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Job Results

Nautobot provides a generic data model for storing and reporting the results of background tasks, such as the execution of custom jobs or the synchronization of data from a Git repository.

Records of this type store the following data:

  • A reference to the job model that the task was associated with
  • A reference to the user who initiated the task
  • If initiated by a scheduled job, a reference to that scheduled job instance
  • The arguments that were passed to the task (allowing for later queuing of the task for re-execution if desired)
  • Timestamps indicating when the task was created and when it completed
  • An overall status such as "pending", "running", "errored", or "completed".
  • A block of structured data representing the return value from the .run() method (often rendered as JSON).

Changed in version 1.2.0

Note that prior to Nautobot 1.2, job log records were stored in the data field; they are now stored as distinct JobLogEntry records instead.