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Installing the App in Nautobot

Here you will find detailed instructions on how to install and configure the App within your Nautobot environment.


  • The app is compatible with Nautobot 2.0.3 and higher.
  • Databases supported: PostgreSQL, MySQL


Please check the dedicated page for a full compatibility matrix and the deprecation policy.

Access Requirements

NAPALM Credentials

The Onboarding App uses NAPALM. You can configure a default NAPALM username and password in

When NAPALM_USERNAME, NAPALM_PASSWORD and NAPALM_ARGS are configured in, the user does not have to use the Credentials/SecretGroup fields in the Device Onboarding job, unless they wish to override the values in

# Credentials that Nautobot will use to authenticate to devices when connecting via NAPALM.
NAPALM_USERNAME = "<napalm username>"
NAPALM_PASSWORD = "<napalm pwd>"
NAPALM_ARGS = {"secret": "<enable secret pwd>"}

Install Guide


Apps can be installed from the Python Package Index or locally. See the Nautobot documentation for more details. The pip package name for this app is nautobot-device-onboarding.

The app is available as a Python package via PyPI and can be installed with pip:

pip install nautobot-device-onboarding

To ensure Device Onboarding is automatically re-installed during future upgrades, create a file named local_requirements.txt (if not already existing) in the Nautobot root directory (alongside requirements.txt) and list the nautobot-device-onboarding package:

echo nautobot-device-onboarding >> local_requirements.txt

Once installed, the app needs to be enabled in your Nautobot configuration. The following block of code below shows the additional configuration required to be added to your file:

  • Append "nautobot_device_onboarding" to the PLUGINS list.
  • Append the "nautobot_device_onboarding" dictionary to the PLUGINS_CONFIG dictionary and override any defaults.
# In your
PLUGINS = ["nautobot_device_onboarding"]

#   "nautobot_device_onboarding": {
#   }
# }

Once the Nautobot configuration is updated, run the Post Upgrade command (nautobot-server post_upgrade) to run migrations and clear any cache:

nautobot-server post_upgrade

Then restart (if necessary) the Nautobot services which may include:

  • Nautobot
  • Nautobot Workers
  • Nautobot Scheduler
sudo systemctl restart nautobot nautobot-worker nautobot-scheduler

App Configuration

Although the app can run without providing any settings, the app behavior can be controlled with the following list of settings defined in

  • create_platform_if_missing boolean (default True). If True, a new platform object will be created if the platform discovered by netmiko do not already exist and is in the list of supported platforms (cisco_ios, cisco_nxos, arista_eos, juniper_junos, cisco_xr)
  • create_device_type_if_missing boolean (default True), If True, a new device type object will be created if the model discovered by Napalm do not match an existing device type.
  • create_manufacturer_if_missing boolean (default True), If True, a new manufacturer object will be created if the manufacturer discovered by Napalm is do not match an existing manufacturer, this option is only valid if create_device_type_if_missing is True as well.
  • create_device_role_if_missing boolean (default True), If True, a new device role object will be created if the device role provided was not provided as part of the onboarding and if the default_device_role do not already exist.
  • create_management_interface_if_missing boolean (default True), If True, add management interface and IP address to the device. If False no management interfaces will be created, nor will the IP address be added to Nautobot, while the device will still get added.
  • default_device_status string (default "Active"), status assigned to a new device by default.
  • default_ip_status string (default "Active"), status assigned to a new device management IP.
  • default_device_role string (default "network")
  • default_device_role_color string (default FF0000), color assigned to the device role if it needs to be created.
  • default_management_interface string (default "PLACEHOLDER"), name of the management interface that will be created, if one can't be identified on the device.
  • default_management_prefix_length integer ( default 0), length of the prefix that will be used for the management IP address, if the IP can't be found.
  • skip_device_type_on_update boolean (default False), If True, an existing Nautobot device will not get its device type updated. If False, device type will be updated with one discovered on a device.
  • skip_manufacturer_on_update boolean (default False), If True, an existing Nautobot device will not get its manufacturer updated. If False, manufacturer will be updated with one discovered on a device.
  • assign_secrets_group boolean (default False), If True, the credentials used to connect to the device will be assigned as the secrets group for the device upon creation. If False, no secrets group will be assigned.
  • set_management_only_interface boolean (default False), If True, the interface that is created or updated will be set to management only. If False, the interface will be set to not be management only.
  • platform_map (dictionary), mapping of an auto-detected Netmiko platform to the Nautobot slug name of your Platform. The dictionary should be in the format:
      <Netmiko Platform>: <Nautobot Slug>
  • onboarding_extensions_map (dictionary), mapping of a NAPALM driver name to the loadable Python module used as an onboarding extension. The dictionary should be in the format:
      <Napalm Driver Name>: <Loadable Python Module>
  • object_match_strategy (string), defines the method for searching models. There are currently two strategies, strict and loose. Strict has to be a direct match, normally using a slug. Loose allows a range of search criteria to match a single object. If multiple objects are returned an error is raised.

Modify with settings of your choice. Example settings are shown below:

# Example settings In your
  "nautobot_device_onboarding": {
    "default_ip_status": "Active",
    "default_device_role": "leaf",
    "skip_device_type_on_update": True,