REST API Filtering

Filtering Objects

The objects returned by an API list endpoint can be filtered by attaching one or more query parameters to the request URL. For example, GET /api/dcim/sites/?status=active will return only sites with a status of "active."

Multiple parameters can be joined to further narrow results. For example, GET /api/dcim/sites/?status=active&region=europe will return only active sites within the Europe region.

Generally, passing multiple values for a single parameter will result in a logical OR operation. For example, GET /api/dcim/sites/?region=north-america&region=south-america will return sites in North America or South America. However, a logical AND operation will be used in instances where a field may have multiple values, such as tags. For example, GET /api/dcim/sites/?tag=foo&tag=bar will return only sites which have both the "foo" and "bar" tags applied.

Filtering by Choice Field

Some models have fields which are limited to specific choices, such as the status field on the Prefix model. To find all available choices for this field, make an authenticated OPTIONS request to the model's list endpoint, and use jq to extract the relevant parameters:

$ curl -s -X OPTIONS \
-H "Authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
http://nautobot/api/ipam/prefixes/ | jq ".actions.POST.status.choices"
    "value": "container",
    "display": "Container"
    "value": "active",
    "display": "Active"
    "value": "reserved",
    "display": "Reserved"
    "value": "deprecated",
    "display": "Deprecated"


The above works only if the API token used to authenticate the request has permission to make a POST request to this endpoint.

Filtering by Custom Field

To filter results by a custom field value, prepend cf_ to the custom field name. For example, the following query will return only sites where a custom field named foo is equal to 123:

GET /api/dcim/sites/?cf_foo=123

Custom fields can be mixed with built-in fields to further narrow results. When creating a custom string field, the type of filtering selected (loose versus exact) determines whether partial or full matching is used.

Lookup Expressions

Certain model fields also support filtering using additional lookup expressions. This allows for negation and other context-specific filtering.

These lookup expressions can be applied by adding a suffix to the desired field's name, e.g. mac_address__n. In this case, the filter expression is for negation and it is separated by two underscores. Below are the lookup expressions that are supported across different field types.

Numeric Fields

Numeric based fields (ASN, VLAN ID, etc) support these lookup expressions:

  • n - not equal to (negation)
  • lt - less than
  • lte - less than or equal
  • gt - greater than
  • gte - greater than or equal

String Fields

String based (char) fields (Name, Address, etc) support these lookup expressions:

  • n - not equal to (negation)
  • ic - case insensitive contains
  • nic - negated case insensitive contains
  • isw - case insensitive starts with
  • nisw - negated case insensitive starts with
  • iew - case insensitive ends with
  • niew - negated case insensitive ends with
  • ie - case insensitive exact match
  • nie - negated case insensitive exact match

Foreign Keys & Other Fields

Certain other fields, namely foreign key relationships support just the negation expression: n.

Network and Host Fields

There are Custom Lookups built for the VarbinaryIPField field types. While the VarbinaryIPField is applied to fields for network, host, and broadcast, the below filters only apply to network and host. The design makes an assumption that there is in fact a broadcast (of type VarbinaryIPField) and prefix_length (of type Integer) within the same model. This assumption is used to understand the relevant scope of the network in question and is important to note when extending the Nautobot core or plugin data model.

  • ** exact - An exact match of an IP or network address, e.g. host__exact=""
  • ** iexact - An exact match of an IP or network address, e.g. host__iexact=""
  • ** startswith - Determine if IP or network starts with the value provided, e.g. host__startswith="10.0.0."
  • ** istartswith - Determine if IP or network starts with the value provided, e.g. host__istartswith="10.0.0."
  • ** endswith - Determine if IP or network ends with the value provided, e.g. host__endswith="0.1"
  • ** iendswith - Determine if IP or network ends with the value provided, e.g. host__iendswith="0.1"
  • ** regex - Determine if IP or network matches the pattern provided, e.g.host__regex=r"10\.(.*)\.1
  • ** iregex - Determine if IP or network matches the pattern provided, e.g.host__iregex=r"10\.(.*)\.1
  • net_contained - Given a network, determine which networks are contained within the provided e.g. network__net_contained="" would include in the result
  • net_contained_or_equal - Given a network, determine which networks are contained or is within the provided e.g. network__net_contained_or_equal="" would include and in the result
  • net_contains - Given a network, determine which networks contain the provided network e.g. network__net_contains="" would include in the result
  • net_contains_or_equals - Given a network, determine which networks contain or is the provided network e.g. network__net_contains="" would include and in the result
  • net_equals - Given a network, determine which which networks are an exact match. e.g. network__net_equals="" would include only in the result
  • net_host - Determine which networks are parent of the provided IP, e.g. host__net_host="" would include and in the result
  • net_host_contained - Given a network, select IPs whose host address (regardless of its subnet mask) falls within that network , e.g. host__net_host_contained="" would include hosts and in the result
  • net_in - Given a list of networks, select addresses (regardless of their subnet masks) within those networks, e.g. host__net_in=["", "2001:db8::/64"] would include hosts and 2001:db8::1/65 in the result
  • family - Given an IP address family of 4 or 6, provide hosts or networks that are that IP version type, e.g. host__family=6 would include 2001:db8::1 in the result

Note: The fields denoted with ** are only supported in the MySQL dialect (and not Postgresql) at the current time.