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Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore Procedures

Backup Nautobot

The recommended method of backing up Nautobot is simply to get a database dump from PostgreSQL:

export POSTGRES_SECRET_NAME=nautobot-postgresql  # If you have changed the default make sure you change it here
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace <my namespace> $POSTGRES_SECRET_NAME -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode)
echo $POSTGRES_PASSWORD | kubectl exec -it --namespace <my namespace> statefulset.apps/nautobot-postgresql -- pg_dump --username nautobot --clean --if-exists nautobot > backup.sql

NOTE: The name of the secret is dependent on the helm release name and may be different in your environment.

Make sure to save your NAUTOBOT_SECRET_KEY in a safe place as well:

kubectl get secret --namespace <my namespace> nautobot-env -o jsonpath="{.data.NAUTOBOT_SECRET_KEY}" | base64 --decode

These commands specific to your deployment can be found by inspecting the notes provided after the install:

helm status --namespace <my namespace> nautobot

In addition please make sure to note ALL values used to deploy this helm chart:

helm get values --namespace <my namespace> -o yaml nautobot > nautobot.values.yaml

As with any backup procedure, these steps should be validated in your environment before relying on them in production.

Restore Nautobot from Backup

This procedure assumes the Backup Nautobot procedure was followed from above.

Install Nautobot using the previous helm values:

helm install --namespace <my namespace> nautobot nautobot/nautobot -f nautobot.values.yaml

Upload the backup and restore:

kubectl cp backup.sql nautobot-postgresql-0:/tmp
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace <my namespace> nautobot-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode)
echo $POSTGRES_PASSWORD | kubectl exec -it --namespace <my namespace> statefulset.apps/nautobot-postgresql -- psql -U nautobot -f /tmp/backup.sql