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Data Flow

This document illustrates the data flow from NetBox to Nautobot.

A detailed description of the individual steps can be found in the developer Generator Documentation or the user Using the App documentation.

flowchart LR
    subgraph user[User Actions]
        direction TB
        A[Export Data from NetBox] --> |User exports JSON file| B[Execute 'import_netbox' Command]
    subgraph importer[Importer Process]
        direction TB
        C[Configure Deviations] --> transaction
        subgraph transaction[Transaction Block]
            direction TB
            subgraph firstiter[First Input Iteration]
                direction TB
                FI1[Read SourceRecord]
                FI2[Create SourceModelWrappers and Field definitions]
                FI1 --> FI2
                FI2 --> FI1
            E[First Iteration Over Data] --> firstiter
            firstiter --> F[Create Importers]
            F --> seconditer
            subgraph seconditer[Second Input Iteration]
                direction TB
                SI1[Read SourceRecord]
                SI2[Attempt to read Nautobot DiffSyncModel instance]
                SI3[Create NetBox DiffSyncModel instance]
                SI1 --> SI2
                SI2 --> SI3
                SI3 --> SI1
            seconditer --> G[Assing content_types fields]
            G --> H[Evaluate Differences with DiffSync]
            H --> I[Synchronization into Nautobot]
        transaction --> K[Print summary]
    user --> | JSON file reference | importer
    %% Add legend
    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style K fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Data Export

The user exports data from NetBox into a JSON file, described here.

Import Execution

The user executes the nautobot-server import_netbox command to initiate the import process by passing the JSON file reference as an argument, described here.

Initial Setup

The importer initializes by setting up the following objects:

  • NetBoxAdapter and NautobotAdapter instances to interact with the respective systems.
  • configure_model() is used to define deviations between NetBox and Nautobot data models, resulting in a SourceModelWrapper instance for each content type.
    • It generates SourceField instances based on the provided configuration.
      • Field definitions are stored for the later creation of importers.
    • Creates a NautobotModelWrapper for each mapped Nautobot content type.

Transaction Processing

A database transaction begins, encompassing the steps below:

  • The NetBoxAdapter employs get_source_data() to retrieve and iterate over NetBox data:
    • Each piece of data is represented as a SourceRecord containing a content_type string and a data dictionary.
    • The importer constructs its internal hierarchy by establishing SourceModelWrapper instances for each content type, which include SourceField instances for each key found in the data dictionary.
  • The importer generates field importers for each SourceModelWrapper, mapping each field to a corresponding NautobotField using field.set_importer(<source importer>, <nautobot field name>).
    • It may disable field import based on specific conditions, such as defining a field as None or in case of absent Nautobot fields.
    • Then it establishes an importer according to the Nautobot field type or using a custom field definition.
  • The importer goes through the JSON file a second time, processing each SourceRecord to enact the relevant import actions for each content type.
    • This can involve creating DiffSyncModel instances and storing them using NetBoxAdapter.
    • For each DiffSyncModel instance created, it attempts to load the Nautobot object from the database as another DiffSyncModel instance and store it using NautobotAdapter.
  • Post-import actions are invoked for each SourceModelWrapper, where content_types fields values are assigned based on the references cached during data import.
  • The importer evaluates the differences (a "diff") between NetBox and Nautobot data sets.
  • DiffSync, an internal mechanism, is used to synchronize data into Nautobot's database following the comparison.
  • Any Nautobot objects that faced validation issues during synchronization are checked using clean(), which captures the issues within ImporterIssue instances.


A summary of the import operation is presented at the end.