo as long as it follows the same structure.

In order to setup this repository, go to Nautobot and navigate to the Data Sources Git integration: Extensibility -> Git Repositories.

Import Wizard Git Navigation

From the Git Repositories page we can add the Import Wizard repository.

Click on [+ADD].

You will now be presented with a page to fill in the repository details.

Field Explanation
Name User friendly name for the backup repo.
Slug Auto-generated based on the name provided.
Remote URL The URL pointing to the Git repo that stores the device types. Current git url usage is limited to http or https.
Branch The branch in the Git repo to use. Defaults to main.
Token The token is a personal access token for the username provided. For more information on generating a personal access token. Github Personal Access Token
Username The Git username that corresponds with the personal access token above.
Provides Valid providers for Git Repo.

Fill out the required information and be sure to select Import Wizard on the provided selection. Then click on [Create].

Once you click [Create] and the repository syncs, the main page will now show the repo along with its status.

Git Import Wizard Status

For their respective features, the "Provides" field could be Import Wizard.