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This page has a few examples that people have had questions about in the past. Please visit the inventory plugin documentation page for the full reference.

Using Compose to Set ansible_network_os to Platform Network Driver

plugin: networktocode.nautobot.inventory
  ansible_network_os: platform.network_driver

You can also use custom fields on the device or a nested object.

plugin: networktocode.nautobot.inventory
  device_owner: custom_fields.device_owner
  ansible_network_os: platforms.custom_fields.ansible_network_os

Using Keyed Groups to set ansible_network_os to Platform Network Driver

plugin: networktocode.nautobot.inventory
  - key: platform
    prefix: "network_os"
    separator: "_"


The above examples are excerpts from the following blog post.

Using Inventory Plugin Within AWX/Tower

This will cover the basic usage of the Nautobot inventory plugin within this collection.

  1. Define collections/requirements.yml within a Git project.
  2. AWX/Tower will download the collection on each run. This can be handled differently or excluded if storing Ansible Collections on the AWX/Tower box.
  3. Define inventory.yml in Git project that adheres to inventory plugin structure.
  4. Add Git project to AWX/Tower as a project.
  5. Create inventory and select source from project.
  6. Select the AWX/Tower project from Step 2
  7. Select the inventory.yml file in the project from Step 3
  8. Make sure your Tower installation uses Python 3 or select the proper ANSIBLE ENVIRONMENT
  9. Click Save and sync source.