Job Hooks

Added in version 1.4.0

A Job Hook is a mechanism for automatically starting a job when an object is changed. Job Hooks are similar to webhooks except that an object change event initiates a JobHookReceiver job instead of a web request. Job hooks are configured in the web UI under Jobs > Job Hooks.


  • Name - A unique name for the job hook.
  • Content type(s) - The type or types of Nautobot object that will trigger the job hook.
  • Job - The job hook receiver that this job hook will run.
  • Enabled - If unchecked, the job hook will be inactive.
  • Events - A job hook may trigger on any combination of create, update, and delete events. At least one event type must be selected.

Job Hook Receivers

Job Hooks are only able to initiate a specific type of job called a Job Hook Receiver. These are jobs that subclass the class. Job hook receivers are similar to normal jobs except they are hard coded to accept only an object_change variable. Job Hook Receivers are hidden from the jobs listing UI by default but otherwise function similarly to other jobs. The JobHookReceiver class only implements one method called receive_job_hook.


To prevent negatively impacting system performance through an infinite loop, a change that was made by a JobHookReceiver job will not trigger another JobHookReceiver job to run.

Example Job Hook Receiver

from nautobot.extras.choices import ObjectChangeActionChoices
from import JobHookReceiver

class ExampleJobHookReceiver(JobHookReceiver):
    def receive_job_hook(self, change, action, changed_object):
        # return on delete action
        if action == ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_DELETE:

        # log diff output
        snapshots = change.get_snapshots()
        self.log_info(f"DIFF: {snapshots['differences']}")

        # validate changes to serial field
        if "serial" in snapshots["differences"]["added"]:
            old_serial = snapshots["differences"]["removed"]["serial"]
            new_serial = snapshots["differences"]["added"]["serial"]
            self.log_info(f"{changed_object} serial has been changed from {old_serial} to {new_serial}")

            # Check the new serial is valid and revert if necessary
            if not self.validate_serial(new_serial):
                changed_object.serial = old_serial
                self.log_info(f"{changed_object} serial {new_serial} was not valid. Reverted to {old_serial}")

            self.log_success(message=f"Serial validation completed for {changed_object}")

    def validate_serial(self, serial):
        # add business logic to validate serial
        return False

The receive_job_hook() Method

All JobHookReceiver subclasses must implement a receive_job_hook() method. This method accepts three arguments:

  1. change - An instance of nautobot.extras.models.ObjectChange
  2. action - A string with the action performed on the changed object ("create", "update" or "delete")
  3. changed_object - An instance of the object that was changed, or None if the object has been deleted