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App declaration for nautobot_capacity_metrics.


Bases: NautobotAppConfig

App configuration for the nautobot_capacity_metrics app.

Source code in nautobot_capacity_metrics/
class NautobotCapacityMetricsConfig(NautobotAppConfig):
    """App configuration for the nautobot_capacity_metrics app."""

    name = "nautobot_capacity_metrics"
    verbose_name = "Data, Metrics, and Monitoring Prometheus Endpoints"
    version = __version__
    author = "Network to Code, LLC"
    description = "Lightweight Nautobot App to expose additional metrics as Prometheus endpoints. Includes exposing Nautobot object data and metrics that can be collected and later viewed in Visualization tools."
    base_url = "capacity-metrics"
    required_settings = []
    min_version = "2.0.0"
    max_version = "2.9999"
    default_settings = {
        "app_metrics": {
            "models": {
                "dcim": {
                    "Location": True,
                    "Rack": True,
                    "Device": True,
                "ipam": {"IPAddress": True, "Prefix": True},
            "jobs": True,
            "queues": True,
            "versions": {
                "basic": False,
                "plugins": False,
    caching_config = {}


Register an additional function to generate application metrics.


Name Type Description Default
func Callable

python function, taking no argument that return a list of Prometheus Metric Object

Source code in nautobot_capacity_metrics/
def register_metric_func(func: Callable):
    """Register an additional function to generate application metrics.

        func (Callable): python function, taking no argument that return a list of Prometheus Metric Object
    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Trying to register a {type(func)} into the application metric registry, only function (callable) are supporter"
