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AWX / Ansible Tower Integration Setup

This guide will walk you through steps to set up AWX / Ansible Tower integration with the nautobot_chatops App.


Before configuring the integration, please ensure the following:

Command Setup

Create a top-level command named ansible in your enabled chat platform. For detailed instructions related to your specific chat platform, refer to the platform specific set up.


You must define the following values in your file:

| Configuration Setting | Mandatory? | Default     |
| --------------------- | ---------- | ----------- |
| `enable_ansible`      | Yes        | False       |
| `tower_password`      | No         |             |
| `tower_uri`           | No         |             |
| `tower_username`      | No         |             |
| `tower_verify_ssl`    | No         | True        |

R: Convert each configuration item to a table row with the setting name, whether it is mandatory or not, and the default value if available.

Below is an example snippet from development/ that demonstrates how to enable and configure AWX / Ansible Tower integration:

PLUGINS = ["nautobot_chatops"]

    "nautobot_chatops": {
        "enable_ansible": True,
        "tower_password": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_PASSWORD"),
        "tower_uri": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_URI"),
        "tower_username": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_USERNAME"),
        "tower_verify_ssl": is_truthy(os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_VERIFY_SSL", True)),

Upgrading from nautobot-plugin-chatops-ansible App


When upgrading from nautobot-plugin-chatops-ansible App, it's necessary to avoid conflicts.

  • Uninstall the old App:
    pip uninstall nautobot-plugin-chatops-ansible
  • Upgrade the App with required extras:
    pip install --upgrade nautobot-chatops[ansible]
  • Fix by removing nautobot_chatops_ansible from PLUGINS and merging App configuration into nautobot_chatops:
    PLUGINS = [
        # "nautobot_chatops_ansible"  # REMOVE THIS LINE
        # "nautobot_chatops_ansible": {  REMOVE THIS APP CONFIGURATION
        #     MOVE FOLLOWING LINES TO `nautobot_chatops` SECTION
        #     "tower_uri": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_URI"),
        #     "tower_username": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_USERNAME"),
        #     "tower_password": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_PASSWORD"),
        #     "tower_verify_ssl": is_truthy(os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_VERIFY_SSL", "true")),
        # }
        "nautobot_chatops": {
            # Enable AWX / Ansible Tower integration
            "enable_ansible": True,
            # Following lines are moved from `nautobot_chatops_ansible`
            "tower_uri": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_URI"),
            "tower_username": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_USERNAME"),
            "tower_password": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_PASSWORD"),
            "tower_verify_ssl": is_truthy(os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_TOWER_VERIFY_SSL", "true")),

Environment variables for this integration are the same for both, old and new configuration.