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Collection Note

This module is part of the networktocode.nautobot collection. To install the collection, use:

ansible-galaxy collection install networktocode.nautobot
You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see the Requirements section for details.


  • Creates or removes cloud account from Nautobot


The following Python packages are needed on the host that executes this module:


Parameter Data Type Environment Variable Comments
account_number str Required if I(state=present) and the cloud account does not exist yet
api_version str API Version Nautobot REST API
Version Added: 4.1.0
cloud_provider raw Required if I(state=present) and the cloud account does not exist yet
custom_fields dict Must exist in Nautobot and in key/value format
Version Added: 3.0.0
description str The description of the cloud account
str The name of the cloud account
query_params list This can be used to override the specified values in ALLOWED_QUERY_PARAMS that is defined in plugins/module_utils/ and provides control to users on what may make an object unique in their environment.
Version Added: 3.0.0
secrets_group raw The secrets group of the cloud account
state str Use C(present) or C(absent) for adding or removing.
tags list Any tags that this item may need to be associated with
Version Added: 3.0.0
str The token created within Nautobot to authorize API access Can be omitted if the E(NAUTOBOT_TOKEN) environment variable is configured.
str The URL of the Nautobot instance resolvable by the Ansible host (for example: Can be omitted if the E(NAUTOBOT_URL) environment variable is configured.
validate_certs raw If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. Can be omitted if the E(NAUTOBOT_VALIDATE_CERTS) environment variable is configured.



  • Tags should be defined as a YAML list
  • This should be ran with connection C(local) and hosts C(localhost)


- name: Create a cloud account
    url: http://nautobot.local
    token: thisIsMyToken
    name: Cisco Quantum Account
    provider: Cisco
    description: A quantum account for Cisco
    account_number: "654321"
    secrets_group: "{{ my_secrets_group['key'] }}"
    state: present
    my_secrets_group: "{{ lookup('networktocode.nautobot.lookup', 'secrets-groups', api_endpoint=nautobot_url, token=nautobot_token, api_filter='name=\"My Secrets Group\"') }}"

- name: Delete a cloud account
    url: http://nautobot.local
    token: thisIsMyToken
    name: Cisco Quantum Account
    state: absent

Return Values

Key Data Type Description Returned
cloud_account dict Serialized object as created or already existent within Nautobot success (when I(state=present))
msg str Message indicating failure or info about what has been achieved always


  • Travis Smith (@tsm1th)