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Job Buttons

Added in version 1.5.14

Job Buttons are predefined buttons that allow users to run jobs directly from within Nautobot object views. It uses the object where the button was pressed as the only input to the job. These are helpful when you want to start a job that requires minimal or no input without having to use the standard job form. For example, you may have a job that only requires a user to select a device. Instead, they can now go to that device in the web UI and click the associated Job Button instead.

Job Buttons can be created in web UI located in the navbar under Jobs > Job Buttons. Each button can be associated with multiple Nautobot object types (site, device, prefix, etc.) and will be displayed on all of the associated object detail views. The text displayed on the button supports Jinja2 templating which allows for using context data to dynamically update or even be hidden under certain conditions.

The buttons appear at the top right corner of an object's individual detail page for each object type they are associated to. They can be either individual buttons or grouped together in a dropdown for better organization. Buttons will be sorted from left to right based on their weight with the lowest weight button on the left. Any groups of buttons will be displayed to the right of all ungrouped buttons. Group dropdown buttons will inherit the button class from the button with the lowest weight in the group and will be sorted from top to bottom with the lowest weight button on top.


  • Name - A unique name for the Job Button.
  • Object type(s) - The type or types of Nautobot object that the button will be associated to.
  • Text - The text that will be displayed on the button.
  • Job - The Job Button Receiver that this button will run.
  • Weight - The number used for determining the order the buttons will appear.
  • Group - The name of the dropdown group to add this button into (optional).
  • Button Class - The button CSS class, which dictates the color.
  • Confirmation - Should the button pop up a confirmation dialog before running.


As you can see, there is no commit option for a Job Button like there is for a normal Job. All Job Buttons will run with commit=True implicitly.

Job Button Form

Required Permissions


In order to run any job via a Job Button, a user must be assigned the extras.run_job as well as the extras.run_jobbutton permissions. This is achieved by assigning the user (or group) a permission on the extras > job and extras > jobbutton objects and specifying the run action in the Additional actions section. Any user lacking these permissions may still see the button on the respective page(s) - if not using conditional rendering - but they will be disabled.

Context Data

The following context data is available within the template when rendering a Job Button's text.

Variable Description
obj The Nautobot object being displayed
debug A boolean indicating whether debugging is enabled
request The current WSGI request
user The current user (if authenticated)
perms The permissions assigned to the user

All built-in Jinja2 filters are available and it's also possible to develop and register custom Jinja2 filters.

Conditional Rendering

Only buttons which render with non-empty text are included on the page. You can employ conditional Jinja2 logic to control the conditions under which a button gets rendered.

For example, if you only want to display a button for active devices, you could set the button text to

{% if obj.status.slug == 'active' %}Provision{% endif %}

The button will not appear when viewing a device with any status other than Active.

As another example, if you wanted to show only devices belonging to a certain manufacturer, you could do something like this:

{% if == 'Cisco' %}Provision{% endif %}

The button will only appear when viewing a device with a manufacturer name of Cisco.

As a last example, you can hide the button for users that lack the proper permissions to run a job like this:

{% if perms.extras.run_job %}Provision{% endif %}

The button will only appear if they have the permission to run jobs.

Job Buttons on Site object

Job Button Receivers

Job Buttons are only able to initiate a specific type of job called a Job Button Receiver. These are jobs that subclass the class. Job Button Receivers are similar to normal jobs except they are hard coded to accept only object_pk and object_model_name variables. Job Button Receivers are hidden from the jobs listing UI by default but otherwise function similarly to other jobs. The JobButtonReceiver class only implements one method called receive_job_button.


Job Button Receivers still need to be enabled through the web UI before they can be used just like other Jobs.

The receive_job_button() Method

All JobButtonReceiver subclasses must implement a receive_job_button() method. This method accepts only one argument:

  1. obj - An instance of the object where the button was pressed

Example Job Button Receiver

from import JobButtonReceiver

class ExampleSimpleJobButtonReceiver(JobButtonReceiver):
    class Meta:
        name = "Example Simple Job Button Receiver"

    def receive_job_button(self, obj):"Running Job Button Receiver.", extra={"object": obj})
        # Add job logic here

Job Buttons for Multiple Types

Since Job Buttons can be associated to multiple object types, it would be trivial to create a Job that can change what it runs based on the object type.

from nautobot.dcim.models import Device, Location
from import JobButtonReceiver

class ExampleComplexJobButtonReceiver(JobButtonReceiver):
    class Meta:
        name = "Example Complex Job Button Receiver"

    def _run_location_job(self, obj):"Running Location Job Button Receiver.", extra={"object": obj})
        # Run Location Job function

    def _run_device_job(self, obj):"Running Device Job Button Receiver.", extra={"object": obj})
        # Run Device Job function

    def receive_job_button(self, obj):
        user = self.request.user
        if isinstance(obj, Location):
            if not user.has_perm("dcim.add_location"):
                self.logger.error("User '%s' does not have permission to add a Location.", user, extra={"object": obj})
                raise Exception("User does not have permission to add a Location.")
        elif isinstance(obj, Device):
            if not user.has_perm("dcim.add_device"):
                self.logger.error("User '%s' does not have permission to add a Device.", user, extra={"object": obj})
                raise Exception("User does not have permission to add a Device.")
            self.logger.error("Unable to run Job Button for type %s.", type(obj).__name__, extra={"object": obj})
            raise Exception("Job button called on unsupported object type.")